Spiritual teachings


Quran buster
Jul 8, 2012
I have mainly been critical of Islam on this forum although I did try starting threads about spiritualism and the occult in the past, and they had little uptake, probably because not many people know anything about it.
So here is a new thread with some of the many things I have studied. I will try to build a library of links here and the first one is to the site of my late Guru, Raj Ananda. He exuded spiritual power and you could feel it. Many of his followers said they saw visions when he went into meditation. I myself saw nothing but felt the spiritual energy as a force that we laughingly called the High energy club. If anyone can be bothered to briefly listen to one of his videos you might even find it affects you too.

Gururaj Ananda Yogi Let my love be measured by giving and not by gain
Here is a link to some of the trance lectures of Ursula Roberts, a famous medium. I attended many of her lectures at the spiritualist association in London during the 1970's

Wisdom of Ramadahn
Here is a link to Silver Birch, another famous spirit guides teachings. These teachings were what first attracted me to spiritualism in the late 1960's. I was disenchanted with the bible with its talk of hellfire but I could find no fault with the book The teachings of Silver Birch. Maybe some of you can.

Silver Birch s Teachings
Well that's a few links to start off with and if anyone wants to discuss anything about them I would be grateful. It might help to give a synopsis of what all this studying has taught me.
Basically, the spirit world teaches that we are all immortal sons of God who are on a long journey of many hundreds or even thousands of incarnations. We incarnate and face karma from past lives until finally becoming enlightened, or achieving a state of grace. In between lives we inhabit higher planes of existence and we can remain there for as long as we want, but most souls eventually find they need to reincarnate to continue their spiritual evolution. Finally we achieve freedom from rebirth and then we continue on as immortal beings where we continue to advance. When we achieve this freedom from rebirths we will have perfect memory of all our past lives as memory of everything we experience is stored in what is called the soul or causal body. The causal body is infinitely expandable and can contain unlimited memories.
That will do for the moment and I am happy to hear from any poster, why all this cannot be true.
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Here are links to white eagle lodge. I went to the London church many times, and also visited the specially built temple in Hampshire once. It was a very spiritual place and the books are beautiful and uplifting to read. Unfortunately they are not free to read on the Internet, but there is a link to the British and American branches of the lodge.

The White Eagle Lodge UK - Home page

White Eagle Lodge
Here is a book by Sri Ramakrishna. In my view he was a very spiritual man. He taught that all religions can lead you to realise God. In that respect he was teaching the same thing as Guru Raj Ananda (see the op)

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
I have mainly been critical of Islam on this forum although I did try starting threads about spiritualism and the occult in the past, and they had little uptake, probably because not many people know anything about it.
So here is a new thread with some of the many things I have studied. I will try to build a library of links here and the first one is to the site of my late Guru, Raj Ananda. He exuded spiritual power and you could feel it. Many of his followers said they saw visions when he went into meditation. I myself saw nothing but felt the spiritual energy as a force that we laughingly called the High energy club. If anyone can be bothered to briefly listen to one of his videos you might even find it affects you too.

Gururaj Ananda Yogi Let my love be measured by giving and not by gain

Since religious beliefs are without empirical proof other than written texts, usually ancient written texts at that, have you given any thought as to the possibility that just perhaps all religious beliefs are self-delusional that were started by self-delusionalists? Thank you. ~ Susan
I have mainly been critical of Islam on this forum although I did try starting threads about spiritualism and the occult in the past, and they had little uptake, probably because not many people know anything about it.
So here is a new thread with some of the many things I have studied. I will try to build a library of links here and the first one is to the site of my late Guru, Raj Ananda. He exuded spiritual power and you could feel it. Many of his followers said they saw visions when he went into meditation. I myself saw nothing but felt the spiritual energy as a force that we laughingly called the High energy club. If anyone can be bothered to briefly listen to one of his videos you might even find it affects you too.

Gururaj Ananda Yogi Let my love be measured by giving and not by gain

Since religious beliefs are without empirical proof other than written texts, usually ancient written texts at that, have you given any thought as to the possibility that just perhaps all religious beliefs are self-delusional that were started by self-delusionalists? Thank you. ~ Susan

Well most of my beliefs (not that I am certain of anything) come from personal experience of mediums giving lectures while purportedly being taken in trance by discarnate spirit guides . I have also personally felt psychic energy most of my life. For example if I went into old churches in London I could immediately feel the atmosphere as a kind of enveloping warmth. It did not work in new church buildings presumably because the thought forces had not had time to build up in the stones of the walls. (see theosophy) On one occasion I went into a Franciscan monastery in Italy and I was almost bowled over by the spiritual power. I do not think it was my imagination as it only worked in old buildings, not new churches.

My views do not come from ancient texts but from Gurus and spiritualist mediums I have met, although most of them are now dead.
You want a free book. It is called the Holy Bible. All of the spiritualism you need (and all of the answers to life) can be found in that book. Visit one of your local churches, they will be happy to give you one if you don't already have it.
You want a free book. It is called the Holy Bible. All of the spiritualism you need (and all of the answers to life) can be found in that book. Visit one of your local churches, they will be happy to give you one if you don't already have it.

I said in post 4 that I was disenchanted with the bible in the 1960's while attending bible classes, because I could not accept that God would throw anyone into hellfire. But I found the teachings of Silver Birch uplifting and comforting. You might like to follow the link in post 4 to see what I mean..
no matter what, it seems there is no avoiding the death of ones physiology ... it's not as though there has ever been an instance of a Spirit accomplishing a goal to exit its physiology to freely exist without it.

the guru ceases to exist when their body expires, no other example has ever occurred.

there is an inseparability that can not be explained for the existence of a distinct Spirit at least in terms of an unhindered existance.

You want a free book. It is called the Holy Bible. All of the spiritualism you need (and all of the answers to life) can be found in that book. Visit one of your local churches, they will be happy to give you one if you don't already have it.

Thank you for your input Nutz . . . unfortunately many of the answers to life found in the bible contradict one another as Dan Barker points out in the below video. How is it possible for anyone to rationalize these discrepancies? ~ Susan

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