Speaking of Stereotypes...


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
African-Americans represent one of the most monolithic voting groups in the U.S. with over 90% voting for Democrats. In this case, perception and reality are virtually the same. If they want to combat stereotypes, they need to stop acting in accordance with them. Comprende?
African-Americans represent one of the most monolithic voting groups in the U.S. with over 90% voting for Democrats. In this case, perception and reality are virtually the same. If they want to combat stereotypes, they need to stop acting in accordance with them. Comprende?

Oh, so then all that crap about black conservatives is bullshit.
African-Americans represent one of the most monolithic voting groups in the U.S. with over 90% voting for Democrats. In this case, perception and reality are virtually the same. If they want to combat stereotypes, they need to stop acting in accordance with them. Comprende?

Oh, so then all that crap about black conservatives is bullshit.

Is that supposed to be a rebuttal? Are percentages too difficult to understand?
African-Americans represent one of the most monolithic voting groups in the U.S. with over 90% voting for Democrats. In this case, perception and reality are virtually the same. If they want to combat stereotypes, they need to stop acting in accordance with them. Comprende?
That's NOT a stereotype; that's reality. Deal with it. :cool-45:
A stereotype is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people. Many stereotypes are racist, sexist, or homophobic.
Spot on description of tiny woody.
African-Americans represent one of the most monolithic voting groups in the U.S. with over 90% voting for Democrats. In this case, perception and reality are virtually the same. If they want to combat stereotypes, they need to stop acting in accordance with them. Comprende?

Oh, so then all that crap about black conservatives is bullshit.

Is that supposed to be a rebuttal? Are percentages too difficult to understand?

What I don't understand is why you don't subscribe to the notion that each individual's own voting choice has nothing to do with you, it is their choice alone.
A stereotype is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people. Many stereotypes are racist, sexist, or homophobic.
Spot on description of tiny woody.

My preconceived notion is that 90% will vote Democrat. What's yours?
It's not very smart for such a large percentage of blacks to vote for dimocrats. It's a foregone conclusion by the DNC that their votes are already in the bag so they end up with no bargaining positions, no chips to use in any negotiations. The only thing they get in return is lip service.

What they ought to do some voting cycle is make various demands of the DNC and inform them that to show their seriousness the black vote count will be off that go-round. Then simply organize through their churhes or wherever voting boycotts of a percentage that will get the DNC's attention along with the warning that if their demands aren't met by the next election the next boycott will be even more severe. Take it or leave it DNC.

As it is now though and has been for a long time blacks have no power at the ballot box. They're taken for granted instead and that's not smart on their part.
Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White
by Frank Newport
Democrats and independents grow more diverse since 2008

PRINCETON, NJ -- Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 89% of Republican self-identifiers nationwide in 2012, while accounting for 70% of independents and 60% of Democrats. Over one-fifth of Democrats (22%) were black, while 16% of independents were Hispanic.
African-Americans represent one of the most monolithic voting groups in the U.S. with over 90% voting for Democrats. In this case, perception and reality are virtually the same. If they want to combat stereotypes, they need to stop acting in accordance with them. Comprende?

We dont care what you think about our voting habits.
African-Americans represent one of the most monolithic voting groups in the U.S. with over 90% voting for Democrats. In this case, perception and reality are virtually the same. If they want to combat stereotypes, they need to stop acting in accordance with them. Comprende?

We dont care what you think about our voting habits.
think? you're just being kind .
Want to know why African Americans vote Democrat most of the time? Go no further back than the early 60's, when Johnson was running for election after taking over for Kennedy. Johnson helped get the Civil Rights Act pushed through, signed it into law, and in doing so, gave the blacks the right to vote.

If you've got HBO, check out the movie "All In" starring Bryan Cranston. It's about that time and what happened.

Johnson is the reason that blacks vote mostly Democrat today.
Want to know why African Americans vote Democrat most of the time? Go no further back than the early 60's, when Johnson was running for election after taking over for Kennedy. Johnson helped get the Civil Rights Act pushed through, signed it into law, and in doing so, gave the blacks the right to vote.

If you've got HBO, check out the movie "All In" starring Bryan Cranston. It's about that time and what happened.

Johnson is the reason that blacks vote mostly Democrat today.
No. You are indeed ignorant:

In 1870, the 15th Amendment was ratified. It stated that, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." More than a half-million black men became voters in the South during the 1870s (women did not secure the right to vote in the United States...

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