Some of you may want to become aware of a new rule

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It pretty-much goes without saying that the same people rep each other, and half the neg-rep's at least are reciprocal.

I just don't see anyone but newbies not being subject to getting nailed by this "guideline" at your whim.

I'm sorry you see it that way.

I have no intention of "nailing" anyone on a whim.

But time will tell whether you believe I'm successful in following that intention.
I'm sorry you see it that way.

I have no intention of "nailing" anyone on a whim.

But time will tell whether you believe I'm successful in following that intention.

What I'm "seeing" is, those of us that have been here for years have to look over our shoulders because of some crybabies that have been here all of 10 minutes.

That's just my opinion, FWIW. Your board. You're going to do what you want.
Scooter, have you thought about starting everyone from scratch? New owner, new start.Just a thought.
Thank you scooter, that is the main reason i blocked CSM, i can now unblock him. Make sure he does not neg rep me every 5 minutes.

Scooter, have you thought about starting everyone from scratch? New owner, new start.Just a thought.

Know how many people he'd lose? People built their "reputation" up here over years... To start everyone over from scratch is to put the board itself back down to 0 posts, or remove the reputation system completely..

How well you think that would go over?

Just because YOU came here with both guns blazing, and have been getting knocked back ever sense in punishing the rest of us because you think it's unfair now. :)

IOW, you don't spend money to BUY a board that's well established, only to tear it down and start from scratch.. You leave well enough alone.. :)
Know how many people he'd lose? People built their "reputation" up here over years... To start everyone over from scratch is to put the board itself back down to 0 posts, or remove the reputation system completely..

How well you think that would go over?

Just because YOU came here with both guns blazing, and have been getting knocked back ever sense in punishing the rest of us because you think it's unfair now. :)

IOW, you don't spend money to BUY a board that's well established, only to tear it down and start from scratch.. You leave well enough alone.. :)

Au contraire, I think my rep is building up quite nicely thankyou.Just because you feel as if you are being targeted (though I can't think why) doesn't mean the board has to stay the 'way' you want it too.I don't think too many genuine posters would leave over such a matter.
Au contraire, I think my rep is building up quite nicely thankyou.Just because you feel as if you are being targeted (though I can't think why) doesn't mean the board has to stay the 'way' you want it too.I don't think too many genuine posters would leave over such a matter.

What part of "it makes bad business sense to buy an already established board and tear it down" did you miss? And I'm not feeling the least bit "targeted", as you put it.
What part of "it makes bad business sense to buy an already established board and tear it down" did you miss? And I'm not feeling the least bit "targeted", as you put it.

What exactly would be getting torn down apart from 'everybodies' rep power, not just yours, 'everybodies'.Hell, he could even do away with the system altogether as far as I am concerned.I wouldn't leave over something so childish and petty, would you?
What exactly would be getting torn down apart from 'everybodies' rep power, not just yours, 'everybodies'.Hell, he could even do away with the system altogether as far as I am concerned.I wouldn't leave over something so childish and petty, would you?


The rep system is one of the more fun and unique things about this board. Greg started fucking with it, and even you got pissed...

You can do away with it by going to your control panel and disabling it on your end. Nobody can rep you, and you can't rep anyone else.. Simple, Simon.

The rep system is one of the more fun and unique things about this board. Greg started fucking with it, and even you got pissed...

You can do away with it by going to your control panel and disabling it on your end. Nobody can rep you, and you can't rep anyone else.. Simple, Simon.

It's not exactly unique to this board now is it? There are lots of boards with similar biased systems intact, and it is more fun when you are in the position you are in, it wouldn't be as much fun if the playing field was levelled would it, that would be your real reason for leaving wouldn't it? I don'tcare one way or the other, I asked a simple question, he has yet to answer.
It's not exactly unique to this board now is it? There are lots of boards with similar biased systems intact, and it is more fun when you are in the position you are in, it wouldn't be as much fun if the playing field was levelled would it, that would be your real reason for leaving wouldn't it? I don'tcare one way or the other, I asked a simple question, he has yet to answer.

Just remember how hard you whined when you dropped 13 points, :D Disable it if you don't like it. Nobody forces you to take part in it.
It's not exactly unique to this board now is it? There are lots of boards with similar biased systems intact, and it is more fun when you are in the position you are in, it wouldn't be as much fun if the playing field was levelled would it, that would be your real reason for leaving wouldn't it? I don'tcare one way or the other, I asked a simple question, he has yet to answer.

You sound like a Private who thinks the Gunny was born a Gunny and can't envision that the Gunny started as a private.

We ALL started out with the same points ... 10.
Why take away from those of us that already have? You want to penalize us because we've been members of this board for years?

THe dynamics of the board have changed, politically it has a good mix now, a lot of the old timers here were repped for savaging token liberals that had the audacity to show their face here, and neg repping those not in the clique was a great way to keep others down.It still happens to a degree here but I think it balances itself out a lot more now.There are newbies here that would have given you a run for your money in the rep race had the playing field been level over the last few weeks.I am not saying you or shattered haven't deserved your rep power, but it is a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life................and it feels good.:cool:
THe dynamics of the board have changed, politically it has a good mix now, a lot of the old timers here were repped for savaging token liberals that had the audacity to show their face here, and neg repping those not in the clique was a great way to keep others down.It still happens to a degree here but I think it balances itself out a lot more now.There are newbies here that would have given you a run for your money in the rep race had the playing field been level over the last few weeks.I am not saying you or shattered haven't deserved your rep power, but it is a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life................and it feels good.:cool:

What are you talking about? You haven't been here long enough to know how anybody got what.. Like Gunny said. We all started with 10pts. WE just didn't come in throwing insults and getting banned every 30 days like you did.

Why are you avoiding the subject of just turning it off on your end? That evens your playing field with EVERYBODY. Can't take, can't give.
What are you talking about? You haven't been here long enough to know how anybody got what.. Like Gunny said. We all started with 10pts. WE just didn't come in throwing insults and getting banned every 30 days like you did.

Why are you avoiding the subject of just turning it off on your end? That evens your playing field with EVERYBODY. Can't take, can't give.

I am going to watch a movie now, see you later.:razz:
<b>Rep System Guidelines: </b>
Our reputation system is designed to provide a feedback and credibility mechanism. Abuse of the system (repeated neg repping of the same person without cause or positive rep "trading" among users) will not be tolerated. Rep system abuse will result in warnings to cease. Continued abuse will result in random acts of rep manipulation of abusers by admins. Abuse the system, and we will mercilessly toy with you.

What is "Neg Repping"?
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