Students Will Stay After School 20 Minutes Each Day to Make Up For Teacher Sick-Outs

20 minutes?

That's rough. I hope there is no lasting emotional damage

You know...if the kids had learned at home that education is important, they wouldn't think of 20 extra minutes as some kind of punishment, as something to get angry at "those lazy, commie teachers" over. But, for many, they are learning at home that education is to be looked down on, to be disdained.
Can someone explain to me why folks are upset that they're making up the lost time?

Yes, I know it wasn't the kids fault and I disagree that the teachers blew the kids off to go protest. BUT, that's what happened and now the time needs to be made up. How is 20 minutes a day for however long - end of school year? - going to be a problem? If the teachers extended the school year by xx days to make it up would that quiet people down? How about if they shortened spring break? The fact is the time needs to be made up . . . what am I missing?

Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

I wonder what percentage of students actually enjoy school? Maybe 5%? So yes the students will see it as punishment.
It's no different then a worker having to stay late because of poor managment.
Our school is going to be 30 minutes longer because of all the snow-days.

Those lazy teachers, not opening school even tho the roads were closed. The parents should make sure their kids know the teachers were lazy good for nothings so they are being PUNISHED with more school. ;)

WOW .....I see the smilely face but I can't help but think your serious.
Lets see now.....act of god. Act of greed. Yeah I can see the similaritys.:cuckoo:
So your'e saying teachers can't use that argument for a pay rise? Why not? That is a legitimate argument IMO. Why do people with the same education get paid more? Why can't the teachers use that argument? Why is a person with the same education who gets paid more worth more?

If you use that argument then you could apply it across the whole spectrum of jobs.
And if I felt like spending the time i'm sure I could come up with some ridiculous examples of your theory.
So your saying you should base a persons pay based on how many years they went to college? If you have to ask why people with the same amount of education but in different fields get paid differently then your not thinking it through....or your a teacher.

Welcome to the real world.

The real world? So you truly think you should be paid the same based on how many years you went to college,regardless of the field you studied?
That so stupid I really dont need to comment on it. It stands all by itself.
20 minutes?

That's rough. I hope there is no lasting emotional damage

You know...if the kids had learned at home that education is important, they wouldn't think of 20 extra minutes as some kind of punishment, as something to get angry at "those lazy, commie teachers" over. But, for many, they are learning at home that education is to be looked down on, to be disdained.

Why don't you tell us agin why we should admire these teachers who lied by calling in, who got the doctors to lie and then lied to the kids? Tell us why they should be admired and held by you in such high esteem. All's I can see is they taught the kids it's all right to lie. Good job teach.
20 minutes?

That's rough. I hope there is no lasting emotional damage

You know...if the kids had learned at home that education is important, they wouldn't think of 20 extra minutes as some kind of punishment, as something to get angry at "those lazy, commie teachers" over. But, for many, they are learning at home that education is to be looked down on, to be disdained.

Why don't you tell us agin why we should admire these teachers who lied by calling in, who got the doctors to lie and then lied to the kids? Tell us why they should be admired and held by you in such high esteem. All's I can see is they taught the kids it's all right to lie. Good job teach.

Willow you know you cant talk sense to a lib......they just dont get it or they willfully lie about it to try and make there case sound reasonable.
Even though a senseable person can see right through there BS they still continue to try.
Can someone explain to me why folks are upset that they're making up the lost time?

Yes, I know it wasn't the kids fault and I disagree that the teachers blew the kids off to go protest. BUT, that's what happened and now the time needs to be made up. How is 20 minutes a day for however long - end of school year? - going to be a problem? If the teachers extended the school year by xx days to make it up would that quiet people down? How about if they shortened spring break? The fact is the time needs to be made up . . . what am I missing?

Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

I wonder what percentage of students actually enjoy school? Maybe 5%? So yes the students will see it as punishment.
It's no different then a worker having to stay late because of poor managment.

And they are so eager when they start kindergarten.....unfortunately, they pick up from parents and peers that school is a drag, that teachers are lazy bums, and that staying a few minutes longer is a PUNISHMENT.
You know...if the kids had learned at home that education is important, they wouldn't think of 20 extra minutes as some kind of punishment, as something to get angry at "those lazy, commie teachers" over. But, for many, they are learning at home that education is to be looked down on, to be disdained.

Why don't you tell us agin why we should admire these teachers who lied by calling in, who got the doctors to lie and then lied to the kids? Tell us why they should be admired and held by you in such high esteem. All's I can see is they taught the kids it's all right to lie. Good job teach.

Willow you know you cant talk sense to a lib......they just dont get it or they willfully lie about it to try and make there case sound reasonable.
Even though a senseable person can see right through there BS they still continue to try.

I like how they can never answer the questions. I love pointing out the total dead silence. She won't ever tell us that the lying teachers taught kids it's okay to lie. She'll just keep on spouting liberal bullshit. :lol:
20 minutes?

That's rough. I hope there is no lasting emotional damage

You know...if the kids had learned at home that education is important, they wouldn't think of 20 extra minutes as some kind of punishment, as something to get angry at "those lazy, commie teachers" over. But, for many, they are learning at home that education is to be looked down on, to be disdained.

Why don't you tell us agin why we should admire these teachers who lied by calling in, who got the doctors to lie and then lied to the kids? Tell us why they should be admired and held by you in such high esteem. All's I can see is they taught the kids it's all right to lie. Good job teach.
What a joke. Do you think those kids are disliking ONLY the teachers who were not there? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents to distinguish teachers who left and those who stayed? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents that if these extra minutes were due to snow days that it would be any less a PUNISHMENT?

No....they learn at home that school is unpleasant. They learn at home that teachers are at best baby sitters, at worst lazy commies. This comes from the HOME. Do you think the Japanese students who will have to eventually make up missed school will think on it as PUNISHMENT? No, because of the respect for education and their teachers that they learn AT HOME.
You know...if the kids had learned at home that education is important, they wouldn't think of 20 extra minutes as some kind of punishment, as something to get angry at "those lazy, commie teachers" over. But, for many, they are learning at home that education is to be looked down on, to be disdained.

Why don't you tell us agin why we should admire these teachers who lied by calling in, who got the doctors to lie and then lied to the kids? Tell us why they should be admired and held by you in such high esteem. All's I can see is they taught the kids it's all right to lie. Good job teach.
What a joke. Do you think those kids are disliking ONLY the teachers who were not there? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents to distinguish teachers who left and those who stayed? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents that if these extra minutes were due to snow days that it would be any less a PUNISHMENT?

No....they learn at home that school is unpleasant. They learn at home that teachers are at best baby sitters, at worst lazy commies. This comes from the HOME. Do you think the Japanese students who will have to eventually make up missed school will think on it as PUNISHMENT? No, because of the respect for education and their teachers that they learn AT HOME.

You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.
Why? People like you are teaching your kids to think of teachers as good for nothings and school as a punishment.

I do?
How do you know?
To the contrary, my son told me his professor in his poly sci class is very liberal in his thinking....and my response to him was its a good thing....he learned from me for 20 years and now he has a chance to hear from the other side.....and it makes for greqat debates when he comes home for breaks.

Good teachers are are good attorneys. good accountants, good secretaries, good nurses, good waiters, good store clerks, good bookkeepers......

You presume way too much.

No, I don't. All I have to do is look at your posts to see the contempt you have for school. Now...tell us that doesn't play out for your kids......:eusa_whistle:

Then you have a reading comprehension issue.

My contempt is for those that put teachers on a pedestal and imply they are special citizens that deserve more than what they agreed to when they accepted the job.
My contempt is for the unions that over-reach and use strong arm tactics to get what they want regardless of the negative ramifications on the rest of the community.
My contempt is for the teachers that felt it was OK to skip work and lie to their employers as to why they were absent.
My contemto is for ANY worker in ANY trade or ANY profession that agrees to a deal and then complains it is not enough and as opposed to finding another job, blames the employer.

Seems the real issue with you and I is you have a reading comprehension issue.
Why don't you tell us agin why we should admire these teachers who lied by calling in, who got the doctors to lie and then lied to the kids? Tell us why they should be admired and held by you in such high esteem. All's I can see is they taught the kids it's all right to lie. Good job teach.
What a joke. Do you think those kids are disliking ONLY the teachers who were not there? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents to distinguish teachers who left and those who stayed? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents that if these extra minutes were due to snow days that it would be any less a PUNISHMENT?

No....they learn at home that school is unpleasant. They learn at home that teachers are at best baby sitters, at worst lazy commies. This comes from the HOME. Do you think the Japanese students who will have to eventually make up missed school will think on it as PUNISHMENT? No, because of the respect for education and their teachers that they learn AT HOME.

You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?
Parents who teach their children that staying 20 minutes longer at school is somehow somehow a somehow something to get angry about. That's it.

I wonder what percentage of students actually enjoy school? Maybe 5%? So yes the students will see it as punishment.
It's no different then a worker having to stay late because of poor managment.

And they are so eager when they start kindergarten.....unfortunately, they pick up from parents and peers that school is a drag, that teachers are lazy bums, and that staying a few minutes longer is a PUNISHMENT.

No thats called human nature.Do you really think that a kid would rather be at school then playing video games or swimming? And do you really think a kid has to be taught to like play more then work? And sure they like kindergarten at first,it's something new. And for you to blame parents is a joke....OOOOHH WOE IS ME,THE WHOLE WORLD IS OUT TO GET ME!!!! Your really grasping here.
What a joke. Do you think those kids are disliking ONLY the teachers who were not there? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents to distinguish teachers who left and those who stayed? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents that if these extra minutes were due to snow days that it would be any less a PUNISHMENT?

No....they learn at home that school is unpleasant. They learn at home that teachers are at best baby sitters, at worst lazy commies. This comes from the HOME. Do you think the Japanese students who will have to eventually make up missed school will think on it as PUNISHMENT? No, because of the respect for education and their teachers that they learn AT HOME.

You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

I have never heard a parent tell their children that school was punishment. I've always heard them tell their children how important school was. So where you get the idea that parents teach their kids that schools are anything but positive is beyond me.

What the teachers did in WI was out of sheer greed and had nothing at all to do with the children and only an idiot would think otherwise.
What a joke. Do you think those kids are disliking ONLY the teachers who were not there? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents to distinguish teachers who left and those who stayed? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents that if these extra minutes were due to snow days that it would be any less a PUNISHMENT?

No....they learn at home that school is unpleasant. They learn at home that teachers are at best baby sitters, at worst lazy commies. This comes from the HOME. Do you think the Japanese students who will have to eventually make up missed school will think on it as PUNISHMENT? No, because of the respect for education and their teachers that they learn AT HOME.

You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

You being a teacher and all kinda makes you a little biased dont you think? So of course you bend the truth to fit your agenda.(more human nature)
So why should we believe anything you say....your biased. You have an agenda. You have a dog in the hunt. And so on and so forth.
The sad part is that your willing to throw truth out the window in order to make yourself sound righteous. At the expense of your students.
Look we all know this whole thing is about greed,nothing more nothing less. So stop trying to sell a bill of goods......because no one believes you.
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What a joke. Do you think those kids are disliking ONLY the teachers who were not there? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents to distinguish teachers who left and those who stayed? Do you think those kids are being taught by their parents that if these extra minutes were due to snow days that it would be any less a PUNISHMENT?

No....they learn at home that school is unpleasant. They learn at home that teachers are at best baby sitters, at worst lazy commies. This comes from the HOME. Do you think the Japanese students who will have to eventually make up missed school will think on it as PUNISHMENT? No, because of the respect for education and their teachers that they learn AT HOME.

You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

The part in bold...

That is your opinion....but based on the opinion of 50% of the people, those teachers were derelict in the responsibility to teach and were reacting from a selfsih standpoint and should have followed normal democratic procedures and simply voted out whomever they wanted to next election...or went for a recall...or found a new job. taught your daughter that anyttime she FEELS she is not being treated properly, as opposedf to following proper legal avenues to deal with it, she should take things into her own hands...lie about why she was not coming to work....

SO if she ends up being a marketing manatger for a company...and the company decides that they cant give her a raise....she should call in sick, protest, call for the resignation of the president of the company....lie about why she was out...and so on andso on?


I teach my children one simple thing...personal respponsibility. You dont like the way your boss is treating you?peak to him/her or quit.
I wonder what percentage of students actually enjoy school? Maybe 5%? So yes the students will see it as punishment.
It's no different then a worker having to stay late because of poor managment.

And they are so eager when they start kindergarten.....unfortunately, they pick up from parents and peers that school is a drag, that teachers are lazy bums, and that staying a few minutes longer is a PUNISHMENT.

No thats called human nature.Do you really think that a kid would rather be at school then playing video games or swimming? And do you really think a kid has to be taught to like play more then work? And sure they like kindergarten at first,it's something new. And for you to blame parents is a joke....OOOOHH WOE IS ME,THE WHOLE WORLD IS OUT TO GET ME!!!! Your really grasping here.

And who buys the video games and ALLOWS their kids to play forever?

My brother tells of parent conference after parent conference where the parent admits the kid sits and plays video games or watches tv forever...he recommends the parents take away the video games/tv til the grades are up and the homework done and the parents are like "Oh no, we can't do that....little Johnny will get maaaaaad!"

Noting that our daughter does NOT have a tv in her room, is only allowed to use computer for homework and SOME facebook with friends (we have password) and we have NO video games at all...nor have we ever had them. Funny how she doesn't seem to miss them.
You really really hate parents don't ya? It's all their fault the teachers left the classroom, lied about being sick, got the doctors to lie and then turned around and lied to the kids.. Damn those parents to hell anyway! just damn them. You've officially gone over the rim.

I AM a parent who has taught my daughter that school is a blessing, a chance, an honor and that she is to take it seriously. She gets other messages from some of her peers (who probably get it from their parens), but it is made abundantly clear to her that education and school are ALL IMPORTANT and not something simply to be endured. Of course, my daughter is also aware of our family history and attitude. 3 generations of teachers (both great grandmothers were teachers)...aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. who are teachers. And a family that BELIEVES that education is the key to a better life with each generation EXPECTED to have the grades for college and go to college. Even her friends know to not knock school and their teachers around us.

If we lived in WI, I will tell my daughter be thankful that she has teachers who CARE about their own families and have the SELF ESTEEM to want to be recognised for what they do and NOT become a scapegoat and bulldozed. Teachers with self esteem, willing to stick up for their calling are to be respected....not blamed, not called lazy, not being used to say that more school is a PUNISHMENT. have any more excuses for what kids learn from their parents about school being PUNISHMENT?

The part in bold...

That is your opinion....but based on the opinion of 50% of the people, those teachers were derelict in the responsibility to teach and were reacting from a selfsih standpoint and should have followed normal democratic procedures and simply voted out whomever they wanted to next election...or went for a recall...or found a new job. taught your daughter that anyttime she FEELS she is not being treated properly, as opposedf to following proper legal avenues to deal with it, she should take things into her own hands...lie about why she was not coming to work....

SO if she ends up being a marketing manatger for a company...and the company decides that they cant give her a raise....she should call in sick, protest, call for the resignation of the president of the company....lie about why she was out...and so on andso on?


I teach my children one simple thing...personal respponsibility. You dont like the way your boss is treating you?peak to him/her or quit.

Exactly! Thank you for proving my point. An opinion I would be passing on to my daughter so she would not be moaning and groaning about school being a PUNISHMENT and teachers there to PUNISH them.

However, that 50% you speak of are giving their kids another impression of education, school, and teachers all together. No wonder those teachers need to fight for their rights. No wonder those kids are sucking in school. They are taught at home that teachers are adversaries....the ENEMY. Parents like YOU teach your kids that.

It simply amazes me, the attitude that teachers are selfish...that school is a punishment....coming from parents. And they think their kids don't pick up on that? They think that doesn't poison their kids' motivation to learn? Really?
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So, in conclusion bodeccer is fine with the teachers lying to call in sick, getting doctors to lie for them and then lying to the kids., she's fine with teachers teaching kids that lying is just fine.. she's so damn cool with that,
So, in conclusion bodeccer is fine with the teachers lying to call in sick, getting doctors to lie for them and then lying to the kids., she's fine with teachers teaching kids that lying is just fine.. she's so damn cool with that,

Did I say that? Or am I talking about students getting the impression that more school is PUNISHMENT from their parents....parents like you?

But, feel free to make stuff hasn't stopped you in the past, has it?

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