Students Fight for Right to Free Fabric Softener

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Mar 14 2019
Students Fight for Right to Free Fabric Softener
Useless moonbats attending Sarah Lawrence College (annual tuition: $55,900), no doubt at someone else’s expense, have issued a long list of demands. Like a lot of greedy, arrogant nonsense, the demands are justified by the preposterous lie that the supposedly marginalized (which mostly means nonwhites but also includes militant sexual deviants) are somehow put upon. From the list:

• Free winter housing with a “communal kitchen” containing “dry goods from the food pantry”
• Free laundry detergent and fabric softener for all students
• Special housing for students of color
• On-campus jobs prioritize the hiring of international students
• Prevent students of color from being educated about history by “racist white professors”
• Reject funding from the Charles Koch Foundation and review the tenure of “racist” professor Sam Abrams
• All students have unlimited access to therapy sessions
• Permanent funding for minority student unions that is not paid for by the student body

Sam Abrams serves as their Emmanuel Goldstein because he wrote an editorial calling for ideological diversity.

They also demand that they not be punished for displays of “civil disobedience” like occupying the president’s office. I wasn’t aware that these brats are ever punished anyway; otherwise, wouldn’t they have been expelled by now?

This gives an idea of what a farce higher education has become: 36 faculty members have signed the absurd list of demands. They ought to be expelled too, in favor of instructors who have achieved an adult level of maturity.

This is what students do instead of learn to carry forth our cultural heritage at liberal arts colleges these days:

The Phoenix@SLCPhoenix


9:41 AM - Mar 12, 2019 · Sarah Lawrence College

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No way should even a penny of taxpayer money go to overpriced daycare services for 20-year-old kindergartners, directly or indirectly. We need to seriously rethink what college is for and who should be there.

head to moonbattery to hear em chant
Students Fight for Right to Free Fabric Softener - Moonbattery

theyre mostly homely and 85% look like they need a shower .....and clean cloths
they really do need the detergent

tell me im wrong....
What?? Eating Tide Pods wasn't good enough for them, now they want free fabric softener too?

I'm all for giving them all they can drink.
Speaking of Civil Disobedience, one wonders what happened on their way to the class,on Henry David Thoreau. The idea is, you break a law that youmconsider unjust, you accept arrest and the commensurate punishment as a way of drawing attention to the unjust law.

The late MLK WANTED TO BE ARRESTED AND JAILED for peacefully assembling and being disruptive.

Demanding no consequences for Civil Disobedience is the tactic of a pussy.

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