Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

What a laughingstock. Trump is cruising to a 1984 style re-election.
What is decent about trump? Not one damn thing. He should be removed from office and hung.
Spoken like a true fascist. Ignore the will of the people when you lose, remove the opposition by force, resort to murder.

P.S. You just threatened the life of the president. Expect a visit from the Secret Service soon, you lunatic.
The Steele Dossier? The one where many parts have proven out and none has been disproved?
Let’s pretend that is true for a moment. You just proved that it was Hitlery and the Dumbocrats who “colluded” with the Russians.

Now when you were lying about President Trump, you insisted that he should go to prison for the same thing. Looks like you better demand a whole bunch of Dumbocrats go to prison (unless of course you would to be known as the premier hypocritical partisan hack)!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Now that screaming "racism" no longer works (because progressives spent 10 years screaming that at anyone who wouldn't agree with them), the new tactic is to scream "keep the 'hate' going".

Just like the "racism" bullshit - ok! Progressives think this will scare of conservatives. They can't grasp that we're not fragile little snowflakes like them. We couldn't care any less than we currently do whether someone thinks we are "hateful", or "racist", or "evil". Make any false claim you want. :dunno:
You un American deviots are insensitive to truth. Or should I say immune to it.

Two questions:

1) What defines American?

2) What the hell is a "deviot"?
What is decent about trump? Not one damn thing. He should be removed from office and hung.
Spoken like a true fascist. Ignore the will of the people when you lose, remove the opposition by force, resort to murder.

P.S. You just threatened the life of the president. Expect a visit from the Secret Service soon, you lunatic.
Homeland said I could say that about the bozo orange cheeto.
Now that screaming "racism" no longer works (because progressives spent 10 years screaming that at anyone who wouldn't agree with them), the new tactic is to scream "keep the 'hate' going".

Just like the "racism" bullshit - ok! Progressives think this will scare of conservatives. They can't grasp that we're not fragile little snowflakes like them. We couldn't care any less than we currently do whether someone thinks we are "hateful", or "racist", or "evil". Make any false claim you want. :dunno:
The can't serve a tives are the ones with all the racist baloney.
Now that screaming "racism" no longer works (because progressives spent 10 years screaming that at anyone who wouldn't agree with them), the new tactic is to scream "keep the 'hate' going".

Just like the "racism" bullshit - ok! Progressives think this will scare of conservatives. They can't grasp that we're not fragile little snowflakes like them. We couldn't care any less than we currently do whether someone thinks we are "hateful", or "racist", or "evil". Make any false claim you want. :dunno:
You un American deviots are insensitive to truth. Or should I say immune to it.

Two questions:

1) What defines American?

2) What the hell is a "deviot"?
Deviot is a way to see who reads and knows as opposed to being devious. As for being an American that is one who supports truth, justice, the Constitution, and is able to think and reach logical conclusions on their own.
Now that screaming "racism" no longer works (because progressives spent 10 years screaming that at anyone who wouldn't agree with them), the new tactic is to scream "keep the 'hate' going".

Just like the "racism" bullshit - ok! Progressives think this will scare of conservatives. They can't grasp that we're not fragile little snowflakes like them. We couldn't care any less than we currently do whether someone thinks we are "hateful", or "racist", or "evil". Make any false claim you want. :dunno:
You un American deviots are insensitive to truth. Or should I say immune to it.

Two questions:

1) What defines American?

2) What the hell is a "deviot"?
Deviot is a way to see who reads and knows as opposed to being devious. As for being an American that is one who supports truth, justice, the Constitution, and is able to think and reach logical conclusions on their own.


Deviot: a name used on a late night fb haul prior to a pupil free day describing a kinky sexual fetish

Urban Dictionary: Deviot
What is decent about trump? Not one damn thing. He should be removed from office and hung.

Right we should listen to bat shit crazy nut jobs like you. :cuckoo:
You conservatives are the loony ones who believe a man who lies every 5th word.

You just said President Trump should be "hung" you freak. This is why nobody likes you left wing weirdos.
As it is the only fitting thing to do to a looser sexual deviant who prays on women that is why i post it.
What is decent about trump? Not one damn thing. He should be removed from office and hung.

Right we should listen to bat shit crazy nut jobs like you. :cuckoo:
You conservatives are the loony ones who believe a man who lies every 5th word.

You just said President Trump should be "hung" you freak. This is why nobody likes you left wing weirdos.
As it is the only fitting thing to do to a looser sexual deviant who prays on women that is why i post it.

What's this to do with Bill Clinton?
What is decent about trump? Not one damn thing. He should be removed from office and hung.

Right we should listen to bat shit crazy nut jobs like you. :cuckoo:
You conservatives are the loony ones who believe a man who lies every 5th word.

You just said President Trump should be "hung" you freak. This is why nobody likes you left wing weirdos.
I thought that shit was against the rules!

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