supporters of Mitt Romney: go away.

President Romney.

Wishful thinking.

The GOP candidate never wins if I don't like him.

Just a truism. If you don't win the Joe Caucus, you lose.

so which of the alternative fuckwits do you support?

I honestly think that Perry is probably the best choice. he has the adminstrative skills in that he's been a governor of the second largest state for 11 years. I think he's more personable than Romney. I think he can harness the energy of the TEA movement and still appeal to the establishment once it gets over itself. He can appeal to Hispanics, which is critical.

But the important thing. Obama's best chance of winning this time is to play the class warfare card. He's out there for working people, and Romney is the tool of Wall Street, and the wealthy.

Perry came from humble origins and worked his way up from humble beginnings. he takes that card out of Obama's hand. He appeals to Joe Sixpack, who doesn't know annuities from diddly, but understands the importance of a days work vs. collecting welfare.

I do think ultimately, this will be Perry vs. Romney, and if this goes the distance, Perry will prevail. He's likable, Romney isn't. That's why the GOP establishment and the MSM are tryign to finish this before anyone figures out what happened.

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