House asks Clinton to testify on Benghazi, but she declines due to scheduling conflic


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What right do those racist bigot have in asking for people to testify about the deaths of four Americans. Really were they not paying attention on election Tuesday? Did they not see the mandate for Obama to do whatever he so desires? What is wrong with these people?

House asks Clinton to testify on Benghazi, but she declines due to scheduling conflict

House asks Clinton to testify on Benghazi, but she declines due to scheduling conflict |

House investigators asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify next week about the September 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, but she declined citing a scheduling conflict.

“[Clinton] was asked to appear at House Foreign Affairs next week, and we have written back to the Chairman to say that she’ll be on travel next week,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters yesterday. “She has a commitment with the Secretary of Defense to the AUSMIN Ministerial.” Per AFP, “AUSMIN is the highest level forum for Australia and US consultation on foreign policy, defense and strategic issues.” The United States is reportedly concerned about Australia’s plan to cut their defense spending.

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