Tar Sand Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas.

more than 750,000 barrels of oil move through just the Alaska pipeline PER DAY, yet you are wanting to make a mountain out of a molehill for the few spills that actually happen. How many more barrels are moved through the continental US each day?

Sure, every spill is bad, but their frequency is minute compared to what moves through the pipelines each and every day.

Pipelines are the safest most effective way to transport petroleum products hands down.But we have a very aged systems that need replacement and major upgrades. Oil and gas are not going away anytime soon.
Minor? Like the BP faulted oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?????????????????
Of which, the long term consequences have yet to be determined. All the right is interested in is short term profits, no matter what the cost to the environment or people's lives.

More buzz words. Thanks.

Did I stutter? Your callous dismissal of reality is disturbing.

Huh? Your hypocrisy prevents you from even considering an opinion you didn't get from BET.
100 % ??? not true and you know it. If fraud has been committed then yes they should be prosecuted.

To recap: 100% of internal pipeline "accidents" are DIRECTLY CONNECTED to either cut-price construction or cut-price maintenance. There are zero exceptions to that absolute fact. A fact rarely connected to fraud against the public although frequently connected to theft and fraud against stockholders, an entirely different crime that is almost impossible to prove UNTIL AN ACCIDENT OCCURS.

Instead of making up shit you are clueless about and that I have thousands of miles of pipeline experience with, why not answer the question?

I did ,I clearly stated that if fraud was committed then they should be prosecuted, READ

and no 100% is not true and you can't prove it. Age is a factor in many spills and leaks,also sabotage and theft attempts,but if you have thousands of miles of experience you would know that.

To Chik and your Greek Chorus, Ernie S:

1. sabotage and theft are not "internal" pipeline accidents
2. age is covered/ mooted by proper maintenance
3. the issue is proper punishment, not horsehit

Next kick at the can, please?
You're right. Every time a pipeline fails, it is horrendous, but pipelines are still a damned sight safer and cheaper than alternate methods of transport.
We don't hear about oil spills 5,000 gallons at a time, but it happens daily.




Just like we don't hear of kids getting shot one at a time by gangbangers in Chicago, but when they get killed 20 at a time in a grammar school in Connecticut, we feel outrage and the knee-jerk reaction is to ban guns.

BS. Apples and oranges. The outrage felt is natural (by sentient human beings), who are simply clamoring for background checks and limiting large magazines, which is summarily rejected, "out-of-hand", by supposedly responsible gun owners (what a laugh!), who feel entitled, by way of the out-dated and irrelevant Second Amendment, that they can possess automatic weapons of any capability to "hunt" with or defend themselves against the government. What a crock of shit.
Apples and oranges? Not at all.
It's more like a bushel of apples compared to a truck load of them.
Lots of incidents a little at a time that amount to more total damage are not worthy of your outrage, unless it serves your purpose.
100,000 gallons from a pipeline spill serves your purpose. 10,000,000 gallons due to truck and train accidents over the course of a year does not.

>500 Chicago residents murdered in a year, doesn't serve your purposes. 20 kids in Newtown does. A girl who performed for the President's inauguration serves his agenda. A baby murdered in his stroller doesn't.

To recap: 100% of internal pipeline "accidents" are DIRECTLY CONNECTED to either cut-price construction or cut-price maintenance. There are zero exceptions to that absolute fact. A fact rarely connected to fraud against the public although frequently connected to theft and fraud against stockholders, an entirely different crime that is almost impossible to prove UNTIL AN ACCIDENT OCCURS.

Instead of making up shit you are clueless about and that I have thousands of miles of pipeline experience with, why not answer the question?

I did ,I clearly stated that if fraud was committed then they should be prosecuted, READ

and no 100% is not true and you can't prove it. Age is a factor in many spills and leaks,also sabotage and theft attempts,but if you have thousands of miles of experience you would know that.

To Chik and your Greek Chorus, Ernie S:

1. sabotage and theft are not "internal" pipeline accidents
2. age is covered/ mooted by proper maintenance
3. the issue is proper punishment, not horsehit

Next kick at the can, please?

1. they happen and more often then you know.

2. replacement is often the proper maintenance. when a pipe wall has thinned to the point it can't be trusted it needs to be replaced,you wanna piss for distance over what maintenance means go for it doesn't change a thing.

3. what horse shit are you talking about.
BS. Apples and oranges. The outrage felt is natural (by sentient human beings), who are simply clamoring for background checks and limiting large magazines, which is summarily rejected, "out-of-hand", by supposedly responsible gun owners (what a laugh!), who feel entitled, by way of the out-dated and irrelevant Second Amendment, that they can possess automatic weapons of any capability to "hunt" with or defend themselves against the government. What a crock of shit.
Apples and oranges? Not at all.
It's more like a bushel of apples compared to a truck load of them.
Lots of incidents a little at a time that amount to more total damage are not worthy of your outrage, unless it serves your purpose.
100,000 gallons from a pipeline spill serves your purpose. 10,000,000 gallons due to truck and train accidents over the course of a year does not.

>500 Chicago residents murdered in a year, doesn't serve your purposes. 20 kids in Newtown does. A girl who performed for the President's inauguration serves his agenda. A baby murdered in his stroller doesn't.


Apples and oranges? Not at all.
It's more like a bushel of apples compared to a truck load of them.
Lots of incidents a little at a time that amount to more total damage are not worthy of your outrage, unless it serves your purpose.
100,000 gallons from a pipeline spill serves your purpose. 10,000,000 gallons due to truck and train accidents over the course of a year does not.

>500 Chicago residents murdered in a year, doesn't serve your purposes. 20 kids in Newtown does. A girl who performed for the President's inauguration serves his agenda. A baby murdered in his stroller doesn't.



Why do I even bother?
Did I stutter? Your callous dismissal of reality is disturbing.

Huh? Your hypocrisy prevents you from even considering an opinion you didn't get from BET.

Stereotype, much? I'm no hypocrite, and as a rule....I don't watch BET. But I watch a whole bunch of MSNBC. Problem?

Yes, I have a problem with your hypocrisy and the fact that you refuse to see it.
Huh? Your hypocrisy prevents you from even considering an opinion you didn't get from BET.

Stereotype, much? I'm no hypocrite, and as a rule....I don't watch BET. But I watch a whole bunch of MSNBC. Problem?

Yes, I have a problem with your hypocrisy and the fact that you refuse to see it.

Not my problem. I could care less about what you see as my problem. Why do you care?
I'm polar opposite to you. Move on.

My original post admitted pipelines are essential because of their efficiency and safety. Then you objected to penalizing criminal pipeline operators with a lot of nutball shit. Here is where we left it when the thread disappeared into "more below"...

A. sabotage and theft are not being discussed here. Please refrain from adding liar to fool.

B. Ever hear of x-rays? Ever hear of scheduled maintenance? Or are you lost in the world of halfwit apologists who fix shit after it blights everything around it? Bottom line: You are making it up, Prunella.

C. Fact: Proper pipeline maintenance eliminates 100% of internal pipeline fails.

Now, are you ready to discuss adequate penalties for cut-price building and/ or cut-price maintenance, or like most nutball fools are you determined to treat criminal neglect as God's will?

And thank your girlfriend Ernestine S for negging me for posting facts. That is high integrity stuff.
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Yes. Because those of us on the left told you so, beforehand.

Told who what? that there are many that know nothing about what they comment on,or are willing to lie to prompt their agenda? Or are huge hypocrites that want all their comforts in life,as long as they can't see where they come from.

Is that what you have told people??

I haven't told anyone anything, except that I think it's a "bad ide". But here is someone more eloquent than I:
Six reasons to oppose Keystone pipeline » peoplesworld

Quite the unbiased source. What's the non-Marxist opinion?

Why do I even bother?

You don't. That's what I tried to point out. I posited my argument and your reply was "Poppycock". I merely sunk to your level to point out your inability to form a cogent rebuttal.

Cogent rebuttal??? LMAO. You have to bring some to get some. LOL

Remember this comment you made a while back? "Yup! It's about discrinating against "whitey" so Democrats can keep black votes. You are an asshole; in a class somewhat below Truthmatters."
Destroys any semblance of "cogent rebuttal" you had or may have had. You're a dishonest poster, and incapable of objectivity.
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Told who what? that there are many that know nothing about what they comment on,or are willing to lie to prompt their agenda? Or are huge hypocrites that want all their comforts in life,as long as they can't see where they come from.

Is that what you have told people??

I haven't told anyone anything, except that I think it's a "bad ide". But here is someone more eloquent than I:
Six reasons to oppose Keystone pipeline » peoplesworld

Quite the unbiased source. What's the non-Marxist opinion?

No opinion. The proof is in the reality. The pipeline "ruptured", causing havoc. As was predicted.
I haven't told anyone anything, except that I think it's a "bad ide". But here is someone more eloquent than I:
Six reasons to oppose Keystone pipeline » peoplesworld

Quite the unbiased source. What's the non-Marxist opinion?

No opinion. The proof is in the reality. The pipeline "ruptured", causing havoc. As was predicted.

History tells me the mess will get cleaned up just like other always have. Better enforcement of safety standards should be demanded but that isn't possible when any calls for that are drowned out by opponents that are all batshit crazy hypocrites.
Quite the unbiased source. What's the non-Marxist opinion?

No opinion. The proof is in the reality. The pipeline "ruptured", causing havoc. As was predicted.

History tells me the mess will get cleaned up just like other always have. Better enforcement of safety standards should be demanded but that isn't possible when any calls for that are drowned out by opponents that are all batshit crazy hypocrites.

Cleaned up? When an ounce of prevention is worth a whole pound of "cure"???? Talk about backwards thinking. Now that's some wasteful spending....while we cut social programs which empower and assist children and the elderly. Batshit crazy, indeed.

My original post admitted pipelines are essential because of their efficiency and safety. Then you objected to penalizing criminal pipeline operators with a lot of nutball shit. Here is where we left it when the thread disappeared into "more below"...

A. sabotage and theft are not being discussed here. Please refrain from adding liar to fool.

B. Ever hear of x-rays? Ever hear of scheduled maintenance? Or are you lost in the world of halfwit apologists who fix shit after it blights everything around it? Bottom line: You are making it up, Prunella.

C. Fact: Proper pipeline maintenance eliminates 100% of internal pipeline fails.

Now, are you ready to discuss adequate penalties for cut-price building and/ or cut-price maintenance, or like most nutball fools are you determined to treat criminal neglect as God's will?

And thank your girlfriend Ernestine S for negging me for posting facts. That is high integrity stuff.

For the third time!!! If fraud has been committed then there should be prosecutions.

I have plainly stated this twice before what is so hard ?? Not every leak is the result of some nefarious money making scam.

My original post admitted pipelines are essential because of their efficiency and safety. Then you objected to penalizing criminal pipeline operators with a lot of nutball shit. Here is where we left it when the thread disappeared into "more below"...

A. sabotage and theft are not being discussed here. Please refrain from adding liar to fool.

B. Ever hear of x-rays? Ever hear of scheduled maintenance? Or are you lost in the world of halfwit apologists who fix shit after it blights everything around it? Bottom line: You are making it up, Prunella.

C. Fact: Proper pipeline maintenance eliminates 100% of internal pipeline fails.

Now, are you ready to discuss adequate penalties for cut-price building and/ or cut-price maintenance, or like most nutball fools are you determined to treat criminal neglect as God's will?

And thank your girlfriend Ernestine S for negging me for posting facts. That is high integrity stuff.

For the third time!!! If fraud has been committed then there should be prosecutions.

I have plainly stated this twice before what is so hard ?? Not every leak is the result of some nefarious money making scam.

Okay. At last you admit the need for prosecutions - the sole original topic without diverting into a lot of off topic, irrelevant - and false - nonsense or bringing Ernestine in from the side.

Now, maybe you can list what you believe are reasonable penalties for cut-price building and cut-price maintenance, the sole causes of internal pipeline failures?
Just collateral damage then?

It's the cost of doing business so to speak.

If the risk was greater than the reward we wouldn't be transporting petroleum. So get over it.

It'll get cleaned up and everyone will move on except you molehill watchers who will just wait for the next "disaster"

yeah they keep the keystone pipeline held up because it might get a leak

here or there so instead

hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude gets shipped through numerous cities

and thousands of miles of nature areas everyday

with little or no regard

seems like a pipeline

is the smarter way to go

Train cars derail in Minnesota, spill crude oil - Salon.com


It's good to see someone has a clue

Who is so ignorant to believe spills will never happen?

Pipelines bring energy to the northern USA:


But when they do those that oppose development of natural resources will be there to make sure the event is completely blown out of proportion.

They are often first to complain about increased costs of fuel.

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