Supreme court blocks Obama carbon emission plan

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Adults are in charge :)

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court’s surprise decision Tuesday to halt the carrying out of President Obama’s climate change regulation could weaken or even imperil the international global warming accord reached with great ceremony in Paris less than two months ago, climate diplomats say.

The Paris Agreement, the first accordto commit every country to combat climate change, had as a cornerstone Mr. Obama’s assurance that the United States would enact strong, legally sound policies to significantly cut carbon emissions. The United States is the largest historical greenhouse gas polluter, although its annual emissions have been overtaken by China’s.

But in the capitals of India and China, the other two largest polluters, climate change policy experts said the court’s decision threw the United States’ commitment into question, and possibly New Delhi’s and Beijing’s.

“If the U.S. Supreme Court actually declares the coal power plant rules stillborn, the chances of nurturing trust between countries would all but vanish,” said Navroz K. Dubash, a senior fellow at the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi. “This could be the proverbial string which causes Paris to unravel.

Air quality in the U.S. is the best it's been in 20 years. Fuck Obama, the EPA, and his entire Cabinet. They're all a bunch lunatics.

The increase in GDP is directly proportional to hydrocarbon usage. Climate Change is voodoo science.

Oh - and Obama's proposed $10.25/barrel tax on crude oil? That would throw this country into certain chaos.

Fuck him. Fuck Bernie Sanders. And Fuck that bitch Hillary.
You believe co2 is a greenhoue gas?

I would not quote stories that say as much even if there is a little good news in the story.

Out of everything in that story, you want to comment on that?

You weird .......

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You believe co2 is a greenhoue gas?

I would not quote stories that say as much even if there is a little good news in the story.

Out of everything in that story, you want to comment on that?

You weird .......

I know, I thought of that, but they have basterdized the meaning of words to such a degree that we seem to agree by using thier language. Or at the least, we are on yhe defensive as soon as we reply.
Asshole thinks hes a king.:fu: The people decided this years ago when Crap and Tax went down HARD in flames in congress. Nobody wants this shit except the radicals. The Alinsky types that want to crush capitalism via covert taxing. Fuck them.....these people are going down one way or another. By force in the end if that is what it takes..........indeed!!:coffee:

Im laughing........hurts my own balls when progressives get nut sack kicked.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:
Hmmm..........not a real popular thread with the religion!!

Im still laughing...........this is like the biggest knobby cucumber for the progressive k00ks.


We have so may nonsense/irrelevant threads on this forum, want to make sure the most important and non-philosophical threads are conveyed to interested parties ( the non-k00ks):bye1:
Y'all jinxed it.

Thanks to you, Justice Scalia just died. He would have been fine if you all hadn't gloated. Nice work there, tempting fate so hard that fate felt compelled to act.

So, now the SC vote will be 4-4, the lower court ruling will stand, and the new laws will stand.

When the karma fairy bitch-slaps you kooks, she really doesn't mess around.
Y'all jinxed it.

Thanks to you, Justice Scalia just died. He would have been fine if you all hadn't gloated. Nice work there, tempting fate so hard that fate felt compelled to act.

So, now the SC vote will be 4-4, the lower court ruling will stand, and the new laws will stand.

When the karma fairy bitch-slaps you kooks, she really doesn't mess around.

Actually NO... Until he is replaced the ruling stands.. You dont know much about our legal system..

Oral Arguments will proceed next year after the elections.. By then the Congress will lay the EPA over-each waste. And if we play our cards right the next president will fill the vacancy...Nothing will get through congress regarding the SCOTUS.

I believe that the nuclear option used by democrats is about to bit them in the ass..
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Actually NO... Until he is replaced the ruling stands.. You dont know much about our legal system..

There was no ruling. As is normal, you get everything wrong.

They was a stay. Which means little, as the laws weren't going into affect until after 2020 anyways. The stay lasts until the case is settled, and the case will be settled by 2017.

Oral Arguments will proceed next year after the elections..

No, the DC Circuit will hear the case on June 2, and, not being stacked with right-wing cranks, is expected to support the law. After that, if the vacancy hasn't been filled, the SC ties 4-4, so the lower court ruling stands. If the vacancy has been filled, the law stands by a 5-4 decision.

By then the Congress will lay the EPA over-each waste.

Presidential veto. Congress can't do jack.

And if we play our cards right the next president will fill the vacancy...Nothing will get through congress regarding the SCOTUS.

We hope you struggle and scream, as we're going to ream the Republicans hard over their historical revisionism and record-setting hypocrisy.

I believe that the nuclear option used by democrats is about to bit them in the ass..

Except the Democrats never used the nuclear option. You really are clueless on every conceivable issue.

And as I don't think I've ever seen the karma fairy inflict a bigger beatdown than the one you just endured, you probably need to go drink your pain and sorrows away now.
Actually NO... Until he is replaced the ruling stands.. You dont know much about our legal system..

There was no ruling. As is normal, you get everything wrong.

They was a stay. Which means little, as the laws weren't going into affect until after 2020 anyways. The stay lasts until the case is settled, and the case will be settled by 2017.

Oral Arguments will proceed next year after the elections..

No, the DC Circuit will hear the case on June 2, and, not being stacked with right-wing cranks, is expected to support the law. After that, if the vacancy hasn't been filled, the SC ties 4-4, so the lower court ruling stands. If the vacancy has been filled, the law stands by a 5-4 decision.

By then the Congress will lay the EPA over-each waste.

Presidential veto. Congress can't do jack.

And if we play our cards right the next president will fill the vacancy...Nothing will get through congress regarding the SCOTUS.

We hope you struggle and scream, as we're going to ream the Republicans hard over their historical revisionism and record-setting hypocrisy.

I believe that the nuclear option used by democrats is about to bit them in the ass..

Except the Democrats never used the nuclear option. You really are clueless on every conceivable issue.

And as I don't think I've ever seen the karma fairy inflict a bigger beatdown than the one you just endured, you probably need to go drink your pain and sorrows away now.

SCOTUS has agreed to hear the case. The DC circus will hear the case, as they have no jurisdiction, it will still have to be heard by SCOTUS. Until oral arguments are heard in the SCOTUS nothing will change.

Good luck with your revisionist thinking.. The facts show you a fool.
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SCOTUS has agreed to hear the case.

No, they haven't. Issuing a stay is completely different from agreeing to hear a case. It does mean it's likely they will agree to hear it later, but it hasn't happened yet.

The DC circus will hear the case, as they have no jurisdiction,

The DC Circuit specifically has jurisdiction over the rule making of federal agencies. That would be why they're hearing oral arguments on June 2.

it will still have to be heard by SCOTUS. Until oral arguments are heard in the SCOTUS nothing will change.

That's assuming the SC takes the case. But the timing of it isn't a big deal, as nothing takes effect until after 2020 anyways. If it remains stayed until 2017, it doesn't affect anything.

Good luck with your revisionist thinking.. The facts show you a fool.

Your best strategy now, after losing in the DC circuit, is to play for time. If it goes to the SC quickly, it will lose, and that loss is irrevocable. You have to delay getting it to the SC by asking for en banc review in the DC circuit, and hope you can block Obama's nomination, and hope for a Republican to win the presidency.

The pigeon taking a shit on the chessboard analogy comes to mind on this thread.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The Paris Treaty and subsequent carbon tax crap is the equivalent of a pin prick on an elephants ass. Twenty billion dollars is a joke when the cost of going green is 76 trillion. At the end of the day, fossil fuels are dominating the energy landscape for decades to come.

So............who's not winning?:coffee:
Adults are in charge :)

Supreme Court’s Blow to Emissions Efforts May Imperil Paris Climate Accord

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court’s surprise decision Tuesday to halt the carrying out of President Obama’s climate change regulation could weaken or even imperil the international global warming accord reached with great ceremony in Paris less than two months ago, climate diplomats say.

The Paris Agreement, the first accordto commit every country to combat climate change, had as a cornerstone Mr. Obama’s assurance that the United States would enact strong, legally sound policies to significantly cut carbon emissions. The United States is the largest historical greenhouse gas polluter, although its annual emissions have been overtaken by China’s.

But in the capitals of India and China, the other two largest polluters, climate change policy experts said the court’s decision threw the United States’ commitment into question, and possibly New Delhi’s and Beijing’s.

“If the U.S. Supreme Court actually declares the coal power plant rules stillborn, the chances of nurturing trust between countries would all but vanish,” said Navroz K. Dubash, a senior fellow at the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi. “This could be the proverbial string which causes Paris to unravel.


what timing huh

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