Ted Cruz just scared the Shiite out of Liberals.....

I am Christian to the bone, and have no need faith wise or science wise to accept crap from the literalists who confuse empirical evidence with Bible stories.
I don't know what it means and have no desire to look it up. So you put up a fancy word and say look I'm better than you because I know a fancy word.

Perhaps you can link it and I'll think about looking at it.

I do believe in the bible, perhaps you should read it up.

It's ok, you can look it up if you have to.

You don't know what it means? I bet you say that a lot. But my guess is that it rarely, if ever, stops you from having an opinion about something even when you don't know what it is.


Do you feel better now.......You see Libs are arrogant on their Pravda..............and if they use a big word it's about their ego and not the subject at hand.............

I've have no reason to change my belief in God because you use a fancy word...........

Are you an ATHEISTS.................

Do you sacrifice chickens on an altar on your spare time.....................

I fry Chicken, so please at least cook and eat the chicken after your sacrifice.

Your belief in God...or your belief in how early 21st century Americans perceive God with their (our) beliefs in concepts that would be completely foreign to early Christians. Like the so-called Rapture which is actually a pretty recent invention. Or of having a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus, which is ALSO a recent invention. Even the idea of the literal interpretation of scripture is a pretty new phenomenon.

But I bet you didn't know any of that, did you?
Limited Government, Unlimited Administration: Is it Possible to Restore Constitutionalism?

The heritage lays it out pretty good, but of course you'll discount the source, so perhaps you should read the Federalist papers on the intent of the limits to power yourself..................

Starting with the Federalist papers 42.

I have a copy of the Federalist Papers and the Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 by Madison.

Is there any particular reason that you are allowing the Heritage Foundation, funded by corporate clowns to dictate your reasoning?

If you cannot locate this information on your own then you are reliant on some very shaky unreliable individuals. That makes you an easy target.

Anybody who has internet access has a ready available copy of the Federalist papers.

And Madison and Jefferson were very clear on their intent to explain the constitution there. They were very specific on limits to Federal powers............unless you just skip over those sections.

Again start by reading 62.

Unicameral legislature is one house. He's arguing for bicameral.

Unicameral=Articles of Confederation.

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875

Start earlier:
The Federalist Papers - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

You still haven't shown me the overreach in regards to the Constitution.

The Notes to the Debates are online as well.
Bottom line....Hillary would pale in comparison to Cruz in a full-throated debate. For the past 20 years she's spoken from note cards and teleprompters. Cruz can belt it out with little assistance from either. She knows that someone with those kind of speaking abilities are very difficult to compete with. Even Barack Obama...who is thought to be a gifted orator....is not much of a public speaker without a crutch like a teleprompter.

A candidate can be beat by speaking skills alone in America. That's the cold hard truth.
Why am I supposed to care about this male Sarah Palin? Cruz has literally never said a thing that has stuck in the American consciousness. He's like a shitty college rock band that a sub-culture of music nerds is into while the rest of the world doesn't know who the fuck he is. It's hilarious that conservatism is so fucked in this country that it's ardent supporters think Cruz is relevant.
The Fake speaks..............poor poor science and education Mathew would be forced to vote for Hillary.............LOL.............you would anyway as you are a fake.

The Constitution has been pissed on by the current administration and the status quo............The IRS has abused it's authority and needs to be held accountable for it's actions.............Lerner will still see the courts by those people who were targeted.

A 15% Flat tax, with no deductions, would make the IRS be insignificant. We could drastically cut their man power and send in our tax returns on a post card.

Our Gov't is too damn big for it's britches. If Cruz is for bringing them back down to size then I'm for him.....and a return to Constitutional principles instead of the abuse of power we now have.

A 15% flat tax would screw the rich, the poor, and the middle class with children. Good luck with that!

aka those that pay 0 federal taxes already would not get a check every year as they do now......................

In that issue those in poverty could be exempted from paying any taxes with little effect to overall revenues...........................

I'd love a flat tax. Just take the flat rate and then be done with it.

Wrong. Those that receive subsidy would loose their subsidy and pay tax even though they can't afford it making them poorer.
The Fake speaks..............poor poor science and education Mathew would be forced to vote for Hillary.............LOL.............you would anyway as you are a fake.

The Constitution has been pissed on by the current administration and the status quo............The IRS has abused it's authority and needs to be held accountable for it's actions.............Lerner will still see the courts by those people who were targeted.

A 15% Flat tax, with no deductions, would make the IRS be insignificant. We could drastically cut their man power and send in our tax returns on a post card.

Our Gov't is too damn big for it's britches. If Cruz is for bringing them back down to size then I'm for him.....and a return to Constitutional principles instead of the abuse of power we now have.

A 15% flat tax would screw the rich, the poor, and the middle class with children. Good luck with that! Isn't your effective rate 15%?

Then you should be for it because it will screw the rich, which is what you want.

Why would I want to screw the rich, I am rich. My point is that a flat tax would screw the rich, the poor, and the middle class with children.
Why am I supposed to care about this male Sarah Palin? Cruz has literally never said a thing that has stuck in the American consciousness. He's like a shitty college rock band that a sub-culture of music nerds is into while the rest of the world doesn't know who the fuck he is. It's hilarious that conservatism is so fucked in this country that it's ardent supporters think Cruz is relevant.

Tell us why you think Hillary Clinton is "relevant" to liberals? Can you point us to the policies that she's championed that you feel are sufficiently liberal to today's millennial generation?
And I do not agree...............

That's how it works.............I believe differently than you..............

And what do you base your belief off of? I base mine off of proven science!:eusa_boohoo:

I base mine off the bible, and I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth...............................

If you choose to be a previous ape, then that's your problem............Do you have too much hair or something.

Evolution does not deal with origins. That's Abiogenesis.
Abiogenesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think this is where everybody gets confused. It's why half of us are looking at the other half going, "What ARE you going on about?"

This is evolution. It's the process.
Viruses and Evolution ? History of Vaccines
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I am Christian to the bone, and have no need faith wise or science wise to accept crap from the literalists who confuse empirical evidence with Bible stories.
Then YOU remain tied to FALSEHOODS. When you kick-off, SHED your mortal coil, YOU will had wished YOU were wiser, had listened. Too BAD for YOU.

That is what literalists believe, yes.

You are still wrong.

Work on your relationship with Jesus, my son, and leave the judgment and morality to Him, eh.

Also understand that Darwin, who believed in God, was working on the origin of species, not life.
Why am I supposed to care about this male Sarah Palin? Cruz has literally never said a thing that has stuck in the American consciousness. He's like a shitty college rock band that a sub-culture of music nerds is into while the rest of the world doesn't know who the fuck he is. It's hilarious that conservatism is so fucked in this country that it's ardent supporters think Cruz is relevant.

Tell us why you think Hillary Clinton is "relevant" to liberals? Can you point us to the policies that she's championed that you feel are sufficiently liberal to today's millennial generation?

What does that have to do with Ted Cruz or anything even remotely related to this thread? Absolutely nothing? Okay thanks for playing. :lol:
You support handing over the IRS to a profit industry?

Ya, he and Issa what a combo. He's going to put the nail in the coffin of the GOP.

Ted Cruz: The Distinguished Wacko Bird from Texas


What a fucking wako nut! These idiots want to hand the IRS over to unelected money hungry fucks. At least when the public sector deals with it is overseen by the elected government.

Democracy? I think not.

The IRS is run by dishonest idiots and they are hired by money-hungry fucks known as the government.
"Putting forth data" and suggesting a flat tax are really not that specific. I am asking you to list the government programs that republicans want to eliminate or cut. I don't really hear them talking about it but instead just making rhetorical comments.

How about you start with the department of education, they've cost us almost 1.5 trillion dollars over the last 34 years. For that we've gotten lower test scores, higher dropout rates and a cost of higher education that has far out paced the inflation rate. I can't think of a single reason to keep pouring money down that hole.
Yep. Return control of schools to the States, and local authority. The FED needs to keep their noses OUT of it. DOE is a vortex that accomplishes NOTHING...but bolster the Teacher's Unions.

The schools are in control of the States. Where is it that you think that they aren't (precisely)?

The State rights are there but the pretense is that they don't exist simply because the people do not want to acknowledge that they exist. It makes it real easy for the States to throw off responsibility. Frankly, after tracking the money for a good number of states I can't find anyone willing to take responsibility or even to look at where it is going off the mark.
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I am a liberal and I'm not afraid of him. I happen to love Canadian born performance artist Ted Cruz. I hope he's the GOP nominee and he chooses Palin as his running mate. That would be the awesome.
Why am I supposed to care about this male Sarah Palin? Cruz has literally never said a thing that has stuck in the American consciousness. He's like a shitty college rock band that a sub-culture of music nerds is into while the rest of the world doesn't know who the fuck he is. It's hilarious that conservatism is so fucked in this country that it's ardent supporters think Cruz is relevant.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
You didnt build that.

I guess Obama does stick in people's conscience.

Libs dismiss and underestimate Cruz. Good. It will make it easier for him to win. Then watch the fear.

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