Study: Two-thirds of U.S. Jobs Under 'Recovery' Went to Immigrants


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
According to a new study, two-thirds of the jobs obtained across the U.S. have gone to legal and illegal immigrants since Barack Obama has taken office. The study was conducted by The Center for Immigration Studies and is based on U.S. Census Bureau results. Since the first quarter of 2009, the number of immigrants finding jobs has grown by two million, from 21.2 million to 23.2 million, while the native-born Americans have only found one million more, growing to 119.9 million.

One reason may be that new immigrants are more mobile, not having a hometown to which they are attached. Another reason is that agriculture and high-tech industries have been hiring more. A third reason may be that natives can more easily file for unemployment benefits.

Meanwhile, in October, the City Council of Los Angeles okayed services cards for illegal immigrants which gave illegal immigrants access to banks and library services. *Ira Melman of the Federation of Immigration Reform fought the measure, saying:
“It’s making it easier for people to violate federal immigration laws and easier for people to take jobs that should be going to unemployed Americans, What they’re also doing is very recklessly ratifying false identities. They have no idea who the people are when they come forward.”

Study: Two-thirds of U.S. Jobs Under 'Recovery' Went to Immigrants

Granny says is `cause he kept the recession from bein' a depression...
Obama Has Presided Over Weakest Multi-Year Economic Recovery Since WWII
February 7, 2013 – President Barack Obama has presided over the weakest multi-year economic recovery since the end of World War II, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Since the end of the last recession in June 2009, the economy has grown only 7.5 percent--compared with the double-digit increases the economy experience in other multi-year post-World War II growth cycles.

Using inflation-adjusted GDP figures from BEA and business cycle dates from the National Bureau of Economic Research (the organization used by the government to date when recessions and recoveries begin and end), calculated how much the economy grew in each recovery since 1949, the earliest full recovery period for which BEA data is available.

In three and a half years from the end of the last recession in June 2009 until the fourth quarter of 2012, the economy grew only 7.5 percent, increasing from $12.7 trillion to $13.6 trillion.

The absolute worst post-war recovery lasted just 12 months, from July 1980 to July 1981 when the economy grew just 4.4 percent before falling into recession again until November of 1982. Obama’s is by far the worst multi-year recovery since World War II, including recoveries of similar lengths that occurred in the 1950’s and 1970’s.

[/b]Worst Multiple-Year Economic Recoveries Since WWII[/b]

See also:

Economy to be Obama's focus in State of the Union
Feb 9,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama will focus his State of the Union address on boosting job creation and economic growth at a time of high unemployment, underscoring the degree to which the economy could threaten his ability to pursue second-term priorities such as gun control, immigration policy and climate change.
Obama also may use Tuesday's prime-time address before a joint session of Congress to announce the next steps for concluding the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Obama's State of the Union marks his second high-profile speech to the nation in about three weeks, after his inaugural address Jan. 21 that opened his second term. White House aides see the two speeches as complementary, with Tuesday's address aimed at providing specifics to back up some of the Inauguration Day's lofty liberal rhetoric.

The president previewed the address during a meeting Thursday with House Democrats and said he would speak "about making sure that we're focused on job creation here in the United States of America." Obama said he would try to accomplish that by calling for improvements in education, boosting clean energy production, and reducing the deficit in ways that don't burden the middle class, the poor or the elderly. While those priorities may be cheered by some Democrats, they're certain to be met with skepticism or outright opposition from many congressional Republicans, especially in the GOP-controlled House. The parties are at odds over ways to reduce the deficit. Republicans favor spending cuts; Obama prefers a combination of spending cuts and increasing tax revenue.

The president said he would address taxes and looming across-the-board budget cuts, known as the sequester, in the speech. The White House and Congress have pushed back the automatic cuts once, and Obama wants to do it again in order to create an opening for a larger deficit reduction deal. "I am prepared, eager and anxious to do a big deal, a big package that ends this governance by crisis where every two weeks or every two months or every six months we are threatening this hard-won recovery," he said last week.

The economy has rebounded significantly from the depths of the recession and has taken a back seat for Obama since he won re-election in November. He's instead focused on campaigns to overhaul the nation's patchwork immigration laws and enact stricter gun control measures following the massacre of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., in December. The president also raised expectations for action this year on climate change after devoting a significant amount of time to the issue in his address at the inauguration. But the unemployment rate is persistently high at 7.9 percent, economic growth slowed last quarter and consumer confidence is falling, so the economy could upend Obama's plans to pursue a broader domestic agenda in his final four years in office.

And since the Right has been saying nearly all of the job growth since Obama took office has been due to the energy sector we can assume those immigrants are being hired by Big Oil!!! Further proof that Big Oil always puts America first. :cuckoo:
That's because immigrants work cheap.

If Americans learned to work cheap, they'd have lots of jobs too.

too stupid!! IF liberals didn't invite 20 million illegals here to take our jobs, if they didn't provide tax incentives to move jobs off-shore, if they didn't support unions which drove 30 million jobs offshore, and if they didn't run deficits so the Japanese and Chinese could buy our debt rather than our products we would have very full employment at very very high wages!!!

Now even you can see how liberals destroy jobs and wages!!
That sounds totally preposterous, and since the study is done by an anti-immigration group, I'm going to call bullshit.

too stupid! 1) Its not anti-immigration and 2) if you disagree with findings you have to say why or admit to perfect liberal ignorance as you usually do!!
Go to their website, or check out their Facebook page. Every study I have ever seen them release has found that immigrants are destroying America.

Center for Immigration Studies | Low-immigration, Pro-immigrant


Amnesty is a bad idea
A new poll using "avoiding false choice" words finds most Americans want immigrants to self deport.
Denaturalize "security threats"

How about you read some of their books....

Non-citizens Voting and American Democracy
The new case agaisnt immigration, both legal and illegal
One America? Political leadership, national idenity and the dilemma of diversity
Peaceful Invasion

And they bill themselves as unbiased :lmao:
If you can find me one study they've done that shows immigrants in a positive light, I will retract my statement.

too stupid!! it is a pro immigration group, anti illegal immigration group!! MOst of them are immigrants.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?
They bill themselves as pro-immigrant. But the books, and studies, and the countless articles where they show how awful immigration is says otherwise.

But that's ok, think what you like. I didn't post in order to convince you that they are not an unbiased source, I posted so when others click the thread they don't assume the OP is accurate.
Study: Two-thirds of U.S. Jobs Under 'Recovery' Went to Immigrants

Isn't that what Republicans want? Mitt Romney said he would cut teachers and bring immigrants with degrees here and help them get jobs. It was on his website. I linked to it at least 50 times.
They bill themselves as pro-immigrant. But the books, and studies, and the countless articles where they show how awful immigration is says otherwise.
The original post appears to support you here.

OP goes to brietbart, which links to Study: Two-thirds of U.S. jobs under 'recovery' went to immigrants - Business & Economics - Catholic Online where they clearly state:
"The Center for Immigration Studies, which wants the government to impose stricter limits on immigration, has released a startling study based on U.S. Census Bureau results. For the last three years, two-thirds of those who have found employment are immigrants, both legal and illegal. The report implies that what little job growth there has been in the U.S. has been taken by those of non-native heritage."

Obviously the source has an agenda, and furthermore calling what they did a "study" is quite a stretch.
They bill themselves as pro-immigrant. But the books, and studies, and the countless articles where they show how awful immigration is says otherwise.
The original post appears to support you here.

OP goes to brietbart, which links to Study: Two-thirds of U.S. jobs under 'recovery' went to immigrants - Business & Economics - Catholic Online where they clearly state:
"The Center for Immigration Studies, which wants the government to impose stricter limits on immigration, has released a startling study based on U.S. Census Bureau results. For the last three years, two-thirds of those who have found employment are immigrants, both legal and illegal. The report implies that what little job growth there has been in the U.S. has been taken by those of non-native heritage."

Obviously the source has an agenda, and furthermore calling what they did a "study" is quite a stretch.

If you have information proving otherwise, please post it.

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