Sooo...according to the FBI homicide tables...the child rapist actually attacked Kyle with weapons used to kill more people than the AR-15....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
According to the FBI homicide tables.....the child rapist, Rosenbaum, who raped 5 boys age 9-11, ..........he attacked Kyle with weapons that kill more people each and every year than the AR-15 rifle, or all rifles combined, kill.....hands and feet.....

So yes...rosenbaum attacked Kyle with deadly weapons....

Just to make their heads explode even more....

I actually realized this reading Larry Corrieas take down of leftist talking points on the shooting...found here...

From the FBI homicide table....murder by weapon type...2019...

Rifles of all types....364

Hands and feet...the weapons of the child rapist who raped 5 young boys age 9-11...........600

I read this article:

What retard runs AFTER a supposedly active shooter unless they are law enforcement or the military??
I understand wanting to protect people, but you don't run after the shooter who obviously isn't moving or running away. You get all the pedestrians to run for cover.

And what fucking brainless douchebag claims he's there to give "medical help".......with a GUN in hand???

You've got to be a brain dead, dumbassed, fuktarded, imbecilic "Biden" to WALK UP TO A SUPPOSED SHOOTER IN THEIR LINE OF VISION to confront them!!! Anybody with WORKING BRAIN CELLS would sneak around behind them and take them off-guard!!

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