Sovereign Citizens nabbed in re: Jade Helm rw hysteria

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
jesusland Einsteins
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
jesusland Einsteins
Sup batshit?
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
jesusland Einsteins
Sup batshit?

go whine about $7.00 light bulbs
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
jesusland Einsteins
Sup batshit?

go whine about $7.00 light bulbs
And rightfully so. Why the fuck should I pay a five dollar increase per bulb so you dumbfucks can hug trees?
Obama's latest epa bullshit is gonna drive up costs for energy even further.
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
jesusland Einsteins
exactly :D
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
jesusland Einsteins
exactly :D
^^^ echo chamber
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
Are you sure they weren't the anti-government nuts the Libs threw at us???

9 11 was a Hoax The American government killed its own people
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.
It was in the Carolinas? Well, the Carolinas were not included in Jade Helm, were they? Sooo, how in the fuck were they going to lure Special Forces to the Carolinas to ambush them? It was an FBI setup. There was a scumbag snitch doing some dirty work. In no way was the whole shit connected to Jade Helm. I hope the Judge throws the fucking case out.
I bet dotcom doesn't think the police state tactics used after the Boston bombing was getting us ready for martial law either...forcing people to either stay in their homes or get out of their homes without a warrant,fully armed with automatic weapons and swat gear....nothing weird about that nah...
“Then the next day, we weren’t allowed out at all…not even to get some coffee. Men dressed in black gear paraded through the streets with weapons. In Watertown, they were confiscating guns from residents. This they don’t tell you on the news. I understand that perhaps the “suspect” may be tempted to fish for weapons, but what about the people that may need to protect themselves from the “suspect” or the government?… “

Confiscating guns,not allowed out of homes....

Boston Martial Law They were confiscating guns from residents

These guys did nothing wrong in my book. Preparing for war with the government is the EXACT same thing the founding fathers did. Limp dick libtards like dot there will be the ones crying in their tighty whities when the fed gov comes to haul them away or one of the snitches telling on his neighbors.
Limp dick libtards like dot there will be the ones crying in their tighty whities when the fed gov comes to haul them away or one of the snitches telling on his neighbors.
Actually I disagree with that part of your post. They will do Goebbels' type work from way behind somewhere hiding in a government bunker. They would snitch first, collaborating in exchange for the cushy propagandist work and a slice of fucking bread.
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.

Meanwhile, back in Baltimore, the Feds are sent in to deal with the surge in killing and other crimes.
If the Feds can't even stop a mild uprising, how are the Feds supposed to impose martial law?

The main threat I see is on the level of federal enforcement of political beliefs.
Making citizens pay for insurance, for pot legalization and whatever health problems that will cause,
and fines for refusing to service gay weddings or to buy insurance under mandates rejected as unconstitutional.

Penalizing people for beliefs about providing health care other ways,
or for believing in not participating in gay weddings --
why isn't that taken as a threat to diminish "separation of church and state authority."
not too difficult given their big mouths and empty heads:

How federal agents foiled a murderous Jade Helm 15 retaliation plot
A month later, Campbell introduced the informant to Litteral. The two men told the informant that they believed “that the federal government intended to use the armed forces to impose martial law in the United States, which they and others would resist with violent force,” the court documents said.

Meanwhile, back in Baltimore, the Feds are sent in to deal with the surge in killing and other crimes.
If the Feds can't even stop a mild uprising, how are the Feds supposed to impose martial law?

The main threat I see is on the level of federal enforcement of political beliefs.
Making citizens pay for insurance, for pot legalization and whatever health problems that will cause,
and fines for refusing to service gay weddings or to buy insurance under mandates rejected as unconstitutional.

Penalizing people for beliefs about providing health care other ways,
or for believing in not participating in gay weddings --
why isn't that taken as a threat to diminish "separation of church and state authority."
You truly are a ridiculous loon – there is no “federal enforcement of political beliefs,' the notion is moronic idiocy.

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