Survey" Young American trust collegeg profs more thann military,police, religous leaders


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
SURVEY: Young Americans trust college profs more than military, police, religious leaders
  • A new Pew Research Center survey indicates that young Americans believe that the military, police officers, and religious leaders are less trustworthy than college professors.

OMG your are gawd dam ass holes beyond repair you pay all this money for your pathetic retards to HATE AMERICA and those who defend keeping you stupid mother fkrs free!!!

PLEASE DRAFT THESE PUSSY ASSHOLES!! and your MSM CREATED THESE ASSHOLES along with their parents and public schools...
My college professors were all left wingers.
They brainwash young adults with left wing hate and lies.
Most people realize that their professors were full of it by the time they hit 30 years old.
A job and family cures a lot of the liberal lunacy.

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