Target launches gay pride products

The single most important cause to me is equality. No exceptions ever. So, of course, I'm happy to see this.

I'm not a Target shopper but wish I was.

I'll try to remember to shop there and will have to check them out on line.

I will not shop Target because they are advertising to the gay crowd, nor will I stop patronizing them because they are. Target made a business decision and they will either profit or suffer because of it. I wish them well. It's all about free speech and free enterprise.
The other day, my son and I were watching a retro
game show channel, family feud with Richard Dawson
was on, and one of the questions were, name someone
who is considered the worlds greatest athlete

Well, one of the answers, which no one came up with,
was Bruce Jenner...I was cracking up laughing.
Who could have imagined then, Caitlyn Jenner

Anyhoo, a commercial for M*A*S*H came on,
of course, there's Klinger, wearing makeup and a dress,
and I said to my son...know why he's wearing a dress,
and has make up on, acting like he's a woman,....

because he wanted to get discharged from the military
on grounds of mental illness.... that's how much times have changed
This generation wants to 'normalize' what is abnormal!
I quit going to Target years ago when some little asshat tried to scan my driver's license for beer. Obviously a store policy. How arrogant. They've got some politically correct board members that do not live in reality and see normal people don't want to see some store try to normalize sexual perversions.
Seriously, what is wrong with serving people that happen to be gay?

Do you hate these people? Are you just saying this because you believe that your god wants to kill them all and you wish genocide on them.

Good for Target!
Actually this won't be good for Target. After the previous backlash against their transgender bathroom policy, they've decided to double down on stupid. Whether you like it, or dont; agree, or disagree... Most folks don't like faggotry. Faggots comprise a very small percentage of Targets overall, potential customer base. A move such as this is sufficient to further alienate a "majority" (not faggots) of their customer base. A move Target simply cannot afford given their recent performance in the market.
So no... Not good for them. The business is commiting a slow, and expensive form of suicide.
Seriously, what is wrong with serving people that happen to be gay?

Do you hate these people? Are you just saying this because you believe that your god wants to kill them all and you wish genocide on them.

Good for Target!
Actually this won't be good for Target. After the previous backlash against their transgender bathroom policy, they've decided to double down on stupid. Whether you like it, or dont; agree, or disagree... Most folks don't like faggotry. Faggots comprise a very small percentage of Targets overall, potential customer base. A move such as this is sufficient to further alienate a "majority" (not faggots) of their customer base. A move Target simply cannot afford given their recent performance in the market.
So no... Not good for them. The business is commiting a slow, and expensive form of suicide.
Let them die, never understanding why.
Let them offend tens of millions of former customers and then blame their customers.
The cult called Christianity is slowly losing its power and more people are choosing to say to hell with gender norms and making other choices.

Get use to it, hahaha.

You erroneously assume that such values are bound to, and by religious doctrine... They are not. I'm not a sky daddy believer; and I typically agree with the zombie cultists on issues such as these. Its about societal normalcy, and community ethics. Both of which remain clear for most people, whether athiest, or cultist.

The nail that sticks up is always the first to get hammered down. So it has been from the beginning of humanity. So it will continue to be...
Gays and trans are part of our society and aint going anywhere! It is a life choice.

I respect the traditional family but you need to do the same for us.
So your some kind of a freakazoid faggot now? ..... :cool:

Did science make Matthew into a full blown queer?

I probably get more pussy then you...Be careful who you call queer.....

I aint gay but I believe such people deserve to be treated with rights in this land.
You will be after your servers. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Seriously, what is wrong with serving people that happen to be gay?

Do you hate these people? Are you just saying this because you believe that your god wants to kill them all and you wish genocide on them.

Good for Target!
You should buy everything there Matt.

I will shop there...

How would you feel if someone said that Christians couldn't be served.
Perfectly fine with that as I would shop elsewhere. Beside the atheist and deviants have been attacking believers for years now without realizing ultimately the backlash comes and the majority are believers whether y'all like it or not.
Target stores are promoting a gay pride line of products dubbed “Take Pride” despite facing huge losses from a boycott against the company’s transgender bathroom policy. The retailer is merchandising the gay agenda for the second year in a row, with rainbow-adorned shirts, pants, shorts, swim trunks, iPhone cases, and other items honoring Gay “Pride Month” in June.

Target launches Gay Pride Products

Well we can be sure this store won't last long watch their stocks begin to tank through out the year.

Good reason for me to take my business elsewhere.

We turned in our Target card when they first started getting stupid with the gun bans.

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