Students 'fear' Chick-fil-A

You poor conservative snowflakes sure do git yerselves all in a tizzy over the most insignificant little things don't you. Ahhh, go to your nearest Chic Fil and find the other of your kind and be in your safe space.
Uh-oh...looks like in typical snowflake fashion, IsaacNewton has been "triggered"!!!

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Ahh, fake Patriot is having a snowflake attack again. Find your safe space cupcake and don't worry, there will be plenty of other snowflakes there with you. Bring your juice. Chic Fil A is creating a snowflake safe zone for conservatives that are afraid of teachers.
Find your safe space cupcake and don't worry, there will be plenty of other snowflakes there with you. Bring your juice. Chic Fil A is creating a snowflake safe zone for conservatives that are afraid of teachers.
Uh-oh...the post about her being triggered is now causing her to become even more "triggered". :laugh:

Almost as scary as their bland, tasteless fries, their nutrient-free buns, and mediocre chicken. Why they do so much business is a total mystery to me. It's like food for people who hate to taste their food.

Most libs are bland and tasteless. Figured it would be just the thing for them.
Almost as scary as their bland, tasteless fries, their nutrient-free buns, and mediocre chicken. Why they do so much business is a total mystery to me. It's like food for people who hate to taste their food.
You must have had some bad Chic Fil A. I absolutely love their sunflower chicken biscuit,their fries are really good as well. Oh and the peach shake OMG its awesome. TBH I go 20 miles into Ga just to get Chic Fil A because we don't have one here
They built a new CF here and the drive thru lane was 30 cars deep at times. I just don't get it.

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