FLASH: NASA says sea level rise slowing!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Im laughing......how many hysterical threads have we seen in here in the last two years by the AGW k00ks speaking about the ginormous threat of sea levels rising!!! And of course, the bozo's relate it to man-made causes!!!

Parched Earth soaks up water, slowing sea level rise: study

f'ing duh :2up:

Really......how fucking stoopid and naïve are you people?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: How do people end up missing so many memo's??!!

The climate is all about cycles s0ns...........always has been. Always will be!!:bye1:

And anyway......as has been well documented in this forum.......very few really care about it anyway!!:coffee:
So NASA just discovered that it rains? And that is a negative feedback on Ocean rise?

I'm sooooooo confused. That "theory" has too many moving parts for the hand-waving explanation I saw in that press report. MORE rain -- less run-off? OK.. Got it. And WHY is this? "A parched Earth".. ?????? Sounds a bit like Medicine Man talk and not science.. But it makes great press. Every time the climate scientists get stumped, it's because the climate must be weirding..

From the paper abstract ----

We found that between 2002 and 2014, climate variability resulted in an additional 3200 ± 900 gigatons of water being stored on land. This gain partially offset water losses from ice sheets, glaciers, and groundwater pumping, slowing the rate of sea level rise by 0.71 ± 0.20 millimeters per year.

It aint GROUNDWATER jerks.. It's OIL. And it's INCREASING rapidly.. Or it could be weight gain from obesity causing the satellite mass readings to skyrocket.

Then there this gem..

Net groundwater storage has been increasing, and the greatest regional changes, both positive and negative, are associated with climate-driven variability in precipitation.

I always wondered if "ground water storage levels" were associated with rainfall. Thanks geniuses !!!
But they cook the books! You can't believe a word they say! That data was altered! It's a conspiracy to stop people replacing their wharves!

You boys seemed to have forgotten your lines, just a helpful reminder.
But they cook the books! You can't believe a word they say! That data was altered! It's a conspiracy to stop people replacing their wharves!

You boys seemed to have forgotten your lines, just a helpful reminder.

That's IT??? You're not gonna torture us with that line that "Obama stopped the seas from rising" ???

That's the real reason right?
So NASA just discovered that it rains? And that is a negative feedback on Ocean rise?

I'm sooooooo confused. That "theory" has too many moving parts for the hand-waving explanation I saw in that press report. MORE rain -- less run-off? OK.. Got it. And WHY is this? "A parched Earth".. ?????? Sounds a bit like Medicine Man talk and not science.. But it makes great press. Every time the climate scientists get stumped, it's because the climate must be weirding..


LOL............"Nasa just discovered that it rains!". That made me laugh:2up:

Let face it......only mental cases sit home and worry that the ocean may be rising some millimeters. The thinking fuck up is fascinating to me. As I like to say.........obsessions are hideous things. These people ALL need more meaningful things going on in their life. In my field, we treat people like this with what is known as a DR-ALT program......get people to focus on alternative stimuli and there is less time to ruminate on the obsessions. It is quite effective. It is why I say in here that these AGW people need to get some real responsibilities in life ( like the rest of the planet ). Mental disorders suck......but there are treatments to reduce the level of suck.:up: The obsessions become less predominant.
Groundwater Depletion Accelerates Sea-Level Rise

Already, he and his colleagues have found, groundwater depletion is adding about 0.6 millimeters per year (about one-fortieth of an inch) to the Earth's sea level. By 2050, he said, the triple pressures of growing population, economic development, and higher irrigation needs due to a warming climate will increase that to 0.82 millimeters per year—enough to raise sea levels by 40 millimeters (1.6 inches) above 1990 levels. Between 2050 and 2100, according to some estimates, sea levels would rise even faster.

Hahahaha. Sometimes it adds to SLR, sometimes it subtracts. If you make predictions going both ways then you cannot help but being right I suppose. Heads I win, tails you lose. Hahahaha.
So, why is this a dumb thread?

The rate of sea level rise is still exactly what it's been measured as. The paper doesn't change that at all. The paper makes no claims of any sort that sea level rise is slowing.

As is so common, Skook's headline was a total fiction. And, as is also so common, the other deniers fell hard for the scam, because that's how cultists react when they see something that supports their religious beliefs.

What the paper does do is address the individual components of sea level rise. If more water is going out of the oceans into land storage, then, to account for the observed sea level rise, more water must have been coming into the oceans from other sources. That is, things were worse than we thought, but compensated for by the land storage.

And if you want to see the paper, it's paywalled, but the abstract is here.

A decade of sea level rise slowed by climate-driven hydrology | Science
Thepaper makes no claims of any sort that sea level rise is slowing.

Yeah -- Pay no attention to the title of your link..

A decade of sea level rise slowed by climate-driven hydrology | Science

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

This gain partially offset water losses from ice sheets, glaciers, and groundwater pumping, slowing the rate of sea level rise by 0.71 ± 0.20 millimeters per year.

Realize this for what it is -- AN EXCUSE for failure of the predictions. The rates of rise are not cooperating with the models. So personally, I don't care what is "measured". Mostly because most of that isn't "new water" but temperature expansion and geo fudge factors.

What I care about is the THEORY FAILING to substantiate the fear and the hype of drowning most of the East/West coasts with greatly ACCELERATED rates of sea level rise. They didn't see this coming? The fact that water cycle stats SWAMPED actual "new water" into the oceans?

C'mon.. Don't be a dweeb......
Thepaper makes no claims of any sort that sea level rise is slowing.

Yeah -- Pay no attention to the title of your link..

A decade of sea level rise slowed by climate-driven hydrology | Science

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

This gain partially offset water losses from ice sheets, glaciers, and groundwater pumping, slowing the rate of sea level rise by 0.71 ± 0.20 millimeters per year.

Realize this for what it is -- AN EXCUSE for failure of the predictions. The rates of rise are not cooperating with the models. So personally, I don't care what is "measured". Mostly because most of that isn't "new water" but temperature expansion and geo fudge factors.

What I care about is the THEORY FAILING to substantiate the fear and the hype of drowning most of the East/West coasts with greatly ACCELERATED rates of sea level rise. They didn't see this coming? The fact that water cycle stats SWAMPED actual "new water" into the oceans?

C'mon.. Don't be a dweeb......
I would hope that in that paper -- their GRACE measurements show how the water LEFT the land during "parching" it got from 0.5deg of GW.. :laugh:

Will be at Vanderbilt on Tuesday.. I'll put this on my "library" list. If it shows any realistic accounting of water entering/leaving the oceans due to water cycle -- I'll excerpt a chart or 2..
Ground absorbing sea level rise, slowing it down...

Study: Water-logged land slowing sea level rise
Saturday 13th February, 2016 -- New research suggests sea level rise has been stunted or hidden by the uptake of water by land.
Much of the more abstract and complex branches of science -- astronomy, geology, climatology -- involves working to get theoretical models to play nicely with concrete measurements. That's been a problem for climate scientists who've found a disconnect with the levels of glacier melting and sea level rise. New data has helped scientists explain the discrepancy. Changes in weather and climate have precipitated an uptake in land-based water storage. At least 20 percent of the water released by melting glaciers is being contained in soils, lakes and underground aquifers.


Large quantities of ocean water are constantly evaporating. That water in the atmosphere forms clouds and eventually returns as rain or snow, much of it over land. The majority of the land-based precipitation eventually makes its way back to the ocean. But not all of it. Scientists have long understood the nature of the global hydrological cycle, but measuring it on a global scale is quite difficult. That's changing thanks new satellite technologies. NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment uses twin satellites to precisely measure variations in the Earth's gravitational pull. These variations can reveal the shifts in water storage across the planet's surface.

The experiment's latest data allowed scientists to locate the missing glacial water their climate models and polar readings predicted. The new findings were published in the journal Science. "We always assumed that people's increased reliance on groundwater for irrigation and consumption was resulting in a net transfer of water from the land to the ocean," lead study author J.T. Reager, a researcher with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a press release. "What we didn't realize until now is that over the past decade, changes in the global water cycle more than offset the losses that occurred from groundwater pumping, causing the land to act like a sponge." "These new data are vital for understanding variations in sea level change," Reager continued. "The information will be a critical complement to future long-term projections of sea level rise, which depend on melting ice and warming oceans."

Study Water-logged land slowing sea level rise
Wait....didn't we just have a panic attack by Barrack Hussein Obama about 10-20 foot sea rises at Hampton?
LOL.......this kind of stuff makes the climate crusaders heads explode!!!:boobies::boobies::coffee:

One will notice in these pages that not a few..........not some.........but EVERY SINGLE piece of evidence that doesn't conform with the AGW religion is rejected as lies. EVERY SINGLE piece of new information.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Of course, the public has digested this dynamic over the last two decades resulting in an epic level of apathy......especially since the k00ks blew their wad years ago on the whole arctic being ice-free crap.:oops-28:


Here we are in an election season and an overwhelming majority couldn't give a rats ass about this shit!!:2up:
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That's IT???
How much more do you want NASA data denigrated? I mean that's a matter of faith with you boys isn't it? No one can rely on NASA data for anything! It's all political and the books have been cooked.

You boys are forgetting your lines.
Forgetting their lines, incapable of discerning what the article is saying. All information through a poltitical filter. Everything must match the 'Conservative' PC line. LOL.

Let me explain to you the difference between "past tense" and "future tense".

The paper was talking about past tense, that sea level rise would have been even bigger if it wasn't for the larger than expected land storage.

Yet oddly, you're pretending the paper is talking about future tense, and is predicting slower sea level rises in the future, even though the paper plainly says nothing of the sort.

This gain partially offset water losses from ice sheets, glaciers, and groundwater pumping, slowing the rate of sea level rise by 0.71 ± 0.20 millimeters per year.

Yep. Past tense. It's saying that without the land storage, sea level rise would have been 4.0 mm/year instead of 3.3 mm/year.

Realize this for what it is -- AN EXCUSE for failure of the predictions. The rates of rise are not cooperating with the models.

Don't be silly. The models have matched reality quite well, and if anything, have underestimated rise.


So personally, I don't care what is "measured". Mostly because most of that isn't "new water" but temperature expansion and geo fudge factors.

The coastlines, however, do care.

What I care about is the THEORY FAILING to substantiate the fear and the hype of drowning most of the East/West coasts with greatly ACCELERATED rates of sea level rise. They didn't see this coming? The fact that water cycle stats SWAMPED actual "new water" into the oceans?

You've been assuming scientists never looked at land storage at all before, since that assumption fits in with your "Those egghead scientists don't know 'nuffin!" conspiratorial thinking. However, that's only your problem, being that the scientists have always considered land storage.

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