Something puzzling about how obama received so many votes from Black Americans


nothing to add posts makes you look stupid repeated nothing to add post makes you look trollish and jake starkey

LOL, I have debunked your assertion in almost everyone of my posts. expressing agreement with other people who have stomped a mud-hole in your ass and argument is not "trollish" .

Yes acting like jake starkey will never win you any debates.
Claiming victory when it never happen is just plain bull shit.
I recall obama played the race card.

Really? I recall Clinton's surrogates saying some racist stuff.

Hell what are you talking about encase you haven't notice obama supporters sling the racist word like monkey's sling shit. even when what was said was not racist nor meant to be racist.

Read up:

Racial tensions roil Democratic race - Ben Smith -

P.S. Is this an example of racist, but not meant to be?

"Hell what are you talking about encase you haven't notice obama supporters sling the racist word like monkey's sling shit. even when what was said was not racist nor meant to be racist."
Really? I recall Clinton's surrogates saying some racist stuff.

Hell what are you talking about encase you haven't notice obama supporters sling the racist word like monkey's sling shit. even when what was said was not racist nor meant to be racist.

Read up:

Racial tensions roil Democratic race - Ben Smith -

P.S. Is this an example of racist, but not meant to be?

"Hell what are you talking about encase you haven't notice obama supporters sling the racist word like monkey's sling shit. even when what was said was not racist nor meant to be racist."
My comment wasn't racist nor was it meant to be nor did it have anything to do with race stop hustling
Please - Let us try to see reality when it comes to history and how this 'race' thing evolved. The civil rights movement was fought by many - blacks and whites. It was long overdue and this country has come a long way. The republicans fought for it, TOO - TRUTH!

However, if you study your history you will see that the Democrats barred the success of civil rights because they wanted it to WAIT until they were in power so they can take the political stance that only Democrats cared about the civil right issue. Johnson got into power and then stops barring the success and he is in ON RECORD QUOTING: “Now we will get those ******* to vote for us for next 200 years.”

Martin Luther King was a ‘card carrying’ Republican. He believed in self-responsibility and not relying on the government – HOW DID THAT MESSAGE GET LOST?

It got lost in your ignorance and parroting of conservative talking head dolts leading other dolts. Wake up and investigate things for yourself! Do these positions from Martin Luther King Jr. fit the above assertion you made? :lol:

Myth #1: King wanted only equal rights, not special privileges and would have opposed affirmative action, quotas, reparations, and the other policies pursued by today’s civil rights leadership.

"The problem with this view is that King openly advocated quotas and racial set-asides. He wrote that the "Negro today is not struggling for some abstract, vague rights, but for concrete improvement in his way of life." When equal opportunity laws failed to achieve this, King looked for other ways. In his book Where Do We Go From Here, he suggested that "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis." To do this he expressed support for quotas. In a 1968 Playboy interview, he said, "If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas." King was more than just talk in this regard. Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population. "

Myth # 5: King supported the free market.

"OK, you don’t hear this too often, but it happens. For example, Father Robert A. Sirico delivered a paper to the Acton Institute entitled Civil Rights and Social Cooperation. In it, he wrote,

A freer economy would take us closer to the ideals of the pioneers in this country's civil rights movement. Martin Luther King, Jr. recognized this when he wrote: "With the growth of industry the folkways of white supremacy will gradually pass away," and he predicted that such growth would "Increase the purchasing power of the Negro [which in turn] will result in improved medical care, greater educational opportunities, and more adequate housing. Each of these developments will result in a further weakening of segregation."

King of course was a great opponent of the free economy. In a speech in front of his staff in 1966 he said,

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism.

King called for "totally restructuring the system" in a way that was not capitalist or "the antithesis of communist." For more information on King’s economic views, see Lew Rockwell’s The Economics of Martin Luther King, Jr."

More here:
Myths of Martin Luther King by Marcus Epstein
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

No. Because he's a democrat.

And why wouldn't they vote for him Gi Ben that the GOP has run their southern strategy for decades

And it surprises you they don't vote for you

Keep calling the first black president the good stamp president and spew birfer nonsense

But they should vote for your party?

This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Because you guys stop short of calling them "lazy slave *******" at every opportunity.

Plus, they think the democrat party aligns with their views better.

That is the truth right there!
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.
Instead of agonizing over why blacks don't vote for Republicans and coming up with racist answers, why not figure out a way to make them support Republicans?

Are you this stupid in real life?
Can you address this without your emotional racist tone?
How about that 14.1% unemployment for blacks and the amnesty executive order signed by obama. That should have taken support from him.

Why do you think that"the Blacks" should be as xenophobic and biased as some white republican bigots? When you have assholes like colter, hannity, limbaugh, levin, savage, and some of those Tea Party idiots setting their bigoted and insulting tone for your party, what do you expect? :)
Why would any group of people vote for someone when their demographics unemployment numbers are at 14.1% and the one that they voted for gave amnesty to millions of new job seekers in a limited jobs market?

Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Because you guys stop short of calling them "lazy slave *******" at every opportunity.

Plus, they think the democrat party aligns with their views better.

what ever you're thinking stop with your imaginary racism it's not healthy.
Why do you think that"the Blacks" should be as xenophobic and biased as some white republican bigots? When you have assholes like colter, hannity, limbaugh, levin, savage, and some of those Tea Party idiots setting their bigoted and insulting tone for your party, what do you expect? :)
Why would any group of people vote for someone when their demographics unemployment numbers are at 14.1% and the one that they voted for gave amnesty to millions of new job seekers in a limited jobs market?

Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.

oh so 86% are doing fine why the push to lower 10% total unemployment down below 8% before the election? 90% of all Americans are doing good.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.
Instead of agonizing over why blacks don't vote for Republicans and coming up with racist answers, why not figure out a way to make them support Republicans?

Are you this stupid in real life?

another immature person who cannot handle this discussion in an adult manner.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.
Instead of agonizing over why blacks don't vote for Republicans and coming up with racist answers, why not figure out a way to make them support Republicans?

Are you this stupid in real life?

what is racist about asking that question?

Are you this racist in real life?
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

No. Because he's a democrat.

And why wouldn't they vote for him Gi Ben that the GOP has run their southern strategy for decades

And it surprises you they don't vote for you

Keep calling the first black president the good stamp president and spew birfer nonsense

But they should vote for your party?


after 50 plus years of support for democrats what has changed for blacks?
Why not vote republican?

Bush’s Texan philosophy for the poor: up-by-the-bootstraps

From 1995 to 1998, the poverty rate in Texas decreased more than 10%, compared with an almost 9% drop nationwide. Tax cuts & economic reforms have resulted in the lowest state unemployment rate in nearly 20 years; welfare reform has cut public assistance rolls in half; and legal changes have expanded the role of religious groups in helping the poor.
In many ways, Bush’s record dovetails with the Texas worldview, which places the burden for escaping poverty on the poor, not the government. Conservative groups and analysts praise the governor and his actions precisely for their strong embrace of basic Republican philosophies. Texas has an up-by-the-bootstraps culture and people often loath to give-or ask for-help. The Texas Constitution prohibits the Legislature from spending more than 1% of the state budget on poor children. Cash welfare benefits are $201 a month for a mother and two children in 1995. California, by comparison, pays $611 a month for a similar family.
Source: La Ganga & Miller, L.A. Times , Oct 16, 2000
Transform low-income rentals to home ownership

We will transform today’s housing rental program to help hundreds of thousands of low-income families find stability and dignity in a home of their own. And, in the next bold step of welfare reform, we will support the heroic work of homeless shelters and hospices, food pantries and crisis pregnancy centers -- people reclaiming their communities block-by-block and heart-by-heart. My administration will give taxpayers new incentives to donate to charity.
Source: Speech to Republican National Convention , Aug 3, 2000
Focus welfare on transition to work & responsibility

Bush has called for a $8 billion plan to get religious and other volunteer organizations to assume more responsibilities for the needy. He supports welfare time limits, work and education requirements. He has proposed a requirement that unwed teen mothers live at home or in group home. In Texas, Bush proposed increased child-care aid and other transition benefits.
Source: NY Times , Jun 5, 2000
$1.7B over 5 years for home rehabs in poor neighborhoods

Bush today unveiled a plan to encourage private developers to build and rehabilitate houses in run-down, struggling neighborhoods. The incentive would be money: $1.7 billion, over five years, in federal tax credits for developers working in poor and moderate-income areas. Bush estimated that the program would make work easier on as many as 20,000 houses a year. More important, he said, it would introduce to an increasing number of Americans the experience of home ownership, which he described as a fundamental aspiration that should be more easily attainable. “Part of the American dream is owning your own home,” Bush said. “Part of the American dream is saying, This place is mine.” In recognition of that, Mr. Bush said, he continually asks-and tries to answer-the question, “How do I help people own? Not just those who are entrepreneurs or those at the top of the economic ladder-how do we help every willing heart, everybody in America, own a piece of this great land? And I’ve got some ideas.”
George W. Bush on Welfare & Poverty
Why would any group of people vote for someone when their demographics unemployment numbers are at 14.1% and the one that they voted for gave amnesty to millions of new job seekers in a limited jobs market?

Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.

oh so 86% are doing fine why the push to lower 10% total unemployment down below 8% before the election? 90% of all Americans are doing good.

What's the "White" unemployment rate?
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

What did the Republican Party have to offer them? How much outreach to the black voter did the Republican Party do?

Blacks are only interested in skin color.

BTW, They shouldn't outreach to them. That shows favoritism. Everyone deserves a job, not just blacks.
The point is the GOP has a clue how to fix the economy and Obama doesn't.

He figures talking about taxing the rich forever and ever will work. Most ridiculous plan I've ever heard of.

You see, first the Democrats sabotaged the economy,

then blamed the crash on Republicans,

then promised the Universe,

then didn't deliver,

then blamed it on the Republicans,

then promised that their failed Stimulus will work next time, along with more taxes,

if all else fails they'll just blame it on Bush.

Fact is as long as they control most of the media the Democrats will never even attempt to fix the economy. They need a bad economy to demonize the GOP and they need a bad economy to insure that they have the poor voting Democrat.
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Why do you think that"the Blacks" should be as xenophobic and biased as some white republican bigots? When you have assholes like colter, hannity, limbaugh, levin, savage, and some of those Tea Party idiots setting their bigoted and insulting tone for your party, what do you expect? :)
Why would any group of people vote for someone when their demographics unemployment numbers are at 14.1% and the one that they voted for gave amnesty to millions of new job seekers in a limited jobs market?

Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.


Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.

oh so 86% are doing fine why the push to lower 10% total unemployment down below 8% before the election? 90% of all Americans are doing good.

What's the "White" unemployment rate?

Answering a question with a question is a non answer in most peoples book wouldn't you agree?
Why would any group of people vote for someone when their demographics unemployment numbers are at 14.1% and the one that they voted for gave amnesty to millions of new job seekers in a limited jobs market?

Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.



Agreed. You only need to belong here to see that "conservatives" think black people are genetically inferior idiots that want nothing more than to collect welfare and kill whitey if they could only get off their lazy asses and do it.
Why would any group of people vote for someone when their demographics unemployment numbers are at 14.1% and the one that they voted for gave amnesty to millions of new job seekers in a limited jobs market?

Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.



Why would any group of people vote for someone when their demographics unemployment numbers are at 14.1% and the one that they voted for gave amnesty to millions of new job seekers in a limited jobs market?

Because 86% of "them" are doing fine and it;s a non-issue for them, plus they know how it feels to be discriminated against. Thanks to the internet forums like this and the media, a LOT of them "minorities" are starting to see what not a few white republican "conservatives" think about them. So more and more of "them minorities" are telling you guys to go fuck yourselves.

oh so 86% are doing fine why the push to lower 10% total unemployment down below 8% before the election? 90% of all Americans are doing good.

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