Tell me again why Trump got elected???

So, no right winger on this thread really voted for Trump based on the "repeal and replace" the ACA with something MUCH better, from day one.......???

Amazing coincidence or very short memory span from right wingers?

You're one of the biggest right wingers here. You made sure the insurance companies got their slice of the pie. You enjoyed screwing over the public education system. You loved bombing the hell out of people. You wanted to privatize social security.
My level of common sense frequently lands me on the winning side.

It's always nice being a winner. :)
Tell me again why Trump got elected???

Here's why Trump got elected:

Russia did not force her to tell coal miners in Ohio she would put them out of work.
And what are you Ratbots going to do when the GOPers rewrite Ryan's mess and bring it back for a vote in a week or two? You can't stop can't stop anything....we OWN you. :lol:

You don't own anyone.

The only way the Republican's in the H. or Rep. can bring back a bill to replace Obama's PPACA is to privatize health care, and allow the Insurance companies to put forth their plan: a cartel with death panels.
I voted for Trump because of the direction this country was headed.

Ask a grown up to explain the chart below and tell me if, overall, you're AGAINST what Obama was doing........

You're one of the biggest right wingers here. You made sure the insurance companies got their slice of the pie. You enjoyed screwing over the public education system. You loved bombing the hell out of people. You wanted to privatize social security. found me out......and I also bleached my hair orange...wish you could see it........(what an asshole.....LOL)
Yes, yes, Trump got elected (at least by the EC if not by the popular vote) because he was not Clinton.....and

Yes, yes, Trump got elected because some right wingers wanted a "change" in the WH by a supposedly "deal maker"....(not to mention a love of orange hair.)

BUT, tell me again if one of the standard PROMISES that got the loudest cheers from Trump acolytes was NOT the "repeal and replace" of Obamacare?

We were told that from day ONE, Trump would have a HC plan that would cover EVERYBODY, be BETTER and be CHEAPER ...................
.........Instead what we got was a dose of demagoguery having a violent confrontation with reality.

...and please let us not (at least for now) go into those other promises about

....easily defeating ISIS since Trump knew more than the generals....
....that a beautiful wall would be built with pesos paying for it....
....that Americans would be "tired of winning.....
....that coal miners could have their jobs back....
....that we could all have a look at trump's tax returns......etc., etc. etc.....

Should we blame Trump (or Putin) for those little white lies?

I just heard a clip from [directly] Trump, stating that he NEVER said that he would fix HC from day one........The MORON just lies, and lies, and lies....and his ass-kissers just shrug.....AMAZING !!!
He got elected because the vast majority of working Americans who don't work for the Government and who are sitting on their subsidized asses like you are Hate Obamacare and want it gone.
Russia did not force her to tell coal miners in Ohio she would put them out of work.

No. HRC pointed out the fact that coal was not the future, and most coal fired plants were converting to NG. That and renewable sources and green sources are the future. She promised to fund training and a lifetime without black lung disease, and a better future for their kids. I guess the coal miners were convinced by Trump that coal was on the way back, and black lung disease was a minor ailment.

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