'Somebody send out an Amber Alert': House Republican mocked over 'missing' Hunter Biden 'whistleblower'

Laughing.......So you pondered why Comer didn't have his shit together for his inept claims about Joe Biden...

Learn to read, Moron. If you were half as concerned whether Biden has been taking bribes from China as you are about why Comer made his announcement before his investigation was half-finished, we might not have a traitor in the WH.

But then, you ARE a moron.
Learn to read, Moron. If you were half as concerned whether Biden has been taking bribes from China as you are about why Comer made his announcement before his investigation was half-finished, we might not have a traitor in the WH.

But then, you ARE a moron.

Comer made his announcements because he knows people like you don't give a shit about evidence. Even after Comer (of the House Oversight Committee) admitted that he didn't have the evidence to directly link Joe Biden to any crime...

.......you claimed that the House Oversight Committee had evidence that Joe Biden committed crimes.

You literally imagined evidence.

Comer knows that you and people like you will IMAGINE evidence to cling to the accusation that Biden broke a law.

So why would Comer need a full investigation? You and yours don't give a shit about evidence.
and i have answered your questions numerous times......especially about trump losing the election which i had to answer about 3x before it sunk in....so the dems are less corrupt but they are still corrupt....why would you vote for them knowing this?....
You have not answered shit ever.

Can you admit the republicans are substantially more corrupt than the dems?
LOL! Too funny. These fools got nothing.. but hot air~

United States Representative and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Kentucky) revealed to Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that a purported "whistleblower" whom congressional Republicans believe bore witness to evidence that crimes were committed by President Joe Biden and his family has apparently vanished without a trace.
Comer's appearance closes out a week full of damaging news for right-wing lawmakers who insist that the Bidens are corrupt, not the least of which was a New York Timesreport published on Thursday explaining that the GOP "had yet to uncover incriminating material about him, despite their frequent insinuations that he and his family have been involved in criminal conduct and corruption."

That same day, Comer faced a challenge from Bartiromo over his caucus' failure — if not outright refusal — to show the public the supposed proof that they claim to have that implicates the Bidens in various clandestine schemes.

Nonetheless, Bartiromo fully bought into Comer's latest story.
"You have spoken with whistleblowers. You also spoke with an informant who gave you all of this information. Where is that informant today? Where are these whistleblowers?" she asked Comer.
"Well, unfortunately, we can't track down the informant. We're hopeful that the informant is still there. The whistleblower knows the informant. The whistleblower is very credible," Comer replied.

"Hold on a second, Congressman. Did you just say that the whistleblower or the informant is now missing?" Bartiromo gasped.
Bartiromo replied that Comer's account was "stunning — a stunning breaking news story this morning that some of these people now may be missing. Mr. Chairman, we're certainly going to be covering and reporting your findings. Thank you."
A whistleblower against the Bidens is missing. What exactly is the joke? That he disappeared and can no longer tell the truth about Biden? Is that why you are so excited?
Comer made his announcements
Comer knows that you and people like you
So why would Comer need a full investigation?

Hilarious watching how triggered you bitches become when the shoe is on the other foot!!! :lmao:

Proves you KNOW the Bidens are GUILTY AS SIN.
Read carefully, MAGAfreaks.

Comer has no actual evidence.

Yeah, but when has that ever mattered to MAGA?

Its all about the recitation of the accusation for conservatives. They don't give a fiddler's fuck if what they're apeing is actually true.

Just look at the Big Lie. The Birther Conspiracy. Their Truther bullshit. The Clinton 'murders'. 'Death Panels'. Obama's 'Shadow Army'. Ray Epps. The 'Fedsurreection'.

And now this.

All backed with jack shit.
A whistleblower against the Bidens is missing. What exactly is the joke? That he disappeared and can no longer tell the truth about Biden? Is that why you are so excited?

What 'truth'? Remember, before the 'whistleblower' 'disappeared'....Comer already admitted he had no evidence directly linking Joe Biden to any crime.

You're still stuck, hopelessly, at square one.
Neither am I. I'm sure it was her. Biden only contracts with the best. She is by far the best criminal mastermind we've seen in generations. So many crime and no evidence at all is all the proof I need.

As much as they need villians, they also need heroes to save them. Here's the best I could find:

Given the usual suspect leftards here whining and crying about the truth coming out, they’re all scared to death at what this means for their pants shitting criminal hero Joe.

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