State Dept No US Aid To Israel Until Budget Deal Reached

Poll: Most Israelis Support Iran Strike

The majority of the Israeli public believe in supporting military strikes against Iran's nuclear program.

A majority of Israelis would support*unilateral military action against Iran, according to a poll published*Friday, after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said his government was ready to act*alone.Some 65.6 percent of 500 Jewish Israelis surveyed by the*Israel Hayom*newspaper*said they would support military strikes to halt Iran's*nuclear program, and 84 percent believed the Islamic republic had no*intention of reining in its alleged drive to build a bomb.

Poll: Most Israelis Support Iran Strike - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Fearmongering by warmongers.

the 65% of Israelis who support a strike on THE MANUFACTURE OF DEADLY WEAPONS--by the nation that has vowed to WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP---and also supplied
the islamic baby murderer NUSKHARAH ALLAH with mobile missile launchers and
--is far less than the percentage of your fellow isa-respecters who ADULATE JIHADIST
INFANT THROAT SLITTERS and even celebrate the accidental deaths of young jews---
----that you have the audacity to write your filth-----CONTINUES TO FASCINATE ME----
no doubt you are inspired by isa/allah who controls your depraved mind
.......have you considered exorcism?
Eat my balls Sherri.

GRAVITY!!!! don't tempt her-------jihadistas have been known to ululate
with joy when their "brothers" relieve kaffiirin of the family jewels. For them---
it is a symbol of the POWER GRANTED THEIR BROTHERS BY ISA/ALLAH----also--
remember-----I was very gently reared-----by dad was DOWNRIGHT VICTORIAN---
I was so gently reared that I was 25 before I had the slightest idea that your
comment does not refer to your collection of golf and soccer and base-----"balls"
The War of Ideas in the Middle East

State Dept: No US aid to Israel until budget deal is reached

Reuters*reports on today’s State Department press conference where Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf said US military aid to Israel could be “hindered” if the U.S. government shutdown continues. At 2:45 in the video above Harf explains that fiscal year 2014 funding for Israel (which began October 1) will be unavailable until a new budget is passedFrom*Reuters:A prolonged U.S. federal government shutdown could delay military assistance to*Israel*and other American allies, the State Department said on Wednesday.“The State Department’s ability to provide military assistance to*Israel*and other allies in the time frame that is expected and customary could be hindered, depending on the length of the shutdown,” State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf told a news briefing.Harf gave only the specific example of Israel, the largest recipient of U.S. foreign military funding and a country which enjoys strong bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress.A prolonged U.S. federal government shutdown could delay military assistance to Israel and other American allies, the State Department said on Wednesday.“The State Department’s ability to provide military assistance to Israel and other allies in the time frame that is expected and customary could be hindered, depending on the length of the shutdown,” State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf told a news briefing.

State Dept: US govt shutdown could 'hinder' aid to Israel

Well, here is a reason to support the continuing partial government shutdown.

We do not have any business giving Israel 3 billion dollars when we cannot even fund our own government.

A positive development!
Well, isn't that a fine mess for the Israeli supporters.
State Dept: No US aid to Israel until budget deal is reached

Reuters*reports on today’s State Department press conference where Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf said US military aid to Israel could be “hindered” if the U.S. government shutdown continues.!

Now that puts the social traditionalists in the TPM in a tough place, don't it. :lol:
What I feel is a God given guilt, the same character as that Isaiah felt when he saw his people doing evil. It is my cross to bear and I take up that cross willingly.

What is sad is you hate Hamas so badly you are not concerned how many people we are hurting and killing. We are responsible when we fund and provide the arms for unlawful attacks against children, not Hamas. You are the one swallowing propaganda, Zionist propaganda.

Okay, you're delusional or a Hamas mole pretending to be an American Christian. I have an idea that might assuage you quilt. You and your fellow genocidal European, African and Asian occupiers need to go back to where you came from and give my land back to my people. :thup:

Learn history, the Zionists are foreign colonial force in Palestine.

Ignorance is not a virtue.
Ignorance is bliss and you revel in it.
Learn history, you Europeans, Africans and Asians are a foreign colonial force in America.
Oh and the (so called) Palestinians are a foreign colonial force in the region but you wouldn't know anything about the movement of peoples through out history, almost always with violent consequences. Though history may have begun for you around the 1940s, for the rest of us it goes much, much further back.........
What I feel is a God given guilt, the same character as that Isaiah felt when he saw his people doing evil. It is my cross to bear and I take up that cross willingly.

What is sad is you hate Hamas so badly you are not concerned how many people we are hurting and killing. We are responsible when we fund and provide the arms for unlawful attacks against children, not Hamas. You are the one swallowing propaganda, Zionist propaganda.
How far did Isiah have to carry that cross? I'll bet he said, "How the hell did that cross get on my back?"

UNTIL the Jews killed him, he carried that cross.

The Jews never killed " Jesus" Apparently her " church" wan't informed. She says she's not Anti Semetic? lol See below; She's filled with Hate, bigotry, and Racism.

SherriMunnerlyn has disabled reputation

Quote: Originally Posted by MHunterB
It's so cute when ignorant non-Jews pretend they understand what 'Pharisee' meant and still does mean to Jews: it is, after all, a Jewish description of Jews-practicing-Judaism.

That of course doesn't cover anything by Paul after Paul decided that Jesus was divine......

I could care less what a Jew living in 2013 who rejects Jesus as Messiah says about words of Jesus. No expectations at all for you to see the Truth of who Jesus is or the Truth in His words.

There are many religions who reject " jesus". How would " jesus" feel about them?

List of religions that are not Christian
Response to Post 110

Colonialism is not acceptable in todays world, it was centuries ago.

Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine, not Zionist colonizers from Europe.
How far did Isiah have to carry that cross? I'll bet he said, "How the hell did that cross get on my back?"

UNTIL the Jews killed him, he carried that cross.

The Jews never killed " Jesus" Apparently her " church" wan't informed. She says she's not Anti Semetic? lol See below; She's filled with Hate, bigotry, and Racism.

SherriMunnerlyn has disabled reputation

Quote: Originally Posted by MHunterB
It's so cute when ignorant non-Jews pretend they understand what 'Pharisee' meant and still does mean to Jews: it is, after all, a Jewish description of Jews-practicing-Judaism.

That of course doesn't cover anything by Paul after Paul decided that Jesus was divine......

I could care less what a Jew living in 2013 who rejects Jesus as Messiah says about words of Jesus. No expectations at all for you to see the Truth of who Jesus is or the Truth in His words.

There are many religions who reject " jesus". How would " jesus" feel about them?

List of religions that are not Christian

Pay attenttion, we were discussing the Prophet Isaiah, who was killed by Jews.
UNTIL the Jews killed him, he carried that cross.

The Jews never killed " Jesus" Apparently her " church" wan't informed. She says she's not Anti Semetic? lol See below; She's filled with Hate, bigotry, and Racism.

SherriMunnerlyn has disabled reputation

Quote: Originally Posted by MHunterB
It's so cute when ignorant non-Jews pretend they understand what 'Pharisee' meant and still does mean to Jews: it is, after all, a Jewish description of Jews-practicing-Judaism.

That of course doesn't cover anything by Paul after Paul decided that Jesus was divine......

I could care less what a Jew living in 2013 who rejects Jesus as Messiah says about words of Jesus. No expectations at all for you to see the Truth of who Jesus is or the Truth in His words.

There are many religions who reject " jesus". How would " jesus" feel about them?

List of religions that are not Christian

Pay attenttion, we were discussing the Prophet Isaiah, who was killed by Jews.

It is related in the Talmud that Rabbi Simeon ben 'Azzai found in Jerusalem an account wherein it was written that Manasseh killed Isaiah. Manasseh said to Isaiah, "Moses, thy master, said, 'There shall no man see God and live' [Ex. xxxiii. 20, Hebr.]; but thou hast said, 'I saw the Lord seated upon his throne'" (Isa. vi. 1, Hebr.); and went on to point out other contradictions—as between Deut. iv. 7 and Isa. lv. 6; between Ex. xxxiii. 26 and II Kings xx. 6. Isaiah thought: "I know that he will not accept my explanations; why should I increase his guilt?" He then uttered the Unpronounceable Name, a cedar-tree opened, and Isaiah disappeared within it. Then Manasseh ordered the cedar to be sawn asunder, and when the saw reached his mouth Isaiah died; thus was he punished for having said, "I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips" (Yeb. 49b). A somewhat different version of this legend is given in the Yerushalmi (Sanhedrin x.). According to that version Isaiah, fearing Manasseh, hid himself in a cedar-tree, but his presence was betrayed by the fringes of his garment, and Manasseh caused the tree to be sawn in half. A passage of the Targum to Isaiah quoted by Jolowicz ("Die Himmelfahrt und Vision des Prophets Jesajas," p. 8) states that when Isaiah fled from his pursuers and took refuge in the tree, and the tree was sawn in half, the prophet's blood spurted forth. From Talmudical circles the legend of Isaiah's martyrdom was transmitted to the Arabs ("Ta'rikh," ed. De Goeje, i. 644).

The calamity, pain and suffering of the gubmint shutdown is framed in terms of how much it hurts israel...heheh.


Yes, no matter how many Americans suffer how badly - as long as the sherrithing imagines it hurts Israel, she's cheering for the shutdown.
This government shut down is a wonderful opportunity for the American people to contact our representatives and discuss the issue of the billions annually we give to foreign countries and reconsidering our foreign policy.
A good way to discuss changes to our foreign policy with our Congressional representatives is to go on the representatives Facebook pages and start discussions.
This government shut down is a wonderful opportunity for the American people to contact our representatives and discuss the issue of the billions annually we give to foreign countries and reconsidering our foreign policy.
I hope the shutdown screws things so bad you have your welfare check and foodstamps forwarded to a settler family in the West bank, permanently. Forever.
Stopping the US funding of Israeli Occupations and human rights abuses, even if it presently may only be temporary, is a positive development.

As usual, you are on the wrong track completely.

What is in fact disgraceful is how the whole world is subsidizing and financing all the beggars in the West Bank and Gaza! The world is sick and tired of handing money to the Palestinians and hopefully the American shutdown will also slow down this handover to them, which has been going on for decades.

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