Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist

It actually shows what idiots and fools leftist SJWs are. Any company that runs an ad that intentionally antagonizes about half their potential customers...

We'll see. If their bottom line increases, then it could be said that their move was smart. You can bet that liberals will flock to Gillette.
Your belief you are just a lump of cells that will rot away soon explains much of your constant hate you post.

Says the guy who hates women, minorities, foreigners, poor people and a whole list of others.

You forgot word "some".

So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

The biggest problem with this country is men refusing to behave as men. I have no issues with the ad. Unfortunately the loser class of "men" will never see it and if they do won't stop beating their girlfriends or wifes or making babies they refuse to take responsibility for. Lots of trash out there.
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.

There is nothing wrong with the Gillette ad. Most of the sexual harassment and sexual assaults are committed by men and it is a epidemic. During the Kavanaugh hearings we saw how Dr Ford was treated and Chris Wallace learned his daughters had some issues as well. We heard what Donald Trump said about women. Totally unacceptable. This is something that goes back for decades. Grace Lee Whitney was dumped from the original Star Trek series because she resisted the advances of a network executive when he assaulted her.

The culture has to be changed. Boys will be boys is no longer acceptable. I agree with this ad and this is one time I agree with her. Unlike you, I can separate my politics from what is right and wrong. Your garbage is not acceptable.

A while back a woman had a great take on the "toxic masculinity" bullshit. She said something to the effect that, considering all of the fatherless homes and the enormous social costs associated with it, America needs more masculinity, not less.
Especially in economically challenged communities. Every color, every race. Men need to stand up and be men. Definitions will vary, but responsibility should be damn near the top of the list.
Remember when Chick fil-A, Rush Limbaugh, Hobby Lobby and right wing radio in general was going to be driven out of business?

Limbaugh is effectively out of business. His ratings are down in the cellar. In Chicago, WLS is getting less listeners than the Spanish Stations.

Oh and when I Posted this same bs, the " CLUELESS" were making fun of " it's just a shaving" commerical

We told you how media is used to engineer what ppl think or don't think........


Well, good thing we have a crazy person on a podcast to set us right... until he gets sued out of existance for lying about the Sandy Hook massacre.

Yes, asking legitimate questions about race and gender is clearly brainwashing the population.
I take it there weren't any women in the lifeboats complaining about "toxic masculinity" as they watched men freezing and drowning to death after the Titanic went down.

Actually, you are confused- again. Titanic, they made sure the rich white men got to the lifeboats while the poor women and children in steerage drowned and froze to death.
I take it there weren't any women in the lifeboats complaining about "toxic masculinity" as they watched men freezing and drowning to death after the Titanic went down.

Actually, you are confused- again. Titanic, they made sure the rich white men got to the lifeboats while the poor women and children in steerage drowned and froze to death.
That is actually false.

I know you think you are better informed because you watched the movie but history actually records the opposite of what you claim

They never locked the poor people on steerage and they did in fact put women and kids of all classes on the boats first while men especially rich white men stayed on the ship to die.
I take it there weren't any women in the lifeboats complaining about "toxic masculinity" as they watched men freezing and drowning to death after the Titanic went down.

Actually, you are confused- again. Titanic, they made sure the rich white men got to the lifeboats while the poor women and children in steerage drowned and froze to death.
That is actually false.

I know you think you are better informed because you watched the movie but history actually records the opposite of what you claim

They never locked the poor people on steerage and they did in fact put women and kids of all classes on the boats first while men especially rich white men stayed on the ship to die.

Suggesting that history is anything other than what Hollywood says is simply insulting.
Limbaugh is effectively out of business. His ratings are down in the cellar. In Chicago, WLS is getting less listeners than the Spanish Stations.
Thanks for your humorous take on things.List of most-listened-to radio programs - Wikipedia
Fourteen million listeners a week! That puts him in the top four listened to programs in the country.

Left wing dicks have had Limbaugh on the ropes for years! I've heard so many predicting his imminent demise for so long.
You guys are so pathetic.
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.’s the thing. These huge, liberal run conglomerates do have masters. A major part of left wing anti Trump money comes from corporations. They want to break you but they want to make money in the end. And advertising is designed to manipulate rather than educate.
Women are much easier to manipulate than men. Most advertising is aimed at them and thus ad is no exception.
1) they sell women’s shavers. The brand carries over.
2) women do the shopping in most cases
3) they are a huge conglomerate. For instance the top selling ASTRA blade is made in Russia by a Gillette subsidiary. So there isn’t a lot of choice.
Actually, you are confused- again. Titanic, they made sure the rich white men got to the lifeboats while the poor women and children in steerage drowned and froze to death.
Where do you get your "facts" from? Leonardo DiCaprio movies?
So what’s wrong with telling men to not be bullies?

Now try this: Ad tells black people not to steal. Why is this offensive?

Or maybe: Ad tells women not to lie. Why is this offensive?

Or Democrats, don’t assault and try to murder people.

Surprise: Genius behind man-hating Gillette ad is a radical feminist.
Oh look, an angry old white guy on USMB whining about being oppressed...this must be a day that ends in 'y'.
It is an interesting thing how all the bullies and misogynists are rushing to defend bullies and misogynists.

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