Sorry assbonnets, bigots are not protected class


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
It cracks me up when bigots (of all stripes) cry foul whenever they or anyone else gets 'discriminated' against because of their personal bigotry.

I'm not a big fan of protected classes in general, but you certainly shouldn't be protected from discrimination simply because you're a fuck'n asshole. :lol:
It cracks me up when bigots (of all stripes) cry foul whenever they or anyone else gets 'discriminated' against because of their personal bigotry.

I'm not a big fan of protected classes in general, but you certainly shouldn't be protected from discrimination simply because you're a fuck'n asshole. :lol:

It cracks me up when bigots (of all stripes) cry foul whenever they or anyone else gets 'discriminated' against because of their personal bigotry.

I'm not a big fan of protected classes in general, but you certainly shouldn't be protected from discrimination simply because you're a fuck'n asshole. :lol:

They could be. The number of "protected" classes is always on the increase.

The question becomes can a person be fired for a poltical position in general, and how do we define a bigot. If as a practicing catholic, a person believes homosexuality is a sin, and expresses this opinion, does that preclude them from certain forms of employment, or require the firing of said person from a position, say a public school teacher? Also does it matter WHERE this opinion is voiced? If it is kept out of the work environment, is it still grounds to dismiss them?

We have benn defining bigotry down the past 30 years. Bigots from the 50's and 60's would call today's "bigots" "******-lovin, pope worshippin, gay bags."
damn i figured we were in the flame zone.....tricky there manie...tricky

doesnt it say a lot about today's society that racist would even consider themselves worthy of anything other than distain
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damn i figured we were in the flame zone.....tricky there manie...tricky

doesnt it say a lot about today's society that racist would even consider themselves worthy of anything other than distain

I guess they've been inspired by the queers. :tomato:
Reminds me of Lincoln's remark that if the slaveholders thought the institution was so good, they should try it on themselves for a change.

If you think discrimination is such a good idea, then you must accept that discrimination toward you is also good.

And bigots are a protected class. You can't be mean to folks with low IQ's.
Reminds me of Lincoln's remark that if the slaveholders thought the institution was so good, they should try it on themselves for a change.

If you think discrimination is such a good idea, then you must accept that discrimination toward you is also good.

And bigots are a protected class. You can't be mean to folks with low IQ's.

you still have to define what a "bigot" is. Lets use race as an example and go from most extreme to least.

All black must be killed
All blacks must be shipped to africa
All blacks must live in designated camps
All blacks must live in designated towns
Blacks cannot be Citizens and have the same rights as whites
Blacks cannot have the same rights as whites
Blacks cannot use the same facilities as whites
Blacks should go to seperate schools as whites
Blacks should not marry whites
Blacks are not the equal of whites
Blacks should live apart from whites
Blacks should not recieve extra benefits from society
Blacks and whites should have thier own social circles
Too many blacks are on welfare
Most blacks are poor
Blacks are better athletes than whites due to breeding

Where do you draw the "bigot" line?
It cracks me up when bigots (of all stripes) cry foul whenever they or anyone else gets 'discriminated' against because of their personal bigotry.

I'm not a big fan of protected classes in general, but you certainly shouldn't be protected from discrimination simply because you're a fuck'n asshole. :lol:

Interesting point, though I think it needed just a tad bit more condescension
how do we define a bigot.

Well, let's see . . .

If as a practicing catholic, a person believes homosexuality is a sin, and expresses this opinion,

Pretty good start right there.

We have benn defining bigotry down the past 30 years. Bigots from the 50's and 60's would call today's "bigots" "******-lovin, pope worshippin, gay bags."

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.
how do we define a bigot.

Well, let's see . . .

If as a practicing catholic, a person believes homosexuality is a sin, and expresses this opinion,

Pretty good start right there.

We have benn defining bigotry down the past 30 years. Bigots from the 50's and 60's would call today's "bigots" "******-lovin, pope worshippin, gay bags."

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

So if i oppose welfare based on the concept that I believe that things such as welfare should not be part of the federal government, that makes me a bigot? That seems like defining bigotry down to me.
I think the fastest growing class of bigots are political. I expect to see more lines drawn to the point where your political views could cost you your job and your life style.
how do we define a bigot.

Well, let's see . . .

If as a practicing catholic, a person believes homosexuality is a sin, and expresses this opinion,

Pretty good start right there.

We have benn defining bigotry down the past 30 years. Bigots from the 50's and 60's would call today's "bigots" "******-lovin, pope worshippin, gay bags."

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

How the hell is opposing welfare b/c it harms families racist?

serisously, that's a bigoted thing of you to say.
damn i figured we were in the flame zone.....tricky there manie...tricky

doesnt it say a lot about today's society that racist would even consider themselves worthy of anything other than distain

Sadly, SB, many racists are not even aware that they are racists. Remember Archie Bunker?

Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character.
how do we define a bigot.

Well, let's see . . .

Pretty good start right there.

We have benn defining bigotry down the past 30 years. Bigots from the 50's and 60's would call today's "bigots" "******-lovin, pope worshippin, gay bags."

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

How the hell is opposing welfare b/c it harms families racist?

serisously, that's a bigoted thing of you to say.

Quit being so defensive. If someone declares you to be a bigot or a racist you ARE ONE.
No proof is necesssary and no appeals process.
how do we define a bigot.

Well, let's see . . .

Pretty good start right there.

We have benn defining bigotry down the past 30 years. Bigots from the 50's and 60's would call today's "bigots" "******-lovin, pope worshippin, gay bags."

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

So if i oppose welfare based on the concept that I believe that things such as welfare should not be part of the federal government, that makes me a bigot? That seems like defining bigotry down to me.

Covert bigots ALWAYS have some cover-up arguments that seemingly justifiy their position. Some of those arguments even have the appearance of legitimacy. But they are not. They are red herrings, designed to mask over the real motivation behind the position taken.

I will say, that many covert bigots are not aware that they are covert bigots. But scratch just below the surface, and the true thinking will come out.

To put it another way - I know of very few folks who openly admit that they hate gays, who are in favor of gay marriage. I don't know of any folks who express tolerance of the gay life style who are opposed to gay marriage. This does not speak very well of the legitimacy of the "arguments" put forth in opposition to gay marriage.
damn i figured we were in the flame zone.....tricky there manie...tricky

doesnt it say a lot about today's society that racist would even consider themselves worthy of anything other than distain

Sadly, SB, many racists are not even aware that they are racists. Remember Archie Bunker?

Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character.

OK - pay careful attention now. Try to remain focused. Yes, Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character. But the character of Archie Bunker is ILLUSTRATIVE of a real life situation. You see, I am BORROWING on a fictional character to DEMONSTRATE a principle.

See how that works?

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