Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

Love the way pro lifers look to the contents of her uterus, and forget there is a functional, emotional, woman attached. If pro lifers had a better plan for the child women might take them up on their offer. But to force a woman to bear a child she cannot care for is wrong. The only option they have is grow up in poverty and get murdered like in NYC today
You DO realize that the whole point of lifetime appointments is that the justice will not be beholden to any politician or party right? They aren't supposed to be concerned with "who butters their bread" because once seated, nobody does.
Then explain the difference between the way John Roberts and George Bush portrayed Robert's judicial philosophy and demeanor and the way he has ruled since he became a member of the court.

There is a clear difference between what Roberts claimed he was and what he actually is.

Bush and the globalists definitely butter Robert's bread.
Doesn’t matter if they knowingly do or not.
I think it does matter

if we cant execute brutal murderers because some may be innocent it follows that we can’t lock them up for life either

but there is no such doubt where unborn children are concerned

they are unquestionably innocent

It makes no difference. You are executing still innocent people.
Oh look....another RWNJ deceptive quote.

What's True
Ginsburg once said she believed that others' concerns about overpopulation might have influenced the high court's decision in Roe v. Wade.
What's False
Ginsburg did not say she personally supported Roe v. Wade because it could help limit the population growth of "undesirable" communities.
Maybe Ginsburg was referring to the racist founder of Planned Parenthood Margret Sanger's abortion theory.
‘But Roberts did question some of the court’s analysis in the Texas ruling, suggesting he may side with his conservative colleagues in future challenges to abortion restrictions.

Consequently, the positive reaction to the ruling from abortion rights group was muted.

“We’re relieved that the Louisiana law has been blocked today but we’re concerned about tomorrow,” said Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, which represented the Louisiana clinic.’

Indeed, this is far from over.

Republican lawmakers hostile to the right to privacy will continue to enact bad faith measures in their continuing efforts to increase the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
It makes no difference. You are executing still innocent people.
If you feel that strongly you should begin by saving innocent children before tackling the much more difficult choice of saving murderers from execution
Got a grim sense of humor? Read Alito's dissent. He maintains, the abortion providers suing on behalf of their patients lack standing. The case should be remanded to the district court, which should add a woman seeking an abortion, but unable to get one because of the Louisiana fetus fetishists' burdensome law all but eradicated abortion providers in the State. Then they can have a real case, which will ultimately be decided once the plaintiff's to-be-aborted fetus goes to school (so will heaven knows how many others). Of course, once the case reaches the Supremes, the damage to abortion providers is done, and the real purpose of the Louisiana law is fulfilled. Oops. But then, the four-(sorry excuse for a)man, fetus-fetishist goon squad would decide every other case reaching them the same way, because, you know, "stare decisis".

The most worrisome is Roberts's concurrence, as it is partly an excuse for his concurrence, partly a roadmap for smarter legislators how to get him to wave through legislative burdens on a women's right to choose sufficiently dissimilar to the laws in Texas and Louisiana. Or so my impression. All in all, a good day, with a very dark cloud hanging over it.
On Monday, the Supreme Court blocked Louisiana from enforcing a law restricting abortion in June Medical Services v. Russo.

Fine with me. Less nonwhite babies being born. A+ in my book!
‘Properly focused, ‘less government’ – a distinction without a difference.

The Court has ruled that the Louisiana law was improperly focused, consistent with conservative political dogma.

There is a difference. I wouldn’t expect someone who supports abortion to understand it.

You are correct that the Louisiana law wasn’t properly focused. It should have banned the act completely.
And as usual the WH goes with the inane, ridiculous “states’ rights/unelected judges” sophistry:

“Instead of valuing fundamental democratic principles, unelected Justices have intruded on the sovereign prerogatives of State governments by imposing their own policy preference in favor of abortion to override legitimate abortion safety regulations.”

I think you are babbling

if you murder someone you may be executed

but if you dont unlawfully take a human life you should not be sent to the gallows

min not babbling at all. Nobody of any significant age has an Innocent soul.

Now in the matter of the death penalty... it should be the ONLY sentence for ALL Felonies and any misdemeanor related to violence or illegal substances.
He also knows what stare decisis means.

Nothing in the Constitution says anything about stare decisis and there is no obligation to follow precedent. That said, I agree with the decision

Now lets see them apply the concept of restricted access for the sake of restricting access being unconstitutional to 2nd amendment rights.
Love the way pro lifers look to the contents of her uterus, and forget there is a functional, emotional, woman attached. If pro lifers had a better plan for the child women might take them up on their offer. But to force a woman to bear a child she cannot care for is wrong. The only option they have is grow up in poverty and get murdered like in NYC today
Precisely the way you have forgotten, or ignore, that there is a functional living human being attached to the

I guess it's all a case of perspective, isn't it, And since the child is unable to speak for him or herself we
simply do the expedient thing and exterminate the innocent silent human being.

What a profound statement about our nation isn't it. The notion that the unaborted child will undoubtedly wind up living in poverty until it is prematurely murdered in the streets is another profound statement about
our society that can see no future for our children except murder by abortionists or criminals which is
an ironic self fulfilling prophecy.

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