Ted Cruz's ObamaCare lie exposed

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Forward Progressives ? Ted Cruz?s Blatant and Deliberate Lie About ?Obamacare? Gets Exposed

When it comes to the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) I stick to the simple philosophy I have with most anything — “If the truth about it is so terrible, why is there a need to lie? Shouldn’t the truth be enough?” And I’ve never used that phrase as much as I have when talking about Republicans and their blatant slandering of the health care law passed in 2010.

Their deliberate lies about “Obamacare” tell me two things:

They’re terrified of the law working and are willing to say or do anything they can to make people terrified of it.
They know absolutely nothing about the law and have simply bought into their own right-wing rhetoric and propaganda.

We need to keep shining a bright light on cockroaches like Cruz.

Same with Cruz and the rest of the lying Repubs.
Forward Progressives ? Ted Cruz?s Blatant and Deliberate Lie About ?Obamacare? Gets Exposed

When it comes to the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) I stick to the simple philosophy I have with most anything — “If the truth about it is so terrible, why is there a need to lie? Shouldn’t the truth be enough?” And I’ve never used that phrase as much as I have when talking about Republicans and their blatant slandering of the health care law passed in 2010.

Their deliberate lies about “Obamacare” tell me two things:

They’re terrified of the law working and are willing to say or do anything they can to make people terrified of it.
They know absolutely nothing about the law and have simply bought into their own right-wing rhetoric and propaganda.

We need to keep shining a bright light on cockroaches like Cruz.

^ Racist
It's really all about not shuttin' down the gubmint...

Boehner Won't Really Defund Obamacare: Goal 'Is Not to Shut Down the Gov't'
September 10, 2013 -- The only real chance of blocking Obamacare is for Congress to pass a continuing resolution that deprives it of money, even though a government shutdown would be the likely result.
But that appears to be a step too far for some Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). "Listen, our goal here is not to shut down the government," Boehner told reporters on Tuesday. "Our goal is to cut spending and to stop Obamacare. And I believe that the strategy that was outlined to members this morning accomplishes that." Press reports say the Republican strategy calls for the House to pass a continuing resolution that funds Obamacare, as well as a separate measure that would amend the CR to defund Obamacare. The Democrat-led Senate, however, would never pass the second resolution. Yet House Republicans could claim they did pass a measure to defund Obamacare.

Boehner noted that the House has voted 40 times to defund or repeal Obamacare. The current strategy, he said, "is intended not to really satisfy the House -- we've already voted. It's to force the vote and force the fight in the United States Senate. That's where the issue is -- the United States senate. Let's get the issue over there and force them to actually have a vote on getting rid of Obamacare." In his prepared remarks, before taking questions, Boehner promised to "do everything we can to protect Americans from this harmful health care law."

He said the House will vote Wednesday on legislation that would require an income-verification system to be in place before people can get tax credits to pay for health insurance on the new exchanges. “We know the president’s health care law is driving up costs, it’s making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers," Boehner said. "Tomorrow we’ll vote on Congresswoman (Diane) Black’s bill that would require a verification for those who would be eligible for a voucher at one of these exchanges. The idea that you can go to one of these exchanges and just promise, ‘This is what I made last year,’ is problematic.

Our job is to spend the American people’s tax money wisely, and I believe that this (lack of income verification) will lead to an awful lot of abuse and it really should not occur. “We’re going to continue to do everything we can to protect Americans from this harmful health care law," Boehner said. "This is not good for the country, it’s not good for the health care system. It will bankrupt us, and ruin the best health care delivery system the world has ever known.”

- See more at: Boehner Won't Really Defund Obamacare: Goal 'Is Not to Shut Down the Gov't' | CNS News

See also:

Cruz Won't 'Support Any Continuing Resolution That Funds Even One Penny of Obamacare’
September 10, 2013 – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said he will not vote for a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government that provides any funds for the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare.
To keep the federal government funded past Sept. 30, when the new fiscal year begins, Congress must pass an all-encompassing CR spending package because no budget was passed and signed into law. “In my view, right now is the single best opportunity we have to defund Obamacare,” Cruz told CNSNews.com at a Tea Party Patriots rally on Tuesday at the U.S. Capitol. “In the next 20 days, between now and September 30th, I have joined with Senator Mike Lee [R-Utah] along with a number of other senators and have said that under no circumstances will I support any continuing resolution that funds even one penny of Obamacare.”

Along with Cruz and Lee, 12 other Republican senators have signed an online pledge to not fund any further implementation of the health care law. But Cruz said the number could grow if the American people send a message to their elected representatives that they are against funding Obamacare. “If we can get 41 Republicans in the Senate to stand together or 218 Republicans in the House to stand together, we can win this fight,” Cruz said. “But the only way that's going to happen is if the American people rise up and demand it.”

Cruz cited the website dontfundobamacare.com where more than a million people have signed a pledge against funding Obamacare. “In just a matter of weeks, nearly 1.2 million Americans have signed the national petition to defund Obamacare,” Cruz said, adding that a “grassroots tsunami” was needed to win the fight against the health care law. “That's how we win this fight, that's how we stop Obamacare, the biggest job killer in America,” Cruz said.

- See more at: Cruz Won't 'Support Any Continuing Resolution That Funds Even One Penny of Obamacare? | CNS News


Bozell: Republicans 'Have Done Nothing of Substance' to Block Obamacare
September 10, 2013 -- In three weeks, Americans will start signing up for government-mandated health insurance in the new Obamacare exchanges, and that's fueling a conservative push to block the law before it goes any further. So far, according to one conservative activist, Republicans "have done nothing of substance" to get rid of Obamacare, a law that passed without a single Republican vote.
On Tuesday at noon, conservatives will rally on Capitol Hill, pressing House Republicans to defund Obamacare in the continuing resolution that Congress must pass to keep the government operating beyond Sept. 30. "When the Democrats passed Obamacare, every single Republican in the House and the Senate voted against it. Every single Republican in the House and Senate vowed to do something about it," said L. Brent Bozell III, the chairman of ForAmerica.org. He noted that Republicans took control of the House in 2010 by campaigning against Obamacare. "Sean, the problem is, they have done nothing about it," Bozell told Sean Hannity Monday night. And while Republican lawmakers talk about all the things they have done to defund and repeal Obamacare, "they have done nothing of substance," Bozell said. "Here comes the one opportunity where you can say, 'Fund the whole government, including the things we don't like. Fund it all. Not Obamacare, which nobody wants.' It's extraordinary." (Bozell also chairs the Media Research Center, the parent organization of CNSNews.com.)

Some Republicans are giving lip service to defunding Obamacare, said Jenny Beth Martin, national coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots: "They are playing games and they are being dishonest," she told Hannity Monday night. "They are saying things like, 'I am a cosponsor of the Ted Cruz bill.' But they will not sign the letter that (Sen.) Mike Lee has, making a commitment, a pledge that they will fund all of the government except for Obamacare, period, no matter what. They won't do that." Martin and Bozell accuse some Republicans of being deceitful. "It's going on as we speak," Bozell said. "Majority Leader Eric Cantor today announced a defund move, defund legislation. It's a sleight of hand. He should be ashamed of himself," Bozell said. "There are two votes coming up," Bozell explained. "One is a defunding of Obamacare, which has no bearing on anything. The president doesn't have to sign it."

The second vote is for a continuing resolution that does fund Obamacare. "That's the one that matters," Bozell said, calling Cantor's defund bill "a "cynical attempt to manipulate. It is eye candy for his constituents." Bozell and Martin say they've talked to voters across the country, and "people are fed up with it." "They are going to vote a lot of these people out," Bozell said. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has introduced legislation to defund Obamacare in the continuing resolution, but to give the effort leverage, Republicans are being urged to sign Sen. Mike Lee's letter, which says "we will not support any continuing resolution or appropriations legislation that funds further implementation or enforcement of Obamacare."

So far, at least 12 Senate Republicans have signed Cruz's letter, and in the house, 80 Republicans have signed a similar pledge written by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.). Republicans say there's no point in supporting separate legislation that defunds Obamacare, because those bills will never be considered. The must-pass continuing resolution is the only way to get the job done. Still, some Republicans, including the leaders of the Senate and House, have refused to sign the pledge to defund Obamacare in the continuing resolution, apparently unwilling to take a stand that would risk a government shutdown.

- See more at: Bozell: Republicans 'Have Done Nothing of Substance' to Block Obamacare | CNS News
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Forward Progressives ? Ted Cruz?s Blatant and Deliberate Lie About ?Obamacare? Gets Exposed

When it comes to the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) I stick to the simple philosophy I have with most anything — “If the truth about it is so terrible, why is there a need to lie? Shouldn’t the truth be enough?” And I’ve never used that phrase as much as I have when talking about Republicans and their blatant slandering of the health care law passed in 2010.

Their deliberate lies about “Obamacare” tell me two things:

They’re terrified of the law working and are willing to say or do anything they can to make people terrified of it.
They know absolutely nothing about the law and have simply bought into their own right-wing rhetoric and propaganda.

We need to keep shining a bright light on cockroaches like Cruz.

If you're going to call someone a liar it would help if you can point out what the lie is.

Just sayin......

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