Tea Party Lunacy Infects US Military

Should US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein get disability benefits when he gets discharged?

  • Total voters
earlycuyler, LockeJaw, Pale Rider, peach174, theHawk, Warrior102

^I wonder if these six 'Yes' voters realize that they're essentially agreeing that Stein's political views make him mentally disabled.


No its just agreeing that evey military member get benefits when they get "discharged."

You can talk bullshit all day if it helps you sleep at night. :thup:

But the question asked was specifically whether Stein should receive disability benefits after he is discharged. You voted YES. Therefore, you are agreeing that he is disabled dumbass. If you were an honest person with a pair of balls, you'd simply say 'ok, he got me' and move on, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. :lol:

No, its agreeing that he will be discharged someday, just like evey member of the military will be someday, and that he will be elgible to recieve disability benefits afterwards, just like every member of the military, you dumbass.

It does not ask if you think he should be discharged for what he did, or for just being a 'tea party' member. Nor does it ask if you think the Sgt is mentally disabled. I knew the question might be rigged because I already know Dante is a piece of shit.

Carry on, dipshit.
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:cuckoo: Tea Party Lunacy Infects US Military :cuckoo:

Marine's Facebook page tests military rules - Boston.com

U.S. Marine faces boot for anti-Obama Facebook posts

SAN DIEGO (AP) – A Marine sergeant who started a Facebook group that is openly critical of President Obama and posted comments saying he will not follow the unlawful orders of the commander in chief is facing possible dismissal from the Corps.

The Marines on Wednesday told Sgt. Gary Stein — a Camp Pendleton Marine who started the Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party — that he is in violation of Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities.

Stein, a nine-year member of the Corps, said he started the page to encourage fellow servicemembers to exercise their free speech rights. He has also criticized U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for his comments on Syria.

So troops can't even express their views but ex cons and illegals can vote? Fuck you.
So troops can't even express their views but ex cons and illegals can vote? Fuck you.

They can express their views, however are just barred from making certain types of public comments as "a representative of the Marines", while serving active duty.

When a Marine goes on a public forum and says that he's a Marine and is not going to follow the orders of the elected President of the United States - during wartime - how do you think that makes the Marines Corps look?

If this guy didn't want to follow the orders of POTUS, why couldn't he just keep that to himself?
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I almost voted yes then realized what was going on in the nick of time, lolol.

This is the way progressives have to rig polls..nobody in their right mind would ever agree with any portion of their ideology, so they have to present it dishonestly, so people think they're voting for something other than what they really are voting on...

A few others weren't quite as quick on the uptake. And now that it's been pointed out to them they're doing the backpedal fail. :lol:
I know whereof I speak, lol...my first front page story (decades ago, so I can safely talk about it) was a POLL of college students that showed they were HOPELESSLY IGNORANT of their voting privileges and had no clue who was running or what they represented. This was during a presidential election year.

I presented it as a poll..it was meant to run on a back page as filler, but it made the students look so incredibly stupid they rant it front and center, boxed, as the lead story of election weekend.

HAHAHAHA the fucking dean of the school called them to piss and moan!

Funny thing..I wasn't really trying to make them look stupid, I just polled people I knew..so really, what it said..people I KNEW were clueless about who was running...but the people I knew actually had sort of well known names in the community and it was sooooo funny.

My editor called me in the Monday after it ran (I was an intern, didn't work many hours) absolutely beside himself, giggling like a school girl, tickled to death with the story, to congratulate me.

Anyway, that is how I learned that POLLS MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They're fun, but you can do anything you want with them, and that's their primary usefulness...to manipulate the masses. To provide *evidence* of whatever lunacy you are currently spouting.

I could do a poll that provided evidence that a huge percentage of people believe they can fly, or animals talk to them, or who couldn't find their own state on a US map.
I almost voted yes then realized what was going on in the nick of time, lolol.

This is the way progressives have to rig polls..nobody in their right mind would ever agree with any portion of their ideology, so they have to present it dishonestly, so people think they're voting for something other than what they really are voting on...

A few others weren't quite as quick on the uptake. And now that it's been pointed out to them they're doing the backpedal fail. :lol:

Oh the e-v-i-l pollsters are in cahoots with the librl media!!!! :cuckoo:
:cuckoo: Tea Party Lunacy Infects US Military :cuckoo:

Marine's Facebook page tests military rules - Boston.com

U.S. Marine faces boot for anti-Obama Facebook posts

SAN DIEGO (AP) – A Marine sergeant who started a Facebook group that is openly critical of President Obama and posted comments saying he will not follow the unlawful orders of the commander in chief is facing possible dismissal from the Corps.

The Marines on Wednesday told Sgt. Gary Stein — a Camp Pendleton Marine who started the Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party — that he is in violation of Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities.

Stein, a nine-year member of the Corps, said he started the page to encourage fellow service members to exercise their free speech rights. He has also criticized U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for his comments on Syria.

allow us to restate the OP
Your second statement sounds more like a reversal of the first, that instead of working with Vets, you worked against them, when you judged them as lesser men than yourself, Dante.

That places you in the position of the righteous judge, ensuring their demise for anything that doesn't please you personally.

The military is not a personal place. It's an ethereal world operating on trust of each other and trust in officers above one's rank with the exception of Congressionally acceptable Geneva Convention declarations.

nope. I never signed anyone up for benefits. I worked with vets on other issues and NOT for the VA

I do not ever judge a vet as less than anyone else, myself included. But no vet gets an immediate pass from me just because they served.

Lots of criminals are vets too.

O.C. homeless slaying suspect aspired to kill 16, court records say - latimes.com

respect is earned. and volunteers get paid.
Well, it's not always clear from a handful of sentences what another person thinks.

Some politocoes throw out flamebait threads in order to collect and count coups for their political boasting sticks, while patronizing an opponent.

Truly cooler heads come to a bargaining table with the understanding of the other party's needs, and resources that may help that person. Even so, a long time ago, a document was written about people who make it impossible to engage in a bartering session. It was called The Ten Commandments. There are factions about who'd like to see chaos as it were erased as a basis of law. Talk about a bunch of tools! :rolleyes:

too funny

earlycuyler, LockeJaw, Pale Rider, peach174, theHawk, Warrior102

^I wonder if these six 'Yes' voters realize that they're essentially agreeing that Stein's political views make him mentally disabled.


No its just agreeing that evey military member get benefits when they get "discharged."

You can talk bullshit all day if it helps you sleep at night. :thup:

But the question asked was specifically whether Stein should receive disability benefits after he is discharged. You voted YES. Therefore, you are agreeing that he is disabled dumbass. If you were an honest person with a pair of balls, you'd simply say 'ok, he got me' and move on, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. :lol:

there's probably NO mistake here. I wonder how many armchair warriors posting here collect d--i-s-a-b-i-l-i-t-y benefits? Maybe a few gunnies? :redface:

methinks it was a slip-o-da-tongue on their part :tongue:
:cuckoo: Tea Party Lunacy Infects US Military :cuckoo:

Marine's Facebook page tests military rules - Boston.com

U.S. Marine faces boot for anti-Obama Facebook posts

SAN DIEGO (AP) – A Marine sergeant who started a Facebook group that is openly critical of President Obama and posted comments saying he will not follow the unlawful orders of the commander in chief is facing possible dismissal from the Corps.

The Marines on Wednesday told Sgt. Gary Stein — a Camp Pendleton Marine who started the Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party — that he is in violation of Pentagon policy barring troops from political activities.

Stein, a nine-year member of the Corps, said he started the page to encourage fellow servicemembers to exercise their free speech rights. He has also criticized U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for his comments on Syria.

So troops can't even express their views but ex cons and illegals can vote? Fuck you.

I'd rather have hard working illegals and ex cons who have paid their debts to society, and who are NOT asking for handouts like some faux vets are, then have more people like you vote. are you a vet? and if so, so what.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a US Marine and veteran. Once a Marine...isn't that what they say?

So troops can't even express their views but ex cons and illegals can vote? Fuck you.

They can express their views, however are just barred from making certain types of public comments as "a representative of the Marines", while serving active duty.

When a Marine goes on a public forum and says that he's a Marine and is not going to follow the orders of the elected President of the United States - during wartime - how do you think that makes the Marines Corps look?

If this guy didn't want to follow the orders of POTUS, why couldn't he just keep that to himself?

Show me a congressionally declared war. The marine also said UNLAWFUL ORDERS. Can you not make that distinction? There is even a military ordinance against obeying certain types of orders.
earlycuyler, LockeJaw, Pale Rider, peach174, theHawk, Warrior102

^I wonder if these six 'Yes' voters realize that they're essentially agreeing that Stein's political views make him mentally disabled.


Y'all got pantsed & cornholed by D on this one, but only Gloryhole102 enjoyed it. :lol:

evidence # 666 - the posters in question have Dante Fevah with a side order of Tea Party Lunacy. A deadly combination of virus and mind fuck.

Oh what a twicky qwuest-ion: "Should US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein get disability benefits when he gets discharged?" - :rofl:

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