Susan Rice, Obama colleagues take heat for past claims on Syria chemical weapons purge

hows that sweets?

First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.
Please don't be so phyucking stupid. The WMDs that Sadam had and used against the Kurds were many year prior to the US invasion of Iraq. Many years

Please don't pretend you have a clue, you don't. Saddam had weapons, but that wasn't why Junior did what he did.
There were no weapons at all, even Bush finally admitted that. Where the fuck have you been honey bunch

LOL, there were no weapons "found". I watch everything honey bunch, and I had a first row seat in much of it. WMD was only the pretext for Gulf War 2, impress me, tell me what the real reason for it was.
Spending 24/7 on a message board means you don't watch shit honey bunch. You know just what your handlers tell you
First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.
Please don't be so phyucking stupid. The WMDs that Sadam had and used against the Kurds were many year prior to the US invasion of Iraq. Many years

Please don't pretend you have a clue, you don't. Saddam had weapons, but that wasn't why Junior did what he did.
There were no weapons at all, even Bush finally admitted that. Where the fuck have you been honey bunch

LOL, there were no weapons "found". I watch everything honey bunch, and I had a first row seat in much of it. WMD was only the pretext for Gulf War 2, impress me, tell me what the real reason for it was.
Spending 24/7 on a message board means you don't watch shit honey bunch. You know just what your handlers tell you

(smile) You're here more than I am kid.
Tell me, what is the REAL reason Junior took Saddam out?
In other words you aint got a phyucking clue. Even Bush finally admitted there were never any WMD's in Iraq

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
Saddam gassed the Kurds.
With the same chemical weapons given to him by the US and European governments. Thats really very old news

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
You just contradicted yourself.
hows that sweets?

First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.

Do you know chemical weapons have a self life? The stuff given to him during the during the Iraq-Iran war (by the GOP) was way out date by Bush II....

Being ignorant is not some mask you get to hide behind...
Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
Saddam gassed the Kurds.
With the same chemical weapons given to him by the US and European governments. Thats really very old news

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
You just contradicted yourself.
hows that sweets?

First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.

Do you know chemical weapons have a self life? The stuff given to him during the during the Iraq-Iran war (by the GOP) was way out date by Bush II....

Being ignorant is not some mask you get to hide behind...

Cool, so you can prove that there was nothing more "contemporary"?
I'll wait.
They quoted a former Obama appointed National Security Council member, Dan Shapiro.
So say a bunch of alt-right fake news websites and blogs.

Come back when you have evidence, not conspiracy theories.

And whether or not Assad had chemical weapons is not the issue. He didn't dare use them when Obama was President. Seems he had no fear of Donnie, and still doesn't.

But then again, no one does. Putin told him to go Fuck Himself, and China is moving their troops to do the same. Trump, the "isolationist" is just another Trump lie.
Don't pick on the naive right wingers, they get their information from sources similar to Russian information. An example is below, Russians may even be dumber or less educated than Trumpettes but the jury is still out. Big money plays the righties, so forgive them their ignorance.

If you think Fox and Limbaugh are off the wall, these guys have them beat for now, that may change of course.

'From 1,649 factually untrue reports published by pro-Kremlin media outlets over the past eighteen months. The reports were compiled by the Disinformation Review, a European Union project set up to monitor Russian disinformation campaigns.'

The United States is preparing to make Siberia its fifty-first state.

Estonia is building a concentration camp for its Russian-speaking citizens.

Osama bin Laden is living in the Bahamas, sponsored by the CIA.

European children sleep with Hitler dolls.

Westerners marry dogs, pigs, and crocodiles.

Because of African migrants, bestiality in Germany is on the rise.

Legalization of incest has begun in the West.

Condoms are not effective at preventing H.I.V.; they contribute to the epidemic.

Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s daughter owns a hospital that cures Islamic State fighters.

“ISIS” stands for the Israeli Secret Intelligence Services.

Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a Jew, and he is supported by John McCain.

Germany and the E.U. want to legalize pedophilia.

In Latvia, shops distribute baby bottles with nipples in the form of a phallus.

The human species evolved not in Africa but in the territories of present-day Russia.

Genghis Khan was a Russian.

Russia is overshadowing the United States in every possible parameter."

Disclaimer: Righties none of this is true so please don't call Hannity or O'Reilly with your great insight.

EU vs Disinformation | Don't Be Deceived, Question Even More

So stupid and so obviously liberal inspired, that it is funny in its absurdity.
if you do not know that assad got the stuff from saddam----then you are stupid. If you imagine that IRAN built bunkers into the rocky hills between Lebanon and Syria for NOTHING------then you never met an Iranian------Iranians never spend a dime
without getting FULL VALUE-------
Just how do you know that Syria got weapons from Iraq?

I kept up with the news and I was into the issue of homeland security
back then and the possible use of chemicals and biologicals on
USA cities-------that's all
In other words you aint got a phyucking clue. Even Bush finally admitted there were never any WMD's in Iraq

no----you aint got no fucking brain-----like your fellows, to YOU the phrase
Weapon of Mass Destruction MUST MEAN -----DA ATOM BOMB-----I got news---
hundreds of millions have died in MASSIVE genocides---historically-------very very
few the victims of atom bombs---comparatively virtually none---Hiroshima and Nagasake do not constitute the ENTIRE COMPENDIUM of mass destruction in human history In fact those events are COMPARATIVELY ---a drop in the bucket-----most of the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS were murdered by the idiocy that you personify. Your HANDLERS took advantage of your animal like stupidity-----DA BOMB DA BOMB DA BOMB---you got hypnotized by your fellow islamo Nazi dogs. Not being an idiot like you-----I never AUTOMATICALLY leaped to "ATOM BOMB" every time Bush said "weapon of mass destruction"
if you do not know that assad got the stuff from saddam----then you are stupid. If you imagine that IRAN built bunkers into the rocky hills between Lebanon and Syria for NOTHING------then you never met an Iranian------Iranians never spend a dime
without getting FULL VALUE-------
Just how do you know that Syria got weapons from Iraq?

I kept up with the news and I was into the issue of homeland security
back then and the possible use of chemicals and biologicals on
USA cities-------that's all
In other words you aint got a phyucking clue. Even Bush finally admitted there were never any WMD's in Iraq

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
Saddam gassed the Kurds.
Everyone knew Reagan helped them with chem weapons. BUT by 2003 they were obsolete, destroyed or not workable

your post does not mean anything------what chemical weapons are "OBSOLETE" or "not working"?
Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
Saddam gassed the Kurds.
With the same chemical weapons given to him by the US and European governments. Thats really very old news

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
You just contradicted yourself.
hows that sweets?

First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.
Please don't be so phyucking stupid. The WMDs that Sadam had and used against the Kurds were many year prior to the US invasion of Iraq. Many years

True statement BRUMMEL. Try to remember----the LIBEL back then was that
the CHEMICALS used to make the poisons or nitrogen bombs were either supplied by or purchased from the USA. --------remember? Remember---it takes a few bags of nitrogen based fertilizer to MAKE A CAR BOMB
Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
Saddam gassed the Kurds.
With the same chemical weapons given to him by the US and European governments. Thats really very old news

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
You just contradicted yourself.
hows that sweets?

First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.

Do you know chemical weapons have a self life? The stuff given to him during the during the Iraq-Iran war (by the GOP) was way out date by Bush II....

Being ignorant is not some mask you get to hide behind...

Chemical weapons are CHEMICALS.

You can re-balance the chemicals easily. Any Chemist can revive any "stale chemical weapons"
Last edited:
With the same chemical weapons given to him by the US and European governments. Thats really very old news

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
You just contradicted yourself.
hows that sweets?

First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.

Do you know chemical weapons have a self life? The stuff given to him during the during the Iraq-Iran war (by the GOP) was way out date by Bush II....

Being ignorant is not some mask you get to hide behind...

Chemical weapons are CHEMICALS.

You can re-balance the chemicals easily. Any Chemist can revive any "stale chemical weapons"

RIGHT----nitrogen mustard gas canisters hold up like jars of preserved jam in the
cool dark cellar.-----quite well and anyway can be fixed if they degrade
So say a bunch of alt-right fake news websites and blogs.

Come back when you have evidence, not conspiracy theories.

And whether or not Assad had chemical weapons is not the issue. He didn't dare use them when Obama was President. Seems he had no fear of Donnie, and still doesn't.

But then again, no one does. Putin told him to go Fuck Himself, and China is moving their troops to do the same. Trump, the "isolationist" is just another Trump lie.

Didn't dare is stupid. Who do you think was President in 2014 and 2015?

"In August 2016, a report by the United Nations and the OPCW explicitly blamed the Syrian military of Bashar al-Assad for dropping chemical weapons (chlorine bombs) on the towns of Talmenes in April 2014 and Sarmin in March 2015 and ISIS for using sulfur mustard on the town of Marea in August 2015. Several other attacks have been alleged, reported and/or investigated."

Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

That's right. Obama drew his red line in the sand in February, 2015, and Assad used Sarin in March, 2015. The rest of NATO went bat shit, and Putin pressured Assad to get rid of his Sarin. From that point until Trump was elected, Assad didn't dare use Sarin, but with Trump backing down on Assad must go, and telling everyone that NATO is dead, is it any wonder that Assad was emboldened to use it again.

This one is on Trump and what passes for for foreign policy in the Trump Administration.
So say a bunch of alt-right fake news websites and blogs.

Come back when you have evidence, not conspiracy theories.

And whether or not Assad had chemical weapons is not the issue. He didn't dare use them when Obama was President. Seems he had no fear of Donnie, and still doesn't.

But then again, no one does. Putin told him to go Fuck Himself, and China is moving their troops to do the same. Trump, the "isolationist" is just another Trump lie.

Didn't dare is stupid. Who do you think was President in 2014 and 2015?

"In August 2016, a report by the United Nations and the OPCW explicitly blamed the Syrian military of Bashar al-Assad for dropping chemical weapons (chlorine bombs) on the towns of Talmenes in April 2014 and Sarmin in March 2015 and ISIS for using sulfur mustard on the town of Marea in August 2015. Several other attacks have been alleged, reported and/or investigated."

Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

That's right. Obama drew his red line in the sand in February, 2015, and Assad used Sarin in March, 2015. The rest of NATO went bat shit, and Putin pressured Assad to get rid of his Sarin. From that point until Trump was elected, Assad didn't dare use Sarin, but with Trump backing down on Assad must go, and telling everyone that NATO is dead, is it any wonder that Assad was emboldened to use it again.

This one is on Trump and what passes for for foreign policy in the Trump Administration.

Bull crap-----you notion that ASSAD was forced to poison Syrian children because Trump does not LOVE HIM-------actually nauseates me
Trust, but verify.....

.......unless you've screwed the pooch with a "red line" and are looking for an easy way to save face, then just believe whatever you're told by people you have no reason to trust and spin that out as the truth as far as you know it.
So say a bunch of alt-right fake news websites and blogs.

Come back when you have evidence, not conspiracy theories.

And whether or not Assad had chemical weapons is not the issue. He didn't dare use them when Obama was President. Seems he had no fear of Donnie, and still doesn't.

But then again, no one does. Putin told him to go Fuck Himself, and China is moving their troops to do the same. Trump, the "isolationist" is just another Trump lie.

Didn't dare is stupid. Who do you think was President in 2014 and 2015?

"In August 2016, a report by the United Nations and the OPCW explicitly blamed the Syrian military of Bashar al-Assad for dropping chemical weapons (chlorine bombs) on the towns of Talmenes in April 2014 and Sarmin in March 2015 and ISIS for using sulfur mustard on the town of Marea in August 2015. Several other attacks have been alleged, reported and/or investigated."

Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

That's right. Obama drew his red line in the sand in February, 2015, and Assad used Sarin in March, 2015. The rest of NATO went bat shit, and Putin pressured Assad to get rid of his Sarin. From that point until Trump was elected, Assad didn't dare use Sarin, but with Trump backing down on Assad must go, and telling everyone that NATO is dead, is it any wonder that Assad was emboldened to use it again.

This one is on Trump and what passes for for foreign policy in the Trump Administration.

Yeah, yeah yeah.
Obama & Rice Knew Syria Had WMDS & Lied

Sans punctuation, the above leaves one to ponder whether it's an expression of surprise or just acceptance of the concept. Remember, Obama and Rice are, to lies, as are bats to flying; snakes to slithering; donkeys to braying.

It's just what they do...........
In other words you aint got a phyucking clue. Even Bush finally admitted there were never any WMD's in Iraq

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
Saddam gassed the Kurds.
With the same chemical weapons given to him by the US and European governments. Thats really very old news

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
You just contradicted yourself.
hows that sweets?

First you say that the Bush's "admitted that there were no WMD's in Iraq and then you said "we" gave them the gas. We did give them the gas, but that means that they "HAD" WMD's. Kid you suck at this.
Not to mention that Bush said they didn't find any WMD's, not that they didn't have them.

What they did find was the WMD programs, all set and ready to be reconstituted. Imagine that.

It does not surprise Me that Assad has chemical weapons (WMD) and that Obama knew it. He was too concerned with his own personal legacy by getting Iran to sign a document that they were never going to honor.

Just more of the same.
Just how do you know that Syria got weapons from Iraq?

I kept up with the news and I was into the issue of homeland security
back then and the possible use of chemicals and biologicals on
USA cities-------that's all
In other words you aint got a phyucking clue. Even Bush finally admitted there were never any WMD's in Iraq

Wanna know how we all know you are stupid?
Saddam gassed the Kurds.
Everyone knew Reagan helped them with chem weapons. BUT by 2003 they were obsolete, destroyed or not workable

your post does not mean anything------what chemical weapons are "OBSOLETE" or "not working"?
Saddam's in 2003.

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