Striking Blow Against Toxic Masculinity, Man Graciously Allows Wife To Shovel Driveway


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

"This weekend, when twelve inches of snow fell, I swallowed my pride, handed my wife the snow shovel, and told her I was going to let her do it."

Striking Blow Against Toxic Masculinity, Man Graciously Allows Wife To Shovel Driveway
Oh, geeesh-

Camp’s wife, who is three months pregnant, was surprised by the gesture but honored that her husband would be so forward-thinking as to allow her the privilege of completing a job traditionally reserved for men. “It took me an hour and a half, and I think I strained an oblique muscle, but the pride and joy I felt being married to such a noble and generous man, helped me to push through the pain.”

Mr. Camp is expected to break down similar barriers regarding lawn mowing, household maintenance, and car repair.
That's what my ex husband did when I was pregnant. He gave me the shovel and went back to bed.
That's what my ex husband did when I was pregnant. He gave me the shovel and went back to bed.

Is that why he is "ex"?

Of course we don't have snow here in Florida but if we did I am almost positive that my wife would be really really pissed at me if I didn't man up and that kind of a chore.


10,000 years ago protecting the cave and bringing home the food:


5,000 years ago providing for the family:


2,000 years ago building the home:


500 years ago defending the community:


150 years ago supporting the industry:


80 years ago raising the family:


40 years ago staying the modern happy home:


And so man created the law, the castle, the microwave, the pre-fab home, the city, the supermarket, clerical work, birth control, and woman's sufferage, to set women free.

And woman became free.

The food is now in the microwave, the home is on the web, the community is a gated apartment building, the work is at the end of a fingertip, there is no lawn, you can hire a repairman over the phone for anything, you got a vibrator for the sex, and you don't want any kids, leaving mankind today the fifth wheel out now, toxic masculinity, because for the first time in 10,000 years, the guy finally needs the woman more than she needs him.


So get with it. You're a toxic man now. You're the dumb jackass who did all of this! Didn't see it coming, did ya, you dumb clod? You're loud, you got hair all over, you leave the seat up, all you want is toys and you make odd embarrassing noises in company. So, apologize, apologize, then apologize some more.
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