Students Will Stay After School 20 Minutes Each Day to Make Up For Teacher Sick-Outs

Our school is going to be 30 minutes longer because of all the snow-days.

Those lazy teachers, not opening school even tho the roads were closed. The parents should make sure their kids know the teachers were lazy good for nothings so they are being PUNISHED with more school. ;)

I do not see how it was the teacher's faults, explain?

Note the >>>> ;)
Those lazy teachers, not opening school even tho the roads were closed. The parents should make sure their kids know the teachers were lazy good for nothings so they are being PUNISHED with more school. ;)

I do not see how it was the teacher's faults, explain?

Note the >>>> ;)

If your statement was sarcasm, then what is the point of the statement when I was not blaming teachers for the extra time?
Teachers work 180 days a year.
Compare that to the average worker who works 220 days a year

Teachers are mandated to be on school grounds from 8-4 with a 42 minute lunch and at least one 42 minute free period...working 6.5 hours
Compare that to the average worker who is mandated to be at work 8:30-5:30 with an hour lunch and two 15 minute breaks....working 7.5 hours

So that being said...

Teachers work 1170 hours a year

The average worker works 1650 hours a year

a difference of about 480 hours a year

Spread that over the 180 days they work and that is about 2 hours and 40 minutes a day that they need to work at night to work equal hours to the average worker.

And that is assuming the average worker doesnt ALSO have to work at night.

And that is a very lame one who is equally educated to a teacher is likely working late nioghts as well....thus why the higher salaries.....

Instead of spewing crap you know nothing about, I suggest you first do the math.
You know nothing about what teachers do.

When I worked as a teacher, I worked at least 2.5 hours every evenings and that doesn't include the parent teacher conferences, the PTA meetings, grant applications, the Friday nights directing traffic at football games, Chess club twice a week, staff meetings, meetings with my curriculum supervisor, conferences with Special Ed teachers, district survey, DOE surveys, student evaluation, after school training on student discipline, cleaning up bodily fluid, and every other waste of time the legislature could think up.

Do parents and the public think that tests, student assignments, and classroom presentations just magically appear? Grading papers and assignments are done by the tooth fairy?

Your post illustrates exactly why I no longer teach. I enjoyed teaching kids, but it's just not worth it.

You decided it wasnt worth teaching for the amount of pay you recieved. Thats your choice.
But you knew going in what the pay scale was correct?
Thats the main thing that ticks me off!!! The teacher knew going in what they were to be paid. It's not like they were lead to believe something different.

And if our teachers are so smart then why where they stupid enough to take the job in the first place?
I'm tired of hearing the argument "but other people with the same education make more money" No one told them to be teachers!!!
It sounds to me they made a poor choice when it comes to career decisions. So who's fault is that?
We've been throwing money at education for a long time with crappy results.
It has nothing to do with money,it has to do with the lack of discipline in schools and at home.
You cant spank the little brats anymore so there are no repercusions when they act like little shits. THAT is the reason teachers cant teach!! And I dont blame them for hating there jobs when the classroom is uncontrollable.
But thats a whole nother topic(but I blame the libs for getting rid of school discipline)
So in closing.........If you dont like your job get into another line of work.
Yes, I knew what the pay was when I started teaching but what I didn’t know was how much additional work I would have to do every night. If I could have worked just 7 hours a day and do everything else in an hour, I probably would have continued teaching for several more years. I believe if students entering the College of Education had to spend a week in the classroom of a 1st year teacher, and saw the additional work and crap they had to do, there would be a lot less teachers.

I don’t agree with you that our results are crappy. It really depends on the school and district. The report of how badly our schools are doing compared to other countries is nonsense. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

I do agree that there is lack of discipline in the home and the schools and it’s taking its toll.

You say you don’t blame teachers for hating their job. Most teachers don’t hate teaching. They do hate most everything else that’s become part of job but has very little to do with teaching.

If we want better education we need to let teachers do their job, teach and stop the legislature, the DOE, the district, and the school from adding additional tasks to classroom teachers job that really doesn't have anything to do with teaching.
You know nothing about what teachers do.

When I worked as a teacher, I worked at least 2.5 hours every evenings and that doesn't include the parent teacher conferences, the PTA meetings, grant applications, the Friday nights directing traffic at football games, Chess club twice a week, staff meetings, meetings with my curriculum supervisor, conferences with Special Ed teachers, district survey, DOE surveys, student evaluation, after school training on student discipline, cleaning up bodily fluid, and every other waste of time the legislature could think up.

Do parents and the public think that tests, student assignments, and classroom presentations just magically appear? Grading papers and assignments are done by the tooth fairy?

Your post illustrates exactly why I no longer teach. I enjoyed teaching kids, but it's just not worth it.

You decided it wasnt worth teaching for the amount of pay you recieved. Thats your choice.
But you knew going in what the pay scale was correct?
Thats the main thing that ticks me off!!! The teacher knew going in what they were to be paid. It's not like they were lead to believe something different.

And if our teachers are so smart then why where they stupid enough to take the job in the first place?
I'm tired of hearing the argument "but other people with the same education make more money" No one told them to be teachers!!!
It sounds to me they made a poor choice when it comes to career decisions. So who's fault is that?
We've been throwing money at education for a long time with crappy results.
It has nothing to do with money,it has to do with the lack of discipline in schools and at home.
You cant spank the little brats anymore so there are no repercusions when they act like little shits. THAT is the reason teachers cant teach!! And I dont blame them for hating there jobs when the classroom is uncontrollable.
But thats a whole nother topic(but I blame the libs for getting rid of school discipline)
So in closing.........If you dont like your job get into another line of work.
Yes, I knew what the pay was when I started teaching but what I didn’t know was how much additional work I would have to do every night. If I could have worked just 7 hours a day and do everything else in an hour, I probably would have continued teaching for several more years. I believe if students entering the College of Education had to spend a week in the classroom of a 1st year teacher, and saw the additional work and crap they had to do, there would be a lot less teachers.

I don’t agree with you that our results are crappy. It really depends on the school and district. The report of how badly our schools are doing compared to other countries is nonsense. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

I do agree that there is lack of discipline in the home and the schools and it’s taking its toll.

You say you don’t blame teachers for hating their job. Most teachers don’t hate teaching. They do hate most everything else that’s become part of job but has very little to do with teaching.

If we want better education we need to let teachers do their job, teach and stop the legislature, the DOE, the district, and the school from adding additional tasks to classroom teachers job that really doesn't have anything to do with teaching.

Why is it that it is well known, even to the layman, that teaching includes extra hours after school hours, but you did not know it when you opted to go into teaching?

When people opt to go into law, they are well aware that there will be late nights on a reglar basis without compensation when they are associates. Young accounting students are well aware that when they go into the real world they will be working 15 hour days from January to April and September through October.

Putting you aside, I believe that most that go into teaching are well aware of the demands of the position. They have exposure with student teaching and most speak with teching professionals well before hand to find out what to expect.

SO, again, I say....teachers accept the positions knowing what to expect. To complain about it and put themselves on a pedestal as something special is inappropriate. They could have always turned down the job.
Can someone explain to me why folks are upset that they're making up the lost time?

Yes, I know it wasn't the kids fault and I disagree that the teachers blew the kids off to go protest. BUT, that's what happened and now the time needs to be made up. How is 20 minutes a day for however long - end of school year? - going to be a problem? If the teachers extended the school year by xx days to make it up would that quiet people down? How about if they shortened spring break? The fact is the time needs to be made up . . . what am I missing?

Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?
Can someone explain to me why folks are upset that they're making up the lost time?

Yes, I know it wasn't the kids fault and I disagree that the teachers blew the kids off to go protest. BUT, that's what happened and now the time needs to be made up. How is 20 minutes a day for however long - end of school year? - going to be a problem? If the teachers extended the school year by xx days to make it up would that quiet people down? How about if they shortened spring break? The fact is the time needs to be made up . . . what am I missing?

Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?
Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.
Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

But to blame government for it is wrong. Government did not tell the teachers to take the time off...the union did.
But the kids are being told it is Walkers fault.
Such is a lie and a bad lesson to be taught to the children.

Maybe they should be told that the teachers did not like the results of the election, so they decided to walk off the job....and now the teachers need to make up the time at the cost of the children.
Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

It is not an extra minute. The kids were not in classrooms learning during that time the teachers walked off the job...

It is making time up....but the truth as to why should be explained to the kids....

Not the crap the teachers are telling them.
Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

Then the parents can go pick up their kids at the regular dismissal time. Problem solved.

I fail to see what the big hoopla is all about here. Yes the teachers were wrong to bail on the students and take part in the protests during school hours. However, it happened and the time now needs to be made up. People may not like it but them there's the fact, Jack. Longer day, shorter break, extending the school year . . whatever. If it had happened here I'd have zero problem with them making up the time. Honestly, if they said they weren't making up the time at all people would be bellyaching about that. The teachers are also doing it sans pay.
Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

But to blame government for it is wrong. Government did not tell the teachers to take the time off...the union did.
But the kids are being told it is Walkers fault.
Such is a lie and a bad lesson to be taught to the children.

Maybe they should be told that the teachers did not like the results of the election, so they decided to walk off the job....and now the teachers need to make up the time at the cost of the children.

Completely agree, the kids should be told the truth.
Would you prefer that they just bag the lost time altogether?

The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

It is not an extra minute. The kids were not in classrooms learning during that time the teachers walked off the job...

It is making time up....but the truth as to why should be explained to the kids....

Not the crap the teachers are telling them.

So the teachers are lying to the children? Do you have a link for that? And we and our kids are supposed to admire lying teachers??? Really? Damn the world is a changing. Why should America trust teachers to teach if they blatantly are caught lying to the kids? Fire them all and start over.
The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

It is not an extra minute. The kids were not in classrooms learning during that time the teachers walked off the job...

It is making time up....but the truth as to why should be explained to the kids....

Not the crap the teachers are telling them.

So the teachers are lying to the children? Do you have a link for that? And we and our kids are supposed to admire lying teachers??? Really? Damn the world is a changing. Why should America trust teachers to teach if they blatantly are caught lying to the kids? Fire them all and start over.

I saw on the news today kids at athe capitol chanting "walker must go"
I saw an intergview with a high school student a few weeks back supporting the teachers walkout...admitting he was told about the situation by the teacher.
Can someone explain to me why folks are upset that they're making up the lost time?

Yes, I know it wasn't the kids fault and I disagree that the teachers blew the kids off to go protest. BUT, that's what happened and now the time needs to be made up. How is 20 minutes a day for however long - end of school year? - going to be a problem? If the teachers extended the school year by xx days to make it up would that quiet people down? How about if they shortened spring break? The fact is the time needs to be made up . . . what am I missing?

Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

Not only is it a punishment it's an unjust punishment. The kids didn't do a damn thing wrong. However. their teachers did. They left the classroom. They lied when they called in sick. They got doctors to lie for them. Our kids are supposed to look up to these assholes? Really?

And people wonder why kids don't take their school/teachers/studies seriously....with parents/adults like you giving them that attitude.
The children shouldn't spend one extra minute for what their teachers did. Not one extra minute.

It is not an extra minute. The kids were not in classrooms learning during that time the teachers walked off the job...

It is making time up....but the truth as to why should be explained to the kids....

Not the crap the teachers are telling them.

So the teachers are lying to the children? Do you have a link for that? And we and our kids are supposed to admire lying teachers??? Really? Damn the world is a changing. Why should America trust teachers to teach if they blatantly are caught lying to the kids? Fire them all and start over.

Why? People like you are teaching your kids to think of teachers as good for nothings and school as a punishment.
It is not an extra minute. The kids were not in classrooms learning during that time the teachers walked off the job...

It is making time up....but the truth as to why should be explained to the kids....

Not the crap the teachers are telling them.

So the teachers are lying to the children? Do you have a link for that? And we and our kids are supposed to admire lying teachers??? Really? Damn the world is a changing. Why should America trust teachers to teach if they blatantly are caught lying to the kids? Fire them all and start over.

Why? People like you are teaching your kids to think of teachers as good for nothings and school as a punishment.

I do?
How do you know?
To the contrary, my son told me his professor in his poly sci class is very liberal in his thinking....and my response to him was its a good thing....he learned from me for 20 years and now he has a chance to hear from the other side.....and it makes for greqat debates when he comes home for breaks.

Good teachers are are good attorneys. good accountants, good secretaries, good nurses, good waiters, good store clerks, good bookkeepers......

You presume way too much.
So the teachers are lying to the children? Do you have a link for that? And we and our kids are supposed to admire lying teachers??? Really? Damn the world is a changing. Why should America trust teachers to teach if they blatantly are caught lying to the kids? Fire them all and start over.

Why? People like you are teaching your kids to think of teachers as good for nothings and school as a punishment.

I do?
How do you know?
To the contrary, my son told me his professor in his poly sci class is very liberal in his thinking....and my response to him was its a good thing....he learned from me for 20 years and now he has a chance to hear from the other side.....and it makes for greqat debates when he comes home for breaks.

Good teachers are are good attorneys. good accountants, good secretaries, good nurses, good waiters, good store clerks, good bookkeepers......

You presume way too much.

No, I don't. All I have to do is look at your posts to see the contempt you have for school. Now...tell us that doesn't play out for your kids......:eusa_whistle:

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