Stable Genius: "The Kurds Are Very Happy"

This is about more than just the Kurds anyway, although what we've just done to them is incredibly shitty.
Bullshit! No one gives a rat's ass about the Kurds and no one ever has.

This is about Trump vs snowflakes.
Do you kids even bother to read the posts you are responding to?
Do tell us about your long and intrepid history of championing the Kurdish cause, a cause you would have thought had something to do with cottage cheese until two weeks ago.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

You children are so uninformed it's not even funny.

Not as uniformed as your stupid ass.

Kurds aren't our problem or our responsibility. Only an idiot would assume responsibility for them.

Blindly repeating what hannity told you to say is not an argument. This is about more than just the Kurds anyway, although what we've just done to them is incredibly shitty.

Since I don't watch Hannity your point is moot.

If you want to be responsible for the Kurds and their problems. Be my guest. In fact. Grab you gun, hop a plane and head right over there and defend them.

Oh and the Kurds are very happy there is a cease fire.

Get your ass to Turkey. LOL
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Claudette has been to Turkey?

must be if she “knows” that the Kurds are happy watching their friends and family be massacred and their homes destroyed huh
Claudette has been to Turkey?

must be if she “knows” that the Kurds are happy watching their friends and family be massacred and their homes destroyed huh

Nope. Never been and will never go.

The Kurds are very happy with the cease fire.

Again. If you want to be responsible for the Kurds. Grab your gun. Hop a plane and get your ass over there so you can show the Kurds how commited and responsible you are.

Hope your good at ducking. LOL
This is about more than just the Kurds anyway, although what we've just done to them is incredibly shitty.
Bullshit! No one gives a rat's ass about the Kurds and no one ever has.

This is about Trump vs snowflakes.
Do you kids even bother to read the posts you are responding to?
Do tell us about your long and intrepid history of championing the Kurdish cause, a cause you would have thought had something to do with cottage cheese until two weeks ago.
You ever been in the middle East kid? I have. I've worked with Turks, Iraqis, Afghanis, both Sunni and Shia, been to Iraq, Iran, kuwait, Pakistan, and was Israel for the umpteenth time just at the end of July.

Trust me when i say the Kurds are damn near the only folks down there that are worth two shits, although I do have to admit Israelis aren't bad folk.

I was pissed when Obama gave them the shaft, and I'm pissed that we are giving the the shaft yet again.
Are you happy now, Trump supporters?

Now Kurds are being slaughtered, and Islamic State detainees are escaping. With chaos all around, Trump had no choice on Sunday but to order most U.S. troops to scuttle out of Syria in a humiliating defeat. Our forces are leaving so fast they could not take with them, as planned, some 60 “high value” Islamic State detainees — i.e., some of the worst terrorists on the planet.

The Kurds, in turn, had no choice but to invite Syrian regime forces to come to their rescue, thereby handing a massive win not only to Bashar al-Assad but also to his backers in Moscow and Tehran.
Did Trump intend to hand Moscow and Tehran a benefit in withdrawing from Syria? I mean Trump is not exactly a Nixon in for policy knowledge, nor is he a Reagan who had two solid beliefs in a. The Soviets are simply Evil, and b. American democracy is exceptional.

Trump is not bringing troops home. He's handed a win to our two existential threats: Putin and ME terrorism. And Iran if you consider them either an existential threat or separate from ME terrorism.

How can that be accidental? And if it wasn't accidental, it's even scarier than if it was.
This is about more than just the Kurds anyway, although what we've just done to them is incredibly shitty.
Bullshit! No one gives a rat's ass about the Kurds and no one ever has.

This is about Trump vs snowflakes.
Do you kids even bother to read the posts you are responding to?
Do tell us about your long and intrepid history of championing the Kurdish cause, a cause you would have thought had something to do with cottage cheese until two weeks ago.
You ever been in the middle East kid? I have. I've worked with Turks, Iraqis, Afghanis, both Sunni and Shia, been to Iraq, Iran, kuwait, Pakistan, and was Israel for the umpteenth time just at the end of July.

Trust me when i say the Kurds are damn near the only folks down there that are worth two shits, although I do have to admit Israelis aren't bad folk.

I was pissed when Obama gave them the shaft, and I'm pissed that we are giving the the shaft yet again.
I've been everywhere man and known a damn sight more of those than any stateside snowflake. Kurds are the Gypsies of the ME, in fact the word "kurd" means nomad in Farsi, which is largely why they are stateless.

You're out of you league sonny. If you say it's about your high regard for the Kurds and not about Trump, you are simply and incredibly disingenuous. With your constant TDS, that much at least is clear.
Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said that ever since coming to office about two months ago, he had been urging the Turks not to invade Syria. “We cited all the reasons that are now playing out,” he said. “The biggest being the likely release of ISIS fighters from these camps and prisons, not just that we see a humanitarian crisis emerging.”

If Esper cited those reasons to the Turks, he surely cited them to Trump as well. But the president wasn’t listening, as usual.
------------------------------ Islamic jihadis and isis fighters shouldn't be breathing and living in camps and prisons --------------- just a comment .
This is about more than just the Kurds anyway, although what we've just done to them is incredibly shitty.
Bullshit! No one gives a rat's ass about the Kurds and no one ever has.

This is about Trump vs snowflakes.
Do you kids even bother to read the posts you are responding to?
Do tell us about your long and intrepid history of championing the Kurdish cause, a cause you would have thought had something to do with cottage cheese until two weeks ago.
You ever been in the middle East kid? I have. I've worked with Turks, Iraqis, Afghanis, both Sunni and Shia, been to Iraq, Iran, kuwait, Pakistan, and was Israel for the umpteenth time just at the end of July.

Trust me when i say the Kurds are damn near the only folks down there that are worth two shits, although I do have to admit Israelis aren't bad folk.

I was pissed when Obama gave them the shaft, and I'm pissed that we are giving the the shaft yet again.
I've been everywhere man and known a damn sight more of those than any stateside snowflake. Kurds are the Gypsies of the ME, in fact the word "kurd" means nomad in Farsi, which is largely why they are stateless.

You're out of you league sonny. If you say it's about your high regard for the Kurds and not about Trump, you are simply and incredibly disingenuous. With your constant TDS, that much at least is clear.
While I admit I cannot do much more than ask for a bathroom and say "how much?" In Farsi I can tell you that my support for the Kurdish people stems from genuine admiration of the folks I have met.

I don't think you really know much about them or the middle East in general.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

You children are so uninformed it's not even funny.

Not as uniformed as your stupid ass.

Kurds aren't our problem or our responsibility. Only an idiot would assume responsibility for them.

Blindly repeating what hannity told you to say is not an argument. This is about more than just the Kurds anyway, although what we've just done to them is incredibly shitty.
again, you people need to learn history/military have no idea about it
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
There is no Kurd homeland. There never was. That's the basis for the Kurds fight against Turkey. The Kurds should be overjoyed to be allowed to return to the region of north Turkey, Syria or Iraq that they came from.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

You children are so uninformed it's not even funny.
informed??? --by the MSM??HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
no--we know HISTORY --you are informed by the MSM = crap
--you people prove you have no knowledge of history/military/military history
....soldiers are told what to do by the civilians--it can't be the other way around= that's a dictatorship/etc
...soldiers have been wrong before--General Westmoreland--General Navarre --two HIGH ranking soldiers who were very, very wrong about politics and running a war---you probably don't even know why or even heard of them, have you??
..those 2 generals wasted a lot of lives--for nothing
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--you people prove you have no knowledge of history/military/military history
....soldiers are told what to do by the civilians--it can't be the other way around= that's a dictatorship/etc
...soldiers have been wrong before--General Westmoreland--General Navarre --two HIGH ranking soldiers who were very, very wrong about politics and running a war---you probably don't even know why or even heard of them, have you??
Ever hear of Kelly and Mattis 2 generals trump was smarter than?
There is no Kurd homeland. There never was. That's the basis for the Kurds fight against Turkey. The Kurds should be overjoyed to be allowed to return to the region of north Turkey, Syria or Iraq that they came from.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

You children are so uninformed it's not even funny.

Not as uniformed as your stupid ass.

Kurds aren't our problem or our responsibility. Only an idiot would assume responsibility for them.

They don't actually really give a shit about the Kurds....what concerns them is the way Trump is consolidating American military power for the benefit of the United States. Anything that makes America stronger displeases a lefty.

--you people prove you have no knowledge of history/military/military history
....soldiers are told what to do by the civilians--it can't be the other way around= that's a dictatorship/etc
...soldiers have been wrong before--General Westmoreland--General Navarre --two HIGH ranking soldiers who were very, very wrong about politics and running a war---you probably don't even know why or even heard of them, have you??
Ever hear of Kelly and Mattis 2 generals trump was smarter than?
you just fked up--again
....Mattis wanted the same thing as Westmoreland and Navarre !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!= idiocy
..he wanted to keep troops in Afghanistan/etc
jesus christ--like I said--you people do not know history
I could get into detail--but Russia lost in Afghanistan..Britain lost in Afghanistan..the US lost in Vietnam--an unwinnable war
all undeniable evidence/links/etc here:
Vietnam War was unwinnable
and Mattis wants to keep troops there/etc--he is another Westmoreland and Navarre
..Navarre said he could win in Vietnam and so did Westmoreland
etc etc
How can anyone defend a claim that a group of people is "happy" that they're being slaughtered and are having their homes taken from them?

Regardless of your feelings about our military or the Kurds...that claim just boggles the mind