Ted Cruz just scared the Shiite out of Liberals.....

If anything these people are arguing against the current constitution for the arctles of confederation that came before it. These people don't think we should have a capable federal government.

The Fake speaks..............poor poor science and education Mathew would be forced to vote for Hillary.............LOL.............you would anyway as you are a fake.

The Constitution has been pissed on by the current administration and the status quo............The IRS has abused it's authority and needs to be held accountable for it's actions.............Lerner will still see the courts by those people who were targeted.

A 15% Flat tax, with no deductions, would make the IRS be insignificant. We could drastically cut their man power and send in our tax returns on a post card.

Our Gov't is too damn big for it's britches. If Cruz is for bringing them back down to size then I'm for him.....and a return to Constitutional principles instead of the abuse of power we now have.

A 15% flat tax would screw the rich, the poor, and the middle class with children. Good luck with that! Isn't your effective rate 15%?

Then you should be for it because it will screw the rich, which is what you want.
And I do not agree...............

That's how it works.............I believe differently than you..............

And what do you base your belief off of? I base mine off of proven science!:eusa_boohoo:

I base mine off the bible, and I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth...............................

If you choose to be a previous ape, then that's your problem............Do you have too much hair or something.

Do you still believe in the Ptolemaic model of the universe too?

It's okay. You can look it up if you have to.
So specifically where would you cut the government? I hear that kind of rhetoric all the time from right wing politicians but they don't seem to offer any concrete numbers. Just rhetoric.

We have put forth data for years only to be ignored by a party that only wants cuts to the military and nothing to the other areas, while increasing spending elsewhere.....................Then lying about doing so.....................


Lets keep wasting that money................

A flat tax at 15% with no deductions would generate 200 to 250 Billion more revenues each year. I did a specific thread a long while back showing it backed up by IRS data.

The military can be cut but it should be done smartly, by no longer rewarding contracts for being over budget and paying for the same job 2 and 3 times as a standard. Fix our own equipment, especially circuit board repair and stop paying 7k for a 25 dollar part.

There are plenty of places to cut if you have a HAIRY set. Obviously none up in our gov't has a Hairy set to do what is necessary to end the cycle of debt.

"Putting forth data" and suggesting a flat tax are really not that specific. I am asking you to list the government programs that republicans want to eliminate or cut. I don't really hear them talking about it but instead just making rhetorical comments.

How about you start with the department of education, they've cost us almost 1.5 trillion dollars over the last 34 years. For that we've gotten lower test scores, higher dropout rates and a cost of higher education that has far out paced the inflation rate. I can't think of a single reason to keep pouring money down that hole.
Limited Government, Unlimited Administration: Is it Possible to Restore Constitutionalism?

The heritage lays it out pretty good, but of course you'll discount the source, so perhaps you should read the Federalist papers on the intent of the limits to power yourself..................

Starting with the Federalist papers 42.

I have a copy of the Federalist Papers and the Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 by Madison.

Is there any particular reason that you are allowing the Heritage Foundation, funded by corporate clowns to dictate your reasoning?

If you cannot locate this information on your own then you are reliant on some very shaky unreliable individuals. That makes you an easy target.
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And what do you base your belief off of? I base mine off of proven science!:eusa_boohoo:

I base mine off the bible, and I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth...............................

If you choose to be a previous ape, then that's your problem............Do you have too much hair or something.

Do you still believe in the Ptolemaic model of the universe too?

It's okay. You can look it up if you have to.

I don't know what it means and have no desire to look it up. So you put up a fancy word and say look I'm better than you because I know a fancy word.

Perhaps you can link it and I'll think about looking at it.

I do believe in the bible, perhaps you should read it up.

It's ok, you can look it up if you have to.
Limited Government, Unlimited Administration: Is it Possible to Restore Constitutionalism?

The heritage lays it out pretty good, but of course you'll discount the source, so perhaps you should read the Federalist papers on the intent of the limits to power yourself..................

Starting with the Federalist papers 42.

I have a copy of the Federalist Papers and the Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 by Madison.

Is there any particular reason that you are allowing the Heritage Foundation, funded by corporate clowns to dictate your reasoning?

If you cannot locate this information on your own then you are reliant on some very shaky unreliable individuals. That makes you an easy target.

Anybody who has internet access has a ready available copy of the Federalist papers.

And Madison and Jefferson were very clear on their intent to explain the constitution there. They were very specific on limits to Federal powers............unless you just skip over those sections.

Again start by reading 62.
I posted the waste book which lists wasteful spending by the FED..............Isn't that specific enough for you or do you have a reading comprehension problem...........

How about this included. All departments get a 20% reduction of budget, PERIOD..............They have to go lean and mean like we here in the real world have to do it..................Get rid of the employees who sit on their butts not doing anything and keep the best to carry on...................

Again, bills have been proposed with cuts as well only to end up in REID'S GRAVEYARD..........

The Democrats are a party of excuses and then complain when time after time proposals are given by the GOP when they offer nothing in return..............

The 1% a year plan was also proposed...........Taking the Gov't down to 20% of the GDP over 6 or 7 years................ignored...................

There are numerous plans out there and they have been given...........Your post is a standard DEFLECTION post to try and make us spell out more plans to you that you would ignore anyway............

Show me the cuts proposed by the ASS party other than cutting the military and get back to me.

I am not deflecting anything. "Taking the government down to 20% of GDP" does not answer where you want to make the cuts that will equal that. I am looking for something specific from you since you are spouting off the rhetoric. If you truly have it all worked out you won't need to refer to any right wing website. I don't know if you want to cut the military, entitlements, FAA, Dept of Agriculture, Homeland Security. Without getting all worked up, talking about "liberals" or linking to a right wing website, Specifically tell me which programs/spending are you suggesting that we cut.

As you ignore the waste book data.........

example of a 20% cut............EPA.........your budget is 20% lower..........lay off people and get lean and mean.................if they have 1000 employees, just for math sake, then 200 are going to have to go to the private sector and get a job..........offices would have to shut down to also shrink the budget...........and so on...........

You keep asking us for solutions.............

How about you man up and show me cuts without taxing the hell out of everyone in the process to end the cycle of debt.....

Or are you a typical dem or something that complains about any cuts without offering anything in return.................

Typical strategy of the Dems, to complain about others ideas and potential cuts without offering anything in return..........COWARDS THEY ARE.

Cutting 20% is a fictional number. The republicans in office are not putting out any plans like that. If you could cut all of the rhetoric and present a plan showing where you would cut the military, entitlements, etc., and reduce spending by 20%, then that would be a non-dodge answer. If you attack the president because of his budget but cannot even come up with anything concrete as an alternative then "coward" is the accurate word to describe that. Quit hiding behind rhetoric, put your brain in gear, and figure out what you would cut and then once you do that, post the numbers. All you have done so far is prove that you are spouting off rhetoric on a topic that you really never thought through.



[+] Pensions 921.8 0.0 213.7 45.5 1,181.0
[+] Health Care 969.8 -330.9 489.2 142.8 1,270.9
[+] Education 112.6 -67.4 290.9 670.7 1,006.8
[+] Defense 820.2 0.0 0.8 -0.0 821.0
[+] Welfare 395.9 -112.2 157.1 82.7 523.4
[+] Protection 34.1 -5.5 69.5 162.7 260.8
[+] Transportation 95.5 -62.7 122.0 154.9 309.9
[+] General Government 45.3 -4.2 52.3 71.2 164.7
[+] Other Spending 31.4 -18.9 74.2 329.8 416.4
[+] Interest 223.5 0.0 49.5 65.4 338.4
[+] Balance 0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.5
[+] Total Spending: Start chart 3,650.5 -601.7 1,519.2 1,725.7 6,293.7
[+] Federal Deficit 648.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 648.8
[+] Gross Public Debt 17,892.7 0.0 1,196.3 1,903.9 20,992.9
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Just say no to small stupid government that is only small on anything that helps people. On the other hand it is really big when it comes to sex, drugs and personal freedom!

Say yes to efficacy and waste reduction. Time to increase funding when it comes to rebuilding America!

We have put forth data for years only to be ignored by a party that only wants cuts to the military and nothing to the other areas, while increasing spending elsewhere.....................Then lying about doing so.....................


Lets keep wasting that money................

A flat tax at 15% with no deductions would generate 200 to 250 Billion more revenues each year. I did a specific thread a long while back showing it backed up by IRS data.

The military can be cut but it should be done smartly, by no longer rewarding contracts for being over budget and paying for the same job 2 and 3 times as a standard. Fix our own equipment, especially circuit board repair and stop paying 7k for a 25 dollar part.

There are plenty of places to cut if you have a HAIRY set. Obviously none up in our gov't has a Hairy set to do what is necessary to end the cycle of debt.

"Putting forth data" and suggesting a flat tax are really not that specific. I am asking you to list the government programs that republicans want to eliminate or cut. I don't really hear them talking about it but instead just making rhetorical comments.

How about you start with the department of education, they've cost us almost 1.5 trillion dollars over the last 34 years. For that we've gotten lower test scores, higher dropout rates and a cost of higher education that has far out paced the inflation rate. I can't think of a single reason to keep pouring money down that hole.
Yep. Return control of schools to the States, and local authority. The FED needs to keep their noses OUT of it. DOE is a vortex that accomplishes NOTHING...but bolster the Teacher's Unions.
Cruz news is merely paper for the bottom of the bird cage.

He is yesterday's news to everyone except 10% of the country.

The problem is this: When some people see ambitious men engage in demagoguery, they often make the mistake of underestimating those men because they think what they see must be obvious to everyone else. But that's almost never the case. People project their awareness on to others thinking that it certainly must be obvious to others as well. But what they see as obvious is perceived differently by different people. Many a charismatic leader who knows how to manipulate a crowd has risen to power by whipping up the emotions of partisan followers.

The point is this. It's happened before. It WILL happen again. We're just not used to thinking of it happening in THIS country on a national level since it's so rare, although Joe McCarthy managed to gain the national spotlight back in the 1950s by exploiting the American fear of communism. If he hadn't been exposed as a fraud, who knows how far he would have ridden that horse?
Just say no to small stupid government that is only small on anything that helps people. On the other hand it is really big when it comes to sex, drugs and personal freedom!

Say yes to efficacy and waste reduction. Time to increase funding when it comes to rebuilding America!

Fuck off Matt. Your tune is tired. WE say NO to IDIOTS as YOU that have bought into big government. Can't YOU run your OWN life without Government holding your hand?.:eusa_hand:

WASTE of protoplasm YOU are.
I base mine off the bible, and I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth...............................

If you choose to be a previous ape, then that's your problem............Do you have too much hair or something.

Do you still believe in the Ptolemaic model of the universe too?

It's okay. You can look it up if you have to.

I don't know what it means and have no desire to look it up. So you put up a fancy word and say look I'm better than you because I know a fancy word.

Perhaps you can link it and I'll think about looking at it.

I do believe in the bible, perhaps you should read it up.

It's ok, you can look it up if you have to.

You don't know what it means? I bet you say that a lot. But my guess is that it rarely, if ever, stops you from having an opinion about something even when you don't know what it is.
Bluesman............you again ignore the waste book data...........The IRS just hired over 16,000 people for Obamacare.

They now employ about 120,000. That is an expansion of Gov't.............

Simple terms. multiply .2 times 120,000. You can use a calculator if you are not good at math.

How about the Dept of education and Common Core. Hiring more people to basically bring down the standards of testing in America to make the weaker students look stronger than they really are, and cutting the standards of those students who want to excel................Common Core is Gov't BS and we hire more people to implement it..................
Do you still believe in the Ptolemaic model of the universe too?

It's okay. You can look it up if you have to.

I don't know what it means and have no desire to look it up. So you put up a fancy word and say look I'm better than you because I know a fancy word.

Perhaps you can link it and I'll think about looking at it.

I do believe in the bible, perhaps you should read it up.

It's ok, you can look it up if you have to.

You don't know what it means? I bet you say that a lot. But my guess is that it rarely, if ever, stops you from having an opinion about something even when you don't know what it is.


Do you feel better now.......You see Libs are arrogant on their Pravda..............and if they use a big word it's about their ego and not the subject at hand.............

I've have no reason to change my belief in God because you use a fancy word...........

Are you an ATHEISTS.................

Do you sacrifice chickens on an altar on your spare time.....................

I fry Chicken, so please at least cook and eat the chicken after your sacrifice.
The Republicans mustn't let Cruz run. He's way too conservative and so only hardcore Republicans will vote for him. The Republicans better pick a more moderate politician in their party and let him/her run. If they pick someone who also has a more liberal view on some social issues like gay marriage, more independent voters would vote Republican instead of Democrat. I-being moderate- would also consider myself a moderate Republican, but if the only running candidates will be very conservative, I and I think many others will support the Democrats.
Okay, this made Me laugh.
That's an opinion based on your beliefs.............Your opinion on that issue doesn't make it a fact, while mine based on religion doesn't make it a fact to you.

That's how this chit works.

It has nothing to do with beliefs, evolution is a proven fact.

And I do not agree...............

That's how it works.............I believe differently than you..............

This not you coming at the issue "from a different angle."

You believe wrongly.
Bluesman............you again ignore the waste book data...........The IRS just hired over 16,000 people for Obamacare.

They now employ about 120,000. That is an expansion of Gov't.............

Simple terms. multiply .2 times 120,000. You can use a calculator if you are not good at math.

How about the Dept of education and Common Core. Hiring more people to basically bring down the standards of testing in America to make the weaker students look stronger than they really are, and cutting the standards of those students who want to excel................Common Core is Gov't BS and we hire more people to implement it..................

US Federal Budget Pie Chart for 2014 - Charts


Since you are so good at math, then you can tell me specifically by the numbers where your 20% is coming from. If you completely eliminate education that knocks off 3%. Can you also let me know which candidates are going to be campaigning on that?
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