Student To Jeb: 'Your Brother Created ISIS'

it's halfway through obama's SEVENTH YEAR and losers like Lakhota are still crying about Bush
George Soros has his hand up the ass of our Dear Leader, making his blue lips move
it's halfway through obama's SEVENTH YEAR and losers like Lakhota are still crying about Bush

You break it, you own it. President Bush owns the invasion, the pull out, and good deal of the mess his policies left behind.
it's halfway through obama's SEVENTH YEAR and losers like Lakhota are still crying about Bush

You break it, you own it. President Bush owns the invasion, the pull out, and good deal of the mess his policies left behind.

except that isnt what obama or biden themselves said when they handed over iraq and tried to take credit for bush's successes

obama phuked it up and as per usual in virtually every other area of left-wing politics you losers arent man and woman enough to take responsibility for it
A college student told likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Wednesday that his brother, former President George W. Bush, was to blame for the rise of the Islamic State.

The heated confrontation took place at a town hall meeting in Reno, Nevada, according to The New York Times. Ivy Ziedrich, 19, a student at the University of Nevada, approached the former Florida governor to question him about comments he had made during the event. Bush had argued that the Obama administration's weak foreign policy was responsible for the rise of the terrorist group, also known as ISIS, in the Middle East.

Ziedrich countered that Obama wasn't to blame -- and that it was his predecessor's decision to disband the Iraqi army that made the group's formation possible.

"Your brother created ISIS," she told Bush.

What followed was a contentious exchange, according to the Times. Ziedrich accused Bush of "spouting nationalist rhetoric to get us involved in more wars," pointing out that under his brother, the U.S. had spent years in the Middle East, waging "pointless wars where we send young American men to die for the idea of American exceptionalism."

Bush responded by defending the war in Iraq. "When we left Iraq, security had been arranged, al Qaeda had been taken out," he said. "There was a fragile system that could have been brought up to eliminate the sectarian violence."

Read the full Times report here.

More: Jeb Bush Confronted By College Student: 'Your Brother Created ISIS'

I totally agree! The student is 100% correct. Jeb can't escape the truth. In fact, the ISIS mess can even be traced back to former President George H.W. Bush when he suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.
I think Jeb would get less gop turnout than Mitt did. Personally, I'd have been happy to vote for Mitt if he'd just eschewed a little of the TPM bullshite he spouted, and toned down the 47%. We do have too many people turning to Social Sec Disability because they can't find jobs to replace those they lost, but that's different from blaming things on people who worked 30plus years or who had the misfortune to get sick.
tried to take credit for bush's successes

If President Bushes Iraq policy was a success I'd hate to see what one of his failures would look like.

well biden seemed to think so when he said "iraq will become known as one of obama's greatest foreign policy achievements"

now i know just wrote biden said "obama's"; but that is just the point genius. if it's all bush's fault obama cant have taken credit for it before it all went to shit, if you're saying it was always a mess. if you're saying it was a mess and obama made it better, like biden tried to say, then you dont get to go back and say it's all bush's fault again

sorry leftard but you idiots just cant have it both ways
I actually thought that 911 started all of this.
I'd say you're right, but the "fault" of the Iraq gambit was W did not think we'd have to have a korea type of multi-generational military commitment so as to restrain one party rule excesses for a democracy to grow, and when it became necessary to make that commitment he failed to sell it to America and find the revenue for it. Instead, he just left it as a festering wound for a successor. Not totally unlke what LBJ did in SE Asia.

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