Syria Getting Ready to Exterminate It's Own People


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Unbelievable, so far over 50,000 have been killed, and Assad is hinting that the real killing hasn't even begun yet. So where is the noble UN and "Muslim outrage" on this? Oh, they're still busy clapping for the Fraudestinian state that just got created. First things first.
Syria loads chemical weapons into bombs; military awaits Assad's order - World News

Syria loads chemical weapons into bombs; military awaits Assad's order

The Syrian military is prepared to use chemical weapons against its own people and is awaiting final orders from President Bashar Assad, U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday.
The military has loaded the precursor chemicals for sarin, a deadly nerve gas, into aerial bombs that could be dropped onto the Syrian people from dozens of fighter-bombers, the officials said.

U.S. officials stressed that as of now, the sarin bombs hadn't been loaded onto planes and that Assad hadn't issued a final order to use them. But if he does, one of the officials said, "there's little the outside world can do to stop it."
Hillary givin' Assad clear warnin'...
Clinton Warns Syria on Chemical Weapons
December 05, 2012 — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is warning Syrian leaders they will be held accountable if they resort to the use of chemical weapons in their increasingly difficult fight against insurgents. Clinton spoke after NATO foreign ministers authorized the deployment of an anti-missile system to help protect member-state Turkey's frontier with Syria.
Secretary Clinton said the NATO decision to deploy the U.S.-made Patriot missile-defense system to Turkey sends a “clear message” to Syrian leaders that Turkey has the alliance's full support. And she issued a warning to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and other officials, following reports their troops have been transporting chemical weapons and could be preparing to use them as the rebel siege of Damascus intensifies. “Our concerns are that an increasingly desperate Assad regime might turn to chemical weapons, or might lose control of them to one of the many groups that are now operating within Syria," said Clinton. "And so, as part of the absolute unity that we all have on this issue, we have sent an unmistakable message that this would cross a red line and those responsible would be held to account.”

Clinton also called on President Assad to reach a political settlement with Syria's newly reorganized opposition. U.S., Dutch and German troops are expected to deploy the Patriot system during the next few weeks. Officials said it will be configured to fire non-explosive projectiles at incoming Syrian missiles. Turkey requested the help after Syrian missiles landed on its side of the border in October.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday that NATO is exaggerating the threat from Syria. He said Russia believes the reports of chemical weapons preparations are not true, and that any such use would be “grave” and unacceptable. Russia believes the October incident was accidental.

NATO officials stress the Patriot system is purely defensive. Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Wednesday the deployment does not signal any intention to intervene in the Syria conflict. But he called it a “timely warning” that Syria “should not even think” of using chemical weapons.

Clinton Warns Syria on Chemical Weapons

See also:

US, Russian FM to Meet on Syrian Conflict
December 06, 2012 - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.N. peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi Thursday to discuss the Syrian conflict.
A senior U.S. official said the trio will meet in Dublin, Ireland on the sidelines of a human rights conference. The meeting comes as Germany's Cabinet agreed to send Patriot air defense missiles and troops to Turkey to help protect the NATO member from possible Syrian attacks. The agreement must now be approved by the German Parliament, which is expected to endorse the measure. The Netherlands and the U.S. also are expected to help with deploying the Patriot missiles in the next few weeks.

NATO decided to send the Patriot missile-defense system to Turkey earlier this week. Turkey requested the help from NATO after Syrian missiles landed on its side of the border in October. Russia has said NATO is exaggerating the threat from Syria and that the October incident was accidental. NATO officials stress the Patriot system is purely defensive and does not signal any intention to intervene in the Syria conflict.

Secretary of State Clinton said Wednesday the decision sends a “clear message” to Syrian leaders that Turkey has the alliance's full support. She called for President Bashar al-Assad to reach a political settlement with Syria's newly reorganized opposition and warned that the use of chemical weapons by Syria is unacceptable. “Our concerns are that an increasingly desperate Assad regime might turn to chemical weapons, or might lose control of them to one of the many groups that are now operating within Syria," she said. "And so, as part of the absolute unity that we all have on this issue, we have sent an unmistakable message that this would cross a red line and those responsible would be held to account.”

US, Russian FM to Meet on Syrian Conflict
The first ignored warning was if Syria moved the weapons. Then it was if they mixed the weapons. Hillary AND obama should face facts, no one pays a bit of attention to what they say anymore. The US is irrelevant.
The first ignored warning was if Syria moved the weapons. Then it was if they mixed the weapons. Hillary AND obama should face facts, no one pays a bit of attention to what they say anymore. The US is irrelevant.

The scariest part of it would be if they try to use them near a border, in particular the Turkish and Israeli border. Gas weapons do not respect borders.

Either country would probably declare war if some of thier citizens got gassed.
The first ignored warning was if Syria moved the weapons. Then it was if they mixed the weapons. Hillary AND obama should face facts, no one pays a bit of attention to what they say anymore. The US is irrelevant.

The scariest part of it would be if they try to use them near a border, in particular the Turkish and Israeli border. Gas weapons do not respect borders.

Either country would probably declare war if some of thier citizens got gassed.

Who are they going to declare war on? Not the people who were the targets. With the exception of Israel, this was exacerbated by "the world" including Turkey who funneled weapons to the terrorist rebels. It is especially the fault of obama who gave aid and support to the terrorist rebels. The world thought it was going to be like Egypt and Libya where Al Quaeda and affiliated groups could just toss out the leaders and install some fundamentalist islamic dictator. Assad is just a different dictator. He follows his father who had no problem whatsoever putting down a rebellion by massacring the rebels. As many as it took. And, Assad has the support of the Russians who will let him do anything he wants to keep their military base from falling into fundamentalist hands.

This is a result of unfettered world stupidity. What a shame, a real shame.
The first ignored warning was if Syria moved the weapons. Then it was if they mixed the weapons. Hillary AND obama should face facts, no one pays a bit of attention to what they say anymore. The US is irrelevant.

The scariest part of it would be if they try to use them near a border, in particular the Turkish and Israeli border. Gas weapons do not respect borders.

Either country would probably declare war if some of thier citizens got gassed.

Who are they going to declare war on? Not the people who were the targets. With the exception of Israel, this was exacerbated by "the world" including Turkey who funneled weapons to the terrorist rebels. It is especially the fault of obama who gave aid and support to the terrorist rebels. The world thought it was going to be like Egypt and Libya where Al Quaeda and affiliated groups could just toss out the leaders and install some fundamentalist islamic dictator. Assad is just a different dictator. He follows his father who had no problem whatsoever putting down a rebellion by massacring the rebels. As many as it took. And, Assad has the support of the Russians who will let him do anything he wants to keep their military base from falling into fundamentalist hands.

This is a result of unfettered world stupidity. What a shame, a real shame.

They would declare war on the existing Syrian Government, obviously. A cloud of Sarin crossing a border is not a few stray howitzer rounds.
The scariest part of it would be if they try to use them near a border, in particular the Turkish and Israeli border. Gas weapons do not respect borders.

Either country would probably declare war if some of thier citizens got gassed.

Who are they going to declare war on? Not the people who were the targets. With the exception of Israel, this was exacerbated by "the world" including Turkey who funneled weapons to the terrorist rebels. It is especially the fault of obama who gave aid and support to the terrorist rebels. The world thought it was going to be like Egypt and Libya where Al Quaeda and affiliated groups could just toss out the leaders and install some fundamentalist islamic dictator. Assad is just a different dictator. He follows his father who had no problem whatsoever putting down a rebellion by massacring the rebels. As many as it took. And, Assad has the support of the Russians who will let him do anything he wants to keep their military base from falling into fundamentalist hands.

This is a result of unfettered world stupidity. What a shame, a real shame.

They would declare war on the existing Syrian Government, obviously. A cloud of Sarin crossing a border is not a few stray howitzer rounds.

How would such a war be fought? Not by bombing cities and towns. The government is already bombing them and has been for two years. This is a civil war. We made it. The world made it and the United States had a big hand in making it. There's nobody in Syria to bomb that they aren't bombing themselves. That's why civil wars are left alone. Until obama decided he could make winners and losers the way he did with the auto industry.
Who are they going to declare war on? Not the people who were the targets. With the exception of Israel, this was exacerbated by "the world" including Turkey who funneled weapons to the terrorist rebels. It is especially the fault of obama who gave aid and support to the terrorist rebels. The world thought it was going to be like Egypt and Libya where Al Quaeda and affiliated groups could just toss out the leaders and install some fundamentalist islamic dictator. Assad is just a different dictator. He follows his father who had no problem whatsoever putting down a rebellion by massacring the rebels. As many as it took. And, Assad has the support of the Russians who will let him do anything he wants to keep their military base from falling into fundamentalist hands.

This is a result of unfettered world stupidity. What a shame, a real shame.

They would declare war on the existing Syrian Government, obviously. A cloud of Sarin crossing a border is not a few stray howitzer rounds.

How would such a war be fought? Not by bombing cities and towns. The government is already bombing them and has been for two years. This is a civil war. We made it. The world made it and the United States had a big hand in making it. There's nobody in Syria to bomb that they aren't bombing themselves. That's why civil wars are left alone. Until obama decided he could make winners and losers the way he did with the auto industry.

it wouldnt be the US doing the attacking, and you are wrong that there is nothing to attack. Either the turkish or Israeli air force could squash the forces currently quashing the rebellion. It would be libya all over again.
They would declare war on the existing Syrian Government, obviously. A cloud of Sarin crossing a border is not a few stray howitzer rounds.

How would such a war be fought? Not by bombing cities and towns. The government is already bombing them and has been for two years. This is a civil war. We made it. The world made it and the United States had a big hand in making it. There's nobody in Syria to bomb that they aren't bombing themselves. That's why civil wars are left alone. Until obama decided he could make winners and losers the way he did with the auto industry.

it wouldnt be the US doing the attacking, and you are wrong that there is nothing to attack. Either the turkish or Israeli air force could squash the forces currently quashing the rebellion. It would be libya all over again.

It's gone so far beyond Libya it's not even within the realm of possibility. Why didn't it happen already? Why hasn't Syria fallen as fast as either Libya or Egypt? Because an attack on Syrian government forces is an attack on Russia and will get a Russian response, not a Syrian response.

The mistake is made worse by that fool, obama, flapping his gums with useless warnings. I don't mind him looking like a play ground blow hard, but it makes the whole country look bad.
How would such a war be fought? Not by bombing cities and towns. The government is already bombing them and has been for two years. This is a civil war. We made it. The world made it and the United States had a big hand in making it. There's nobody in Syria to bomb that they aren't bombing themselves. That's why civil wars are left alone. Until obama decided he could make winners and losers the way he did with the auto industry.

it wouldnt be the US doing the attacking, and you are wrong that there is nothing to attack. Either the turkish or Israeli air force could squash the forces currently quashing the rebellion. It would be libya all over again.

It's gone so far beyond Libya it's not even within the realm of possibility. Why didn't it happen already? Why hasn't Syria fallen as fast as either Libya or Egypt? Because an attack on Syrian government forces is an attack on Russia and will get a Russian response, not a Syrian response.

The mistake is made worse by that fool, obama, flapping his gums with useless warnings. I don't mind him looking like a play ground blow hard, but it makes the whole country look bad.

The thing that would keep Russia out of it would be the causus belli created by a chemical agent crossing over a border. I would think it would require casualties though to reach the level of either nation attacking the syrian government.

When it was a few mortar shells crossing into Turkey or Israel/golan heights that isnt enough to make Russia back off. however a WMD attack by one nation on another would give even Russia pause.
Assad said he was not going to use them on his citizens. You can take his words about like you can our administration. With a grain of salt
No US Troops being killed? no? ok, let them get to it.

Katz does have a point if Russia decides to step in. At that point we would have to get involved, at least to make sure Russia does not attack Either Israel or Turkey directly.

The biggest issue would be with Turkey, as a Syrian chemical attack on them would be a NATO violation, and Russia intervening or Turkish forces responding to said attack would be an even Bigger one.
I sure hope ASSSSSad is crazy and heartless enough to do so. I believe he is that power driven. A move like that could bring the death toll into the 100s of thousands! I hope he takes that move. That move will kill many and increase the bloodshed and fighting. Syria gets weaker by the day and will take 100 years to recover!

This is a good thing! Whoever takes over will actually be worse. They will be an Islamist lead, Sharia loving, economically challenged shit-hole regime. They will be worse than ASSSad!

ASSSSad's downfall is inevitable, all we can hope for is that he weakens the country so much that the Islamist who takeover, takeover a shit-hole!
No US Troops being killed? no? ok, let them get to it.

Katz does have a point if Russia decides to step in. At that point we would have to get involved, at least to make sure Russia does not attack Either Israel or Turkey directly.

The biggest issue would be with Turkey, as a Syrian chemical attack on them would be a NATO violation, and Russia intervening or Turkish forces responding to said attack would be an even Bigger one.

Fuck Turkey, and as far as Israel I am ok with supporting them, but thats about it. The rest of the countries in that region can eat a dick.
I sure hope ASSSSSad is crazy and heartless enough to do so. I believe he is that power driven. A move like that could bring the death toll into the 100s of thousands! I hope he takes that move. That move will kill many and increase the bloodshed and fighting. Syria gets weaker by the day and will take 100 years to recover!

This is a good thing! Whoever takes over will actually be worse. They will be an Islamist lead, Sharia loving, economically challenged shit-hole regime. They will be worse than ASSSad!

ASSSSad's downfall is inevitable, all we can hope for is that he weakens the country so much that the Islamist who takeover, takeover a shit-hole!

I agree, once Assad is gone through the violence will just increase ten fold.
No US Troops being killed? no? ok, let them get to it.

Katz does have a point if Russia decides to step in. At that point we would have to get involved, at least to make sure Russia does not attack Either Israel or Turkey directly.

The biggest issue would be with Turkey, as a Syrian chemical attack on them would be a NATO violation, and Russia intervening or Turkish forces responding to said attack would be an even Bigger one.

That is incorrect. Russia is not going to intervene militarily at all. Russia is only there to make a buck! War zones tend to be profitable to countries like Russia that make excellent military hardware like the AK47!
No US Troops being killed? no? ok, let them get to it.

Katz does have a point if Russia decides to step in. At that point we would have to get involved, at least to make sure Russia does not attack Either Israel or Turkey directly.

The biggest issue would be with Turkey, as a Syrian chemical attack on them would be a NATO violation, and Russia intervening or Turkish forces responding to said attack would be an even Bigger one.

Russia would have stepped in to protect Assad, but that's not necessary now. A chemical weapons attack by Syria on the Syrian people will instantly kill more than a million people. It is true, the world can't do anything to stop it nor take any kind of reprisal for it.

obama would NEVER in a million years done anything to counter a Russian attack. He's a blowhard. If he can't stop Russia by having Gloria Allred file a sexual harassment suit, his hands are tied.

Syria isn't going to launch any attack on Turkey. They have no reason to attack Turkey. If anything Turkey would be victim to an accidental overspray. Which is highly unlikely. This will go down in history as one of the biggest fuck ups the world has ever seen.
30 years ago, Assad's father used chemical weapons against his own people and gassed thousands. Did anyone think Bashir Assad would be any different?

It's hard to believe that this nation has become so suffused with such stupid people. At this point, it would be better for Assad to dump the entirety of his chemical weapon arsenal and not have them to fall into the terrorist hands.

If the "rebels" win, those chemical weapons belong to Al Quaeda.

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