Ted Cruz--would you still vote for him?

Is his opponent a democrat? I've reached the point where I'd vote for a dead possum over a guilty until proven innocent democrat.

I assume you're reflecting on the Ass Clown that will be flying down to rally up the troops for Cruz. You know with 5 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictments and 100's of criminal charges, the last thing Cruz "should" want is for Trump to show up at a campaign rally for him--:auiqs.jpg:

But I guess Texans really don't pay much attention to anything along those lines.

There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

In the video they are referencing an article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper over a year ago. Apparently Trump surrogates were being picked up in routine spying operations of Russian intelligence assets by several different foreign countries since 2015 Here is the article
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clappers testimony scroll down this link until you see Fienstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

I am certain Robert Mueller is following DOJ protocol by not releasing any new information until after the midterm election, and after that all holy hell will break loose.


I think Texans were inundated with Russian facebook adds also. You might recognize a few of them.


You can click this link to redirect to another post on this board as to whyJames Clapper stated that Vladimir Putin did indeed affect the outcome fo the election. This post explains how he did it.,
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Don't believe for a single second that Ted Cruz doesn't know anything about this. He knows. For political expedience ONLY, he just isn't going to expose a traitor within his own party that is now POTUS out of fear of losing his own seat.

You might want to get a grip. Your posts are creating visual "verbal diarrhea". My comment had nothing to do with Trump. It had nothing to do with Russians. Not a thing about Mueller. Didn't mention Clapper. My comment was a response to your OP question. Throwing all this other mess out here won't distract from the fact that, especially after their disgraceful behavior during the Kavanaugh confirmation, voting for a polecat is preferable to voting for ANY democrat.

So you were referring to Brett Kavanuah in your post, which you should have made clear in the first place. You're on a big boy & girl political board here, not a FOX NEWS facebook page.

As far as Brett Kavanaugh--there are millions in this country that believe he lied under oath. His Yale roommate, James Croche was interviewed and talked about Kavanuagh's drinking habits and the meaning of certain words on his calendar.

You might want to listen to this.

I really don't know anyone that would lie or be a part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S. Supreme court nominee that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation, and that is exactly what Dr. Ford did.. She didn't want to testify, she didn't want her letter released to the public, and she didn't want her name realised. All she wanted was an investigation. She just got caught up into the politics of it all.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

She also passed a polygraph that was given to her by a former FBI agent who attested to the accuracy of that test.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

And if her public testimony was "acting" then move over Meryl Streep you have just met your match.

They're going to show up this midterm.

The 2nd annual womans march held on January 20, 2018.
More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election


The first woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, January 20, 2017 For lots of more pictures go to this link, I think you'll find TEXAS in there.
Woman's march pictures

By Republicans confirming Brett Kavanaugh without more witness's of his younger behavior not being interviewed by the FBI only exaserbates the problems that the Republican party already has with women.

Victims of sexual assault & harrassment.

You have awoken a sleeping giant.

Bless your heart. I bet you worked really hard putting that all together and I just scrolled down without bothering to read it. Oops. You could have saved yourself some work had you actually read my first post. What did you think the party of guilty until proven innocent referred to if not Kavanaugh? Btw, how is it you're taking issue with Cruz having changed his opinion on Trump and yet, if I recall correctly YOU used to claim to be a conservative? So is your opinion that you're entitled to rethink a position but others aren't?

Defintely, like I stated before I was a life long Republican until you made the Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I switched my status to Independent and following the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN--a President that was my favorite.

In fact if Reagan were alive and in the Oval office, when Cruz called Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor, Reagan would have come down and booted his ass all the way back to Canada.


Ted Cruz is not there for you, he's not there for this country, he's not there for the Republican party, he's not there for Texas, he's there for HIMSELF. He's proven that time and again, and if he's willing to stand by a traitor to this country--TRUMP--then who needs him.

Redirect to this post over the traitor comment for explanation.
Ted Cruz--would you still vote for him?

You realize don't you that you lose all credibility when you call the U.S. president a traitor to the country just because you don't like his personality. Trump has done nothing that even comes close to treason so you make yourself a fool when you make such claims. Do even try the Russia collusion crap either because all actual evidence to foreign collusion points to the DNC and Hillary.
Republicans would vote for a transsexual android, they are sheep. Lyin ted will get his votes.

Believe it or not there has been speculation that Ted Cruz could be the next Supreme Court Justice.:auiqs.jpg: What the Ted Cruz base doesn't understand is that Senate Republicans hate him, and the odds that they would ever consider him as a nominee to the Court is zero to NONE--let alone that any Democrat would approve of him.
Why Senate Republicans hate Ted Cruz


As far as Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh--they really didn't get who they were promised. Click to redirect to two different posts on this board.
That damn right wing leaning supreme Court is ruling liberal again
That damn right wing leaning supreme Court is ruling liberal again
As we know Ted Cruz was the right wing darling of the Republican party, prior to getting kicked to the curb in the southern bible belt for Trump. That area was supposed to be his stronghold and the path to the nomination in 2016.

Right now Ted Cruz is in the fight of his life down in Texas with Beto O'Rourke, who has outraised Cruz by millions. but is still behind in the polls by anywhere from 4 to 7 points.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2018 - Texas Senate - Cruz vs. O'Rourke

My problem with Ted Cruz is--that he is nothing more than a political opportunist. I really didn't like that he said NO to everything, and continually grasped the opportunity to threaten to shut down the government at every opportunity--(when the debt ceiling needed to be raised.) But since Trump is in office the debt ceiling can be raised to whatever amount and he's O.K. with it. Not a peep out of him.


Cruz continually threatened to defund Obamacare, thereby leaving millions that were forced onto this program without insurance overnight. Now he knew dam well that Republicans ({Paul Ryan) would not do that for the above reason, but he played that hand so often it became ridiculous. It pitted Republicans against Republicans. The words Rino & Establishment Republicans were invented because of Ted Cruz. It outraged his right wing base, and their anger was directed at other Republicans. In fact on many right wing talk show programs, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & others-- Republicans were attacked more often than Democrats, all because of the antics, & personal political goals of Ted Cruz. Senate Republicans got to where they couldn't stand him.

Cruz even read Green Eggs & Ham on the Senate floor over Obamacare. One of the most bizare scenes ever to be played out on the U.S. Senate floor.

But I think the most disturbing thing about Ted Cruz. Is he endorsed a man (Trump) who continually called him "lying Ted", insulted his wife Heidi, and even stated that his father was a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK. To me, that shows a weakness of character that is unmatched by NONE. Would you have done the same?


I thinks Texas deserves a working Senator and not a political opportunist.

We shall see.

Well, Senator Ted is obviously not one to hold onto grudges. IMHO, that makes him the finer man. He also votes down wasteful spending, and serves his fellow Texans with respect and hard work. Of course, lefties fear him, because when he cuts taxes, they cannot expropriate tax money to pet rock projects, they get nervous. When you look on Senator Ted's heart, it's as deep and wide as the state of Texas. And he's brought a boatload of lefties to the right side due to his quiet working on pulling issues to work for his fellow Americans, while others jabberwocky the world to death with fibbies, the highest taxes they can muster, and wasteful spending to boot... And that's what I think.
This Beto guy just talks out of his ass while having no platform but just to hate Trump. That is helping Ted.

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