Something puzzling about how obama received so many votes from Black Americans

People who are unemployed do not get government assistance?

I have PLENTY of similar views (barring foreign policy and many social issues) as the republicans, but why would I want to align myself with the arrogant uptight bigots who are the most vocal representatives of their party?

To answer your question, because you sound like a rational person. Certainly you are doing OK as are the majority of blacks. But considering the large number that are not it should give you pause to think. Could you name the major Republican that you feel is a bigot and what EXACTLY you feel they have done to harm blacks, thanks in advance.
Your statement:

"They support the Dems because the Dems will never agree to cut entitlements, only evil Republicans want to do that. Why in the world would they not vote Dem? They're not going to bite the hand that feeds them ... and gives them free phones, free birth control, free, free, free. They are chained to that 'freedom' and therefore vote for that 'freedom'."

Your use of "They" refers to black Obama supporters. So, again, what percentage of black Obama supporters are "fed" by the government?

I don't know, certainly those in the 14%+ unemployment.

Historically blacks vote Dem because of Dem policy, not due to the color of the Dem candidate, as bigreb is suggesting. That was the point I was making.

No. The point you were making was that blacks vote to get free stuff and to be fed by the government. What percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government?

Nice way to break it down!
Now that is how an incompetent 'community organizer' can get to be president of the United States. Just call someone 'racist' and NOT really take a critical look at what is really going on. I don't think there is anyone more 'racist' than the one that uses that bullying tactic of calling others 'racist' for lack of a intelligent mind.

Who's campaign was better organized, Romney's or Obama's?

Who did the media support more should be the better question. BECAUSE YOUR QUESTION IS OPINIONATED.

Not really. My question was answered Friday by Romney's top strategist:

"Obama campaign manager Jim Messina and top Romney strategist Brian Jones, appearing at a private conference for political consultants on Friday, broke down their views of the 2012 presidential race and basically affirmed what the Obama campaign had predicted all along: Chicago’s ground game won the day."

"Messina stressed the hyper-local nature of the reelection campaign’s voter contacts, saying “We ran county commission campaigns in each of these places," according to one operative at the conference."

"Jones, while noting that he believes Hurricane Sandy hurt Mitt Romney somewhat in the final week, acknowledged Romney’s turnout operation was no match for Obama’s"

"We measured voter contacts and were near parity, but their contacts were better because they were local -- neighbors down the street," he said."

It's the ground game, stupid... -
Who's campaign was better organized, Romney's or Obama's?

Who did the media support more should be the better question. BECAUSE YOUR QUESTION IS OPINIONATED.

Not really. My question was answered Friday by Romney's top strategist:

"Obama campaign manager Jim Messina and top Romney strategist Brian Jones, appearing at a private conference for political consultants on Friday, broke down their views of the 2012 presidential race and basically affirmed what the Obama campaign had predicted all along: Chicago’s ground game won the day."

"Messina stressed the hyper-local nature of the reelection campaign’s voter contacts, saying “We ran county commission campaigns in each of these places," according to one operative at the conference."

"Jones, while noting that he believes Hurricane Sandy hurt Mitt Romney somewhat in the final week, acknowledged Romney’s turnout operation was no match for Obama’s"

"We measured voter contacts and were near parity, but their contacts were better because they were local -- neighbors down the street," he said."

It's the ground game, stupid... -

The media played obama's tune, they focused on non important things of Romney and let slide major issues with obama.

Do you have links and videos of 33 million black Americans making those statements?

Excellent point!
If you don't have anything to add but excellent post move the fuck on.
It was incorrect of salt and you supported the wrong in his post.

It was and IS an excellent point. He was demonstrating the tendency of certain people who make blanket, inaccurate, and insulting generalizations about "the Blacks".
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

LOL. There is nothing Obama could have done to lose the black vote. In fact, OJ would be a shoe in as well. :badgrin:

Alan West too?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

No it's because of welfare.
If that were true why not vote Republican?

Bush’s Texan philosophy for the poor: up-by-the-bootstraps

From 1995 to 1998, the poverty rate in Texas decreased more than 10%, compared with an almost 9% drop nationwide. Tax cuts & economic reforms have resulted in the lowest state unemployment rate in nearly 20 years; welfare reform has cut public assistance rolls in half; and legal changes have expanded the role of religious groups in helping the poor.
In many ways, Bush’s record dovetails with the Texas worldview, which places the burden for escaping poverty on the poor, not the government. Conservative groups and analysts praise the governor and his actions precisely for their strong embrace of basic Republican philosophies. Texas has an up-by-the-bootstraps culture and people often loath to give-or ask for-help. The Texas Constitution prohibits the Legislature from spending more than 1% of the state budget on poor children. Cash welfare benefits are $201 a month for a mother and two children in 1995. California, by comparison, pays $611 a month for a similar family.
Source: La Ganga & Miller, L.A. Times , Oct 16, 2000
Transform low-income rentals to home ownership

We will transform today’s housing rental program to help hundreds of thousands of low-income families find stability and dignity in a home of their own. And, in the next bold step of welfare reform, we will support the heroic work of homeless shelters and hospices, food pantries and crisis pregnancy centers -- people reclaiming their communities block-by-block and heart-by-heart. My administration will give taxpayers new incentives to donate to charity.
Source: Speech to Republican National Convention , Aug 3, 2000
Focus welfare on transition to work & responsibility

Bush has called for a $8 billion plan to get religious and other volunteer organizations to assume more responsibilities for the needy. He supports welfare time limits, work and education requirements. He has proposed a requirement that unwed teen mothers live at home or in group home. In Texas, Bush proposed increased child-care aid and other transition benefits.
Source: NY Times , Jun 5, 2000
$1.7B over 5 years for home rehabs in poor neighborhoods

Bush today unveiled a plan to encourage private developers to build and rehabilitate houses in run-down, struggling neighborhoods. The incentive would be money: $1.7 billion, over five years, in federal tax credits for developers working in poor and moderate-income areas. Bush estimated that the program would make work easier on as many as 20,000 houses a year. More important, he said, it would introduce to an increasing number of Americans the experience of home ownership, which he described as a fundamental aspiration that should be more easily attainable. “Part of the American dream is owning your own home,” Bush said. “Part of the American dream is saying, This place is mine.” In recognition of that, Mr. Bush said, he continually asks-and tries to answer-the question, “How do I help people own? Not just those who are entrepreneurs or those at the top of the economic ladder-how do we help every willing heart, everybody in America, own a piece of this great land? And I’ve got some ideas.”

George W. Bush on Welfare & Poverty

Gosh, it's like the modern conservative view of the two parties, except with the good ole switcharoo that they are too ignorant to acknowledge.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Description of Confusing Cause and Effect

Confusing Cause and Effect is a fallacy that has the following general form:

A and B regularly occur together.
Therefore A is the cause of B.

This fallacy requires that there is not, in fact, a common cause that actually causes both A and B.

This fallacy is committed when a person assumes that one event must cause another just because the events occur together. More formally, this fallacy involves drawing the conclusion that A is the cause of B simply because A and B are in regular conjunction (and there is not a common cause that is actually the cause of A and B). The mistake being made is that the causal conclusion is being drawn without adequate justification.

Fallacy: Confusing Cause and Effect

…and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates…

And here you’re simply wrong, the president gave no one ‘amnesty.’
The media played obama's tune, they focused on non important things of Romney and let slide major issues with obama.

I have to say it is interesting that we didn't hear of the fiscal cliff from the MSM or the left until Wednesday.

Nor did we hear of the story of Petraus until Thursday. And what is the big deal with this that it is all over the news yet Benghazi isn't?

Anyone who have lived for some time know that Watergate was driven by the MSM as were a lot of the stories that broke our representatives. The MSM can either make a person or break a person, in Obama case they could break him but decided not too. Good decision because the outcome was inevitable.

Honestly I would like to ask those who voted of Obama what it would have taken for them to not vote for Obama.
Please - Let us try to see reality when it comes to history and how this 'race' thing evolved. The civil rights movement was fought by many - blacks and whites. It was long overdue and this country has come a long way. The republicans fought for it, TOO - TRUTH!

However, if you study your history you will see that the Democrats barred the success of civil rights because they wanted it to WAIT until they were in power so they can take the political stance that only Democrats cared about the civil right issue. Johnson got into power and then stops barring the success and he is in ON RECORD QUOTING: “Now we will get those ******* to vote for us for next 200 years.”

Martin Luther King was a ‘card carrying’ Republican. He believed in self-responsibility and not relying on the government – HOW DID THAT MESSAGE GET LOST?

Martin Luther King Jr was not a card carrying Republican

His father was
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Description of Confusing Cause and Effect

Confusing Cause and Effect is a fallacy that has the following general form:

A and B regularly occur together.
Therefore A is the cause of B.

This fallacy requires that there is not, in fact, a common cause that actually causes both A and B.

This fallacy is committed when a person assumes that one event must cause another just because the events occur together. More formally, this fallacy involves drawing the conclusion that A is the cause of B simply because A and B are in regular conjunction (and there is not a common cause that is actually the cause of A and B). The mistake being made is that the causal conclusion is being drawn without adequate justification.

Fallacy: Confusing Cause and Effect

…and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates…

And here you’re simply wrong, the president gave no one ‘amnesty.’
And here you’re simply wrong, the president gave no one ‘amnesty.’
Well hell what do you call it?
wide-scale “deferred action.”
"A truly temporary measure."
"No illegal immigrants will receive “deferred action” today."

You are the one injecting skin color. What damn difference does it make? Maybe they're all racist like you?

Get over it dude. We have real problems in this country so focus your energy on them instead.

nothing to add posts makes you look stupid repeated nothing to add post makes you look trollish and jake starkey

LOL, I have debunked your assertion in almost everyone of my posts. expressing agreement with other people who have stomped a mud-hole in your ass and argument is not "trollish" .

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