What the Democrats, and the media want you to believe...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
A man builds a huge apartment complex, despite many people telling him there were serious problems with his plans and the building will collapse in as few as 7 years...the man built the complex anyway, even said he needed to build the complex first to see how well it would hold up.
Seven years pass, the roofs are leaking, pipes are bursting, rent for many dwellers have skyrocketed...and now city planners are saying the building will fall in less than a year.
The man sells the building. The new owner develops a plan to try and save it...but can't get it done...
The original man who built the building says everything is the new owners fault, and blames all of the buildings failures on him.

And the Democrats cheer the original owner. Holding him blameless.
The man sells the building. The new owner develops a plan to try and save it...but can't get it done...
But you left out the part that the naysayers were doing their damnedest to destroy the underpinnings of the structure from the moment the permits were issued. They were out to put that uppity developer in his place as they perceived his place to be! They wanted to destroy his building in less than 4 years but missed that target.

I could go on and on with your simile, but I'll close with the thought that the fool that bought the building complex BOUGHT the complex and all of its problems and NOW OWNS IT . Shifting the blame for a problem the OWNER knew about but freely took on makes the CURRENT OWNER look petty and childish!

Gosh, sounds metaphorical of the Orange One's current woes!

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