Spiritual teachings

The following link is about the chakras. These are very important in the occult as they are energy centres that interpenetrate the etheric body and join it to the physical body. I have always been able to feel my chakras and the energy flowing through them, and I have used them for self healing. But there are more than the 7 main chakras, there are 21 minor chakras, one in the sole of the foot and one in the palms of each hand, and one in each temple. These minor chakras are very important in channelling energy. If you are interested you can buy the book. 'Hands of light' by Barbara anne Brenan which gives the location of the minor chakras. You may also find it online as a pdf file.

Chakra - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There is nothing so important in the occult as the etheric body, so here is a link to a well known book about it.
I first got involved in studying the occult in my youth when I felt feelings like fire flowing through me. One day I saw a diagram of the chakras in a book and I recognised the locations of the 7 main chakras as being the location of the feelings of fire. I started going to spiritualist churches and had a lot of healing, and over a couple of years the condition cleared up. A medium finally told me that the reason for it was my etheric body was loose.
I soon became able to channel energy for myself and this is for people who think I just got all my beliefs from books. Actually it is based on personal experience.

The Etheric Double by A.E.Powell
Like the word "paganism", the word "occult" is a broad term that describes many practices... but nothing specifically.

When I think of "the occult", I primarily think of esoteric spirtual practices (often considered "taboo" in Nature) that draw upon the power of the subconscious mind, as well as ritual "magick" that makes heavy use of artistic sigils and symbols, traditions of "mysticism" (e.g., the Kabbalah), ancient/ very old grimoires and their systems of traditional and ceremonial "witchcraft" (e.g., the Goetia described in the Lesser Key of Solomon), ritual that incorporates a heavy understanding of astronomy and mathematics, the study of the practices of various "magickal" orders (e.g., the Golden Dawn), and various arcane practices of exploring human Nature through the concepts of demons and angels, gods and goddesses, devas, daevas, djinn...

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Here is a link to a site about the late Ivy Northage, who was a spiritualist medium. I attended many trance lectures by her at the spiritualist association in London during the 1970's I had a surprise one time which gave me reason to think she was genuine and her spirit guide could read my mind with telepathy. When she finished the lecture I sent her the thought 'God bless you'. At the time I could not see her face as there was someone in front of me. But just as I thought ' God bless you' She suddenly leant sideways and looked straight down at me.
What was surprising is that she still had her eyes closed, and I thought the spirit guide could see me with spirit eyes.

Spirit Awakening Spirit Wise Ivy Northage
Look at the Source of that article. "Jesus-is-savior.com".

Not the best Source of information on Aleister Crowley...


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