Someone Should Demand

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
the names of the media the White House sent letters to calling on them to scrutinize House Republicans surrounding Biden's impeachment inquiry. The Biden administration has already lost court cases in regards to them attempting to control the media to their advantage and yet they keep on doing it, flagrantly thumbing their noses at court decisions. This is impeachment material all by itself.

Someone should demand a list of the media the White House has attempted to manipulate and the people responsible for doing this should be brought up on charges and indicted, all the way up to Biden himself. And, if the media don't wish to be party to this then they should all report that they received this letter from the White House in an attempt to control them. We either have a free media or we have media like they do in Russia, beholden to the government, who follows government orders as to what to report and what not to report.

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the names of the media the White House sent letters to calling on them to scrutinize House Republicans surrounding Biden's impeachment inquiry. The Biden administration has already lost court cases in regards to them attempting to control the media to their advantage and yet they keep on doing it, flagrantly thumbing their noses at court decisions. This is impeachment material all by itself.

Someone should demand a list of the media the White House has attempted to manipulate and the people responsible for doing this should be brought up on charges and indicted, all the way up to Biden himself. And, if the media don't wish to be party to this then they should all report that they received this letter from the White House in an attempt to control them. We either have a free media or we have media like they do in Russia, beholden to the government, who follows government orders as to what to report and what not to report.

You sound like just the person. File a FOIA request tomorrow morning.
the names of the media the White House sent letters to calling on them to scrutinize House Republicans surrounding Biden's impeachment inquiry. The Biden administration has already lost court cases in regards to them attempting to control the media to their advantage and yet they keep on doing it, flagrantly thumbing their noses at court decisions. This is impeachment material all by itself.

Someone should demand a list of the media the White House has attempted to manipulate and the people responsible for doing this should be brought up on charges and indicted, all the way up to Biden himself. And, if the media don't wish to be party to this then they should all report that they received this letter from the White House in an attempt to control them. We either have a free media or we have media like they do in Russia, beholden to the government.

It should be looked into, just like when social media was told that “fake news” regarding hunter Biden was about to drop.

This is the White House trying to censor the media and control information. Granted, let’s be honest, left wind media didn’t need a letter from Biden to scrutinize the story. They’ll do that on their own.

Still, this is the left wing media machine ramping up to go into spin mode, and to start rejecting any and all information that comes up as a result of the investigations, in order to spread it all as lies and “fake news”, and the White House just asked them to assist in that.
the names of the media the White House sent letters to calling on them to scrutinize House Republicans surrounding Biden's impeachment inquiry. The Biden administration has already lost court cases in regards to them attempting to control the media to their advantage and yet they keep on doing it, flagrantly thumbing their noses at court decisions. This is impeachment material all by itself.

Someone should demand a list of the media the White House has attempted to manipulate and the people responsible for doing this should be brought up on charges and indicted, all the way up to Biden himself. And, if the media don't wish to be party to this then they should all report that they received this letter from the White House in an attempt to control them. We either have a free media or we have media like they do in Russia, beholden to the government, who follows government orders as to what to report and what not to report.

Not mentioned by Politico but revealed in the testimony and spotted by national security expert Marcy Wheeler, Shapley didn't take "contemporaneous notes." He testified that he collected his notes and information later that day, meaning that nothing recorded on his notes were written down during the meeting.

One example Wheeler posted screen captures of shows that Shapley wrote the notes six hours after the meeting, and she said the notes conflict with what he said via email. The hand-written notes show Weiss said he will request approval to proceed in California. But when Shapley emailed his notes out, he claimed Weiss said he "would have to do so." Wheeler said that this proves Shapley "didn't understand" what he was hearing.

Among the other things exposed in the notes is that Shapley also mixed up the special counsel with the special attorney, appearing not to know the difference.

Jordan has relied on Shapley's testimony in an attempt to prove that Biden's administration was giving preferential treatment to Hunter Biden because he was the president's son.

On Tuesday, CNN reported that the White House sent a letter to news executives encouraging them to deploy "scrutiny" of Republicans' impeachment that they said was "based on lies.

Not mentioned by Politico but revealed in the testimony and spotted by national security expert Marcy Wheeler, Shapley didn't take "contemporaneous notes." He testified that he collected his notes and information later that day, meaning that nothing recorded on his notes were written down during the meeting.

One example Wheeler posted screen captures of shows that Shapley wrote the notes six hours after the meeting, and she said the notes conflict with what he said via email. The hand-written notes show Weiss said he will request approval to proceed in California. But when Shapley emailed his notes out, he claimed Weiss said he "would have to do so." Wheeler said that this proves Shapley "didn't understand" what he was hearing.

Among the other things exposed in the notes is that Shapley also mixed up the special counsel with the special attorney, appearing not to know the difference.

Jordan has relied on Shapley's testimony in an attempt to prove that Biden's administration was giving preferential treatment to Hunter Biden because he was the president's son.

On Tuesday, CNN reported that the White House sent a letter to news executives encouraging them to deploy "scrutiny" of Republicans' impeachment that they said was "based on lies.

That's what I said. After Biden has lost court cases regarding influencing the media, they are at it yet again. We have turned into Russia where the government tells the media what to report and what not to report, thumbing their nose at court decisions against them trying to influence the media to their political advantage. Why are they above the law?
That's what I said. After Biden has lost court cases regarding influencing the media, they are at it yet again. We have turned into Russia where the government tells the media what to report and what not to report, thumbing their nose at court decisions against them trying to influence the media to their political advantage. Why are they above the law?
Biden beat Dopey Donald in 2020

get over it
That's what I said. After Biden has lost court cases regarding influencing the media, they are at it yet again. We have turned into Russia where the government tells the media what to report and what not to report, thumbing their nose at court decisions against them trying to influence the media to their political advantage. Why are they above the law?
That’s also a form of treason. He swore to uphold the Constitution - and that includes abiding by the Supreme Court’s decisions.
You guys haven't even gotten over elections from decades ago.
Biden beat Dopey Donald in 2020

get over it

the names of the media the White House sent letters to calling on them to scrutinize House Republicans surrounding Biden's impeachment inquiry. The Biden administration has already lost court cases in regards to them attempting to control the media to their advantage and yet they keep on doing it, flagrantly thumbing their noses at court decisions. This is impeachment material all by itself.

Someone should demand a list of the media the White House has attempted to manipulate and the people responsible for doing this should be brought up on charges and indicted, all the way up to Biden himself. And, if the media don't wish to be party to this then they should all report that they received this letter from the White House in an attempt to control them. We either have a free media or we have media like they do in Russia, beholden to the government, who follows government orders as to what to report and what not to report.

The next GOP president should declare Martial Law, close the borders, jail the groomers, declare the criminal democrat party illegal and try them for crimes against humanity from slavery to abortion, and the hold a new Constitutional Convention.

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