Stopping the Cartels

Could stop, or greatly marginalize drug cartels overnight legalizing all illicit drugs, prostitution, and gambling. Wthout those 3 cash cows cartels have precious little to offer.

So long as the US bans guilty pleasures and vices people have wanted for thousands of years, someone's gonna get rich and powerful providing it.

Delta, I'm surprised at you. I thought for sure you would've read and understood the OP. As you haven't, I'll give you a quick summary: The problem isn't drug cartels, it's murder cartels. Legalizing drugs just makes it easier for murder cartels to make money. Legalizing ritualized murder via humyn sacrifice removes their need for money, and thus drugs, prostitution (which is really rape, by the way--but we can have that discussion later), and gambling all become non-issues.
Could stop, or greatly marginalize drug cartels overnight legalizing all illicit drugs, prostitution, and gambling. Wthout those 3 cash cows cartels have precious little to offer.

So long as the US bans guilty pleasures and vices people have wanted for thousands of years, someone's gonna get rich and powerful providing it.

Delta, I'm surprised at you. I thought for sure you would've read and understood the OP. As you haven't, I'll give you a quick summary: The problem isn't drug cartels, it's murder cartels. Legalizing drugs just makes it easier for murder cartels to make money. Legalizing ritualized murder via humyn sacrifice removes their need for money, and thus drugs, prostitution (which is really rape, by the way--but we can have that discussion later), and gambling all become non-issues.

I nominate you as the first humyn sacrifice, Butthead.

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