Sorry assbonnets, bigots are not protected class

how do we define a bigot.

Well, let's see . . .

Pretty good start right there.

We have benn defining bigotry down the past 30 years. Bigots from the 50's and 60's would call today's "bigots" "******-lovin, pope worshippin, gay bags."

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

How the hell is opposing welfare b/c it harms families racist?

serisously, that's a bigoted thing of you to say.

I am caught in the act of hanging a black man. As they haul me away, I am called a racist bigot (which, of course, I am). I turn to the person who said that and accuse HIM of being a bigot for being opposed to my viewpoint on how to handle the black race.

Do you see a problem there somewhere?
Bigots have rights, too.

Even if their bigotry would see to it that we don't have rights, it behooves us to see to it that everybody gets equal protection under the law.
Sadly, SB, many racists are not even aware that they are racists. Remember Archie Bunker?

Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character.

OK - pay careful attention now. Try to remain focused. Yes, Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character. But the character of Archie Bunker is ILLUSTRATIVE of a real life situation. You see, I am BORROWING on a fictional character to DEMONSTRATE a principle.

See how that works?

Yes, you are convinced that a fictional depiction of what liberals think a conservative acts like is the basis for how all conservatives act.

How utterly foolish.
Well, let's see . . .

Pretty good start right there.

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

So if i oppose welfare based on the concept that I believe that things such as welfare should not be part of the federal government, that makes me a bigot? That seems like defining bigotry down to me.

Covert bigots ALWAYS have some cover-up arguments that seemingly justifiy their position. Some of those arguments even have the appearance of legitimacy. But they are not. They are red herrings, designed to mask over the real motivation behind the position taken.

I will say, that many covert bigots are not aware that they are covert bigots. But scratch just below the surface, and the true thinking will come out.

To put it another way - I know of very few folks who openly admit that they hate gays, who are in favor of gay marriage. I don't know of any folks who express tolerance of the gay life style who are opposed to gay marriage. This does not speak very well of the legitimacy of the "arguments" put forth in opposition to gay marriage.

So basically, "I can't define bigotry, but I know it when I see it"

Basically you are defining bigotry as "any position I (being a progressive) don't agree with, basically making it into another mush-word used when someone is losing an argument.

I don't care what gays do, but to me it isnt "marriage" in the sense I see the word. Do I actively go out and try to stop them from getting married? No I don't. But by your definition I am obviously a bigot. Going back to the original post, should this be a grounds for me to get fired from my job?
Well, let's see . . .

Pretty good start right there.

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

How the hell is opposing welfare b/c it harms families racist?

serisously, that's a bigoted thing of you to say.

I am caught in the act of hanging a black man. As they haul me away, I am called a racist bigot (which, of course, I am). I turn to the person who said that and accuse HIM of being a bigot for being opposed to my viewpoint on how to handle the black race.

Do you see a problem there somewhere?

That's not even apples to oranges. That's apples to cars.

Welfare keeps people poor and is one of the 2 things that just crushes the black community, especially in cities.

Welfare "helps" until you reach a certain income. The moment you cross that level it vanishes and life becomes a struggle just to make bills. Thus causing people to stay in lower paying jobs just to keep the welfare coming, thus keeping them poor generation after generation.

These are undeniable facts.


Since you support welfare, you support keeping black people poor and dependant on the government, making YOU the racist.
Bigots have rights, too.

Even if their bigotry would see to it that we don't have rights, it behooves us to see to it that everybody gets equal protection under the law.

Yes, but I don't know any examples where a bigot did not get equal protection.
damn i figured we were in the flame zone.....tricky there manie...tricky

doesnt it say a lot about today's society that racist would even consider themselves worthy of anything other than distain

Sadly, SB, many racists are not even aware that they are racists. Remember Archie Bunker?

Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character.
You've got something against fictional sitcom characters? What are you? Some kind of a bigot?
Sadly, SB, many racists are not even aware that they are racists. Remember Archie Bunker?

Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character.

OK - pay careful attention now. Try to remain focused. Yes, Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character. But the character of Archie Bunker is ILLUSTRATIVE of a real life situation. You see, I am BORROWING on a fictional character to DEMONSTRATE a principle.

See how that works?

All in The Family was an attempt to show conservatives as totally ignorant and practically illerate. I never really realized it until I began to watch it after I was grown. I can't even watch it without wanting to throw something at the TV.

Don't tell me you liberals just love everybody, because you don't. There are a lot of people I don't care for of ALL races. I just leave them alone and they leave me alone. They probably don't like me either. I couldn't care less. I just get so sick of hearing how the blacks are still downtrodden, the reason they all aren't brain surgeons or billionaires is because they are forbidden by white people to achieve this. That is such bullshit - nobody stopped Obama from achieving his goals. Nobody gives a shit what race he is. He'd be an idiot if he was purple with pea-green polka dots. Fortunately there are zillions of black people who HAVE made something of themselves and don't believe the "you can't succeed because whites won't let you" crap. If every American would strive to be the best they can be, get educated and make something of themselves, it would be wonderful. I find it interesting that handicapped people contribute more to society that many able bodied people do.

One thing I do agree with on All in the Family is that the character of Mike, his son in law, IS a "meathead - dead from the neck up" - he hit the nail on the head with that one.
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Sadly, SB, many racists are not even aware that they are racists. Remember Archie Bunker?

Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character.
You've got something against fictional sitcom characters? What are you? Some kind of a bigot?

You've got something against fictional sitcom characters? Only when people think they are real. example; Urkel. As a nerd, myself, he did not depict any nerd I ever met. well, until I met a LARPer, but those people are just freaks.
What are you? A white guy. 6' 200#'s of chisled muscle that's so hard you could smooth sandpaper on it.
Some kind of a bigot? If hating to see people suffer on welfare, genaration after generation with little hope of getting off, makes me a bigot, then yeah.
Well, let's see . . .

Pretty good start right there.

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

So if i oppose welfare based on the concept that I believe that things such as welfare should not be part of the federal government, that makes me a bigot? That seems like defining bigotry down to me.

Covert bigots ALWAYS have some cover-up arguments that seemingly justifiy their position. Some of those arguments even have the appearance of legitimacy. But they are not. They are red herrings, designed to mask over the real motivation behind the position taken.

I will say, that many covert bigots are not aware that they are covert bigots. But scratch just below the surface, and the true thinking will come out.

To put it another way - I know of very few folks who openly admit that they hate gays, who are in favor of gay marriage. I don't know of any folks who express tolerance of the gay life style who are opposed to gay marriage. This does not speak very well of the legitimacy of the "arguments" put forth in opposition to gay marriage.

ah yes----one must be very wary of the covert bigots hiding around every corner, most completely unaware of who they really are.:rolleyes:

Archie Bunker was a fictional sitcom character.
You've got something against fictional sitcom characters? What are you? Some kind of a bigot?

You've got something against fictional sitcom characters? Only when people think they are real. example; Urkel. As a nerd, myself, he did not depict any nerd I ever met. well, until I met a LARPer, but those people are just freaks.
What are you? A white guy. 6' 200#'s of chisled muscle that's so hard you could smooth sandpaper on it.
Some kind of a bigot? If hating to see people suffer on welfare, genaration after generation with little hope of getting off, makes me a bigot, then yeah.

No kidding. And hating to see children born to 15 year olds who then go on welfare, who then have more kids by different guys to keep getting welfare, and then let the boyfriends beat up the kids - watching CPS return these kids over and over until they are killed. Well, if that makes ME a bigot, so be it.
How the hell is opposing welfare b/c it harms families racist?

serisously, that's a bigoted thing of you to say.

I am caught in the act of hanging a black man. As they haul me away, I am called a racist bigot (which, of course, I am). I turn to the person who said that and accuse HIM of being a bigot for being opposed to my viewpoint on how to handle the black race.

Do you see a problem there somewhere?

That's not even apples to oranges. That's apples to cars.

Welfare keeps people poor and is one of the 2 things that just crushes the black community, especially in cities.

Welfare "helps" until you reach a certain income. The moment you cross that level it vanishes and life becomes a struggle just to make bills. Thus causing people to stay in lower paying jobs just to keep the welfare coming, thus keeping them poor generation after generation.

These are undeniable facts.


Since you support welfare, you support keeping black people poor and dependant on the government, making YOU the racist.

Yep because as long as these people THINK the Democrats are helping them, they will keep voting for them. That's the Democrats voting base. While all the while the rich Democrats are laughing all the way to the bank while they drive their luxury cars, yachts and live in one of their three mansions. Meanwhile convincing these poor folks they "feel their pain." Feel their pain my ass! They are the SOURCE of their pain. If the Democrats really wanted to help us, they'd pass some law requiring everyone to graduate from high school and if they don't want to go to college, provide some vocational training. Going on welfare should NOT be an option for ANY able-bodied, sound-minded person. The world doesn't owe you a living.
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How the hell is opposing welfare b/c it harms families racist?

serisously, that's a bigoted thing of you to say.

I am caught in the act of hanging a black man. As they haul me away, I am called a racist bigot (which, of course, I am). I turn to the person who said that and accuse HIM of being a bigot for being opposed to my viewpoint on how to handle the black race.

Do you see a problem there somewhere?

That's not even apples to oranges. That's apples to cars.

Welfare keeps people poor and is one of the 2 things that just crushes the black community, especially in cities.

Welfare "helps" until you reach a certain income. The moment you cross that level it vanishes and life becomes a struggle just to make bills. Thus causing people to stay in lower paying jobs just to keep the welfare coming, thus keeping them poor generation after generation.

These are undeniable facts.


Since you support welfare, you support keeping black people poor and dependant on the government, making YOU the racist.

Jesus H. CHRIST, are you dense. PAY ATTENTION!!!

My remarks about the guy who gets caught hanging a black man are directed ONLY towards you asserting that criticizing someone who opposes welfare is himself bigoted. Opposing welfare is a bigoted postion. Criticizing someone for taking that position is an attemlpt to do away with bibotry - not to promote it.

Someone who opposes bigotry is not bigoted himself. You don't defend bigotry by accusing those who are critical of it of being themselves bigoted.
Archie Bunker may not have been a brain surgeon, but he was not complaining about the rich people or what he was being kept from achieving. he was happy with his life that he had chosen. He loved his wife and daughter. he just wanted everyone to pull their own weight. The son in law didn't have a problem with freeloading from him, though, instead of working and going to school and getting student housing. LIke I said - "meathead".
Well, let's see . . .

Pretty good start right there.

Today's bigots are not as obvious as the bigots of the 50's and 60's. Today's bigots don't use terms like that. Not socially acceptable. Instead, they simply oppose programs that benefit the groups they are bigotted against. You know - like opposing the legalization of gay marriage, opposing equal opportunity employment, welfare . . . . that kind of stuff.

So if i oppose welfare based on the concept that I believe that things such as welfare should not be part of the federal government, that makes me a bigot? That seems like defining bigotry down to me.

Covert bigots ALWAYS have some cover-up arguments that seemingly justifiy their position. Some of those arguments even have the appearance of legitimacy. But they are not. They are red herrings, designed to mask over the real motivation behind the position taken.

I will say, that many covert bigots are not aware that they are covert bigots. But scratch just below the surface, and the true thinking will come out.

To put it another way - I know of very few folks who openly admit that they hate gays, who are in favor of gay marriage. I don't know of any folks who express tolerance of the gay life style who are opposed to gay marriage. This does not speak very well of the legitimacy of the "arguments" put forth in opposition to gay marriage.

only a bigot would consider being gay a *life style*.

I am caught in the act of hanging a black man. As they haul me away, I am called a racist bigot (which, of course, I am). I turn to the person who said that and accuse HIM of being a bigot for being opposed to my viewpoint on how to handle the black race.

Do you see a problem there somewhere?

That's not even apples to oranges. That's apples to cars.

Welfare keeps people poor and is one of the 2 things that just crushes the black community, especially in cities.

Welfare "helps" until you reach a certain income. The moment you cross that level it vanishes and life becomes a struggle just to make bills. Thus causing people to stay in lower paying jobs just to keep the welfare coming, thus keeping them poor generation after generation.

These are undeniable facts.


Since you support welfare, you support keeping black people poor and dependant on the government, making YOU the racist.

Jesus H. CHRIST, are you dense. PAY ATTENTION!!!

My remarks about the guy who gets caught hanging a black man are directed ONLY towards you asserting that criticizing someone who opposes welfare is himself bigoted. Opposing welfare is a bigoted postion. Criticizing someone for taking that position is an attemlpt to do away with bibotry - not to promote it.

Someone who opposes bigotry is not bigoted himself. You don't defend bigotry by accusing those who are critical of it of being themselves bigoted.

Never mind, I thought you were a sensible person that could be reasonded with.

I don't know why I keep making that mistake with liberals. I can only assume I'll come across one some day.

Everyone that opposese welfare is a bigot to you, thus you are calling me a racist based only on that.

Fuck you.
I am caught in the act of hanging a black man. As they haul me away, I am called a racist bigot (which, of course, I am). I turn to the person who said that and accuse HIM of being a bigot for being opposed to my viewpoint on how to handle the black race.

Do you see a problem there somewhere?

That's not even apples to oranges. That's apples to cars.

Welfare keeps people poor and is one of the 2 things that just crushes the black community, especially in cities.

Welfare "helps" until you reach a certain income. The moment you cross that level it vanishes and life becomes a struggle just to make bills. Thus causing people to stay in lower paying jobs just to keep the welfare coming, thus keeping them poor generation after generation.

These are undeniable facts.


Since you support welfare, you support keeping black people poor and dependant on the government, making YOU the racist.

Jesus H. CHRIST, are you dense. PAY ATTENTION!!!

My remarks about the guy who gets caught hanging a black man are directed ONLY towards you asserting that criticizing someone who opposes welfare is himself bigoted. Opposing welfare is a bigoted postion. Criticizing someone for taking that position is an attemlpt to do away with bibotry - not to promote it.

Someone who opposes bigotry is not bigoted himself. You don't defend bigotry by accusing those who are critical of it of being themselves bigoted.

Look you dumb shit, opposing people going on welfare is NOT bigoted. It is MY tax dollars paying for it. I am opposed to anyone getting a free ride for no reason. besides, it is a one-way ticket to lifelong poverty. I truly feel sorry for anyone who has chosen that road. I have know many individuals who are on and have been on welfare and they are for the most part lazy and worthless.

Kind of like the Little Red Hen story where she tries to get others to help her bake all the bread but nobody wants to chip in. But when the bread comes out of the oven, they are all there Johnny on the spot to EAT it!! Well the hard working stiffs of this country are the Little Red Hens and the free loaders are the ones who want to eat the bread we've baked.
That's not even apples to oranges. That's apples to cars.

Welfare keeps people poor and is one of the 2 things that just crushes the black community, especially in cities.

Welfare "helps" until you reach a certain income. The moment you cross that level it vanishes and life becomes a struggle just to make bills. Thus causing people to stay in lower paying jobs just to keep the welfare coming, thus keeping them poor generation after generation.

These are undeniable facts.


Since you support welfare, you support keeping black people poor and dependant on the government, making YOU the racist.

Jesus H. CHRIST, are you dense. PAY ATTENTION!!!

My remarks about the guy who gets caught hanging a black man are directed ONLY towards you asserting that criticizing someone who opposes welfare is himself bigoted. Opposing welfare is a bigoted postion. Criticizing someone for taking that position is an attemlpt to do away with bibotry - not to promote it.

Someone who opposes bigotry is not bigoted himself. You don't defend bigotry by accusing those who are critical of it of being themselves bigoted.

Never mind, I thought you were a sensible person that could be reasonded with.

I don't know why I keep making that mistake with liberals. I can only assume I'll come across one some day.

Everyone that opposese welfare is a bigot to you, thus you are calling me a racist based only on that.

Fuck you.

I second THAT emotion!!

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