Some Israel supporters are turning into annoying complainers - “antisemitism”

Several. How many has Israel released? They're holding more hostages in their prisons under "administrative detention". The Israelis have created a Jewocracy for Jews, where non-Jews are second-class citizens at best. The over one million Palestinians who aren't citizens are dehumanized, robbed of their properties, jailed, and even killed. They are surrounded by checkpoints, walls, and streets they can't use. They're living in limbo.

Several? Be more specific.
In the first place, we should figure out how this thing even happened on oct 7, the people of Israel are asking how could it be possible, did some rogue person(s) in The Israeli Military apparatus look the other way?

as for addressing Hamas they need to look at what the United States did in the quest to find bin Laden. Remember, we didn’t drop a bunch of bombs on Pakistan. We sent in the special forces.

Unfortunately, some pro Israel people believe in racism and or stupidity ... They think all Palestinians support Hamas …they’re nuts they don’t know or care that there hasn’t been elections in Gaza since 2006 … those elections were rigged anyways.

Hamas hey it’s very weak and Israeli people look like Palestinians at least the Arab Jews do.. so they could send in Arab Jews to do the special forces work in Gaza.

The IDF is the same as Hamas when they drop bombs on residential buildings and hospitals and kill babies. This isn’t even like the Russia Ukraine conflict where you actually have two organized militaries. Israel can fly bombing missions into
Gaza unimpeded.

For all of the Honorable people of Gaza, who have nothing to do with Hamas…. They don’t have as much as a pistol to defend themselves… every second amendment American should have compassion for those types of Palestinians.

And the ultimate solution should be a one state solution. Because if you think about the geography doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look at this. You cannot have a separate Palestinian state where Gaza in the West Bank are in between Israel. It doesn’t make any sense. So they need to figure out a one state solution and there you go.
How stupid. We know how it happened. The scumbag terrorist cowards planned an attack and pulled it off.

We also already know they the same subhuman cowards hide in the residential areas of Gaza to perform their missile strikes and hide their weapons. So we also know that the only way to fight those puss ie bastards puts the lives of the more or less innocent Palestinians in danger.

Hey. War is ugly. The cancer of jihadist terrorists is uglier.
The West Bank according to international law is 100% Palestinian land.

When did Israel take land from a country called Palestine?
People were living there for centuries and no one has the right to take the land and homes of those who are there. The British through the League of Nations, after WW1 received the mandate for Palestine, once identified as Palestine-Syria by the Ottomans for five hundred years. With the exception of about 80 years of Christian-Crusader rule, the holy land was ruled by Muslims, for 1300 years. The natives of the land are the Palestinians. You can call them whatever you want, those people have been living there for centuries and the Zionist Jews don't have the right to take that land away from them and dehumanize them.
People were living there for centuries and no one has the right to take the land and homes of those who are there. The British through the League of Nations, after WW1 received the mandate for Palestine, once identified as Palestine-Syria by the Ottomans for five hundred years. With the exception of about 80 years of Christian-Crusader rule, the holy land was ruled by Muslims, for 1300 years. The natives of the land are the Palestinians. You can call them whatever you want, those people have been living there for centuries and the Zionist Jews don't have the right to take that land away from them and dehumanize them.

You consider Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan to be States, yes?
People were living there for centuries and no one has the right to take the land and homes of those who are there. The British through the League of Nations, after WW1 received the mandate for Palestine, once identified as Palestine-Syria by the Ottomans for five hundred years. With the exception of about 80 years of Christian-Crusader rule, the holy land was ruled by Muslims, for 1300 years. The natives of the land are the Palestinians. You can call them whatever you want, those people have been living there for centuries and the Zionist Jews don't have the right to take that land away from them and dehumanize them.

People were living there for centuries


So, when did Israel take land from a country called Palestine?

no one has the right to take the land and homes of those who are there.

From the people who were renting from the Ottoman land owners?
How stupid. We know how it happened. The scumbag terrorist cowards planned an attack and pulled it off.

We also already know they the same subhuman cowards hide in the residential areas of Gaza to perform their missile strikes and hide their weapons. So we also know that the only way to fight those puss ie bastards puts the lives of the more or less innocent Palestinians in danger.

Hey. War is ugly. The cancer of jihadist terrorists is uglier.
that language is uncalled for. I respect you and my post was peaceful and logical. And you were provided a response and some of what you’re saying is not responding to the legit points that I made

We are Americans, not Israelis. And there are atrocities occurring all over the world, including atrocities on Palestinians from Jews.
What language is uncalled for. And you were provided a response and some of what you’re saying is not responding to the legit points that I made

We are Americans, not Israelis. And there are atrocities occurring all over the world, including atrocities on Palestinians from Jews.
What language?

And who are you to say what language is called for, anyway?

If I wish to refer to the cowardly jihadist terrorist Hamas scumbags as scumbags and pussies, guess what? I don’t require your permission or approval.

It’s fair and accurate and honest. Furthermore, I’m not here to jump through anyone’s hoops. If I choose to ignore an alleged “point,” I am free to do so when I consider that point to be too silly to bother with.

In the meantime, if you’re obsessed with responding to “points,” feel free to tell the world what kind of response the Nation of Israel “should” make after the cowardly pussy jihadist terrorist attack against so many Israeli citizens.
So far practically all of them had nothing bad to say
So not a large sample size. Good to know.
So far practically all of them had nothing negative to say about the way they were treated when captive. Several other Israeli civilians who came in contact with the Hamas fighters also had positive things to say about them:

I have a video interview with an Israeli witness of what occurred in the Kibutz, admitting that many of the Israeli civilian deaths were due to being caught in the crossfire between Hamas and the Israeli army. Many died from friendly fire. I downloaded the interview through Telegram. There's a lot of "hasbara" i.e. Zionist propaganda, exaggerating, what Hamas did. Beheading 44 babies, raping women, killing everybody. There is footage of Hamas killing civilians, I've seen it. Execution style. But to pretend that this was across the board, being done to all of the civilians who weren't taken hostage is bullshit. War propaganda.
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People were living there for centuries


So, when did Israel take land from a country called Palestine?

no one has the right to take the land and homes of those who are there.

From the people who were renting from the Ottoman land owners?

Millions of Palestinians were dispossessed of their family homes, lands..etc. Forced at gunpoint to leave or terrorized. They continue to be terrorized and dehumanized by the Zionist apartheid state. According to all UN resolutions, the Jewish State is breaking the law by establishing Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza belong to the Palestinians.
So far practically all of them had nothing bad to say

So far practically all of them had nothing negative to say about the way they were treated when captive. Several other Israeli civilians who came in contact with the Hamas fighters also had positive things to say about them:

I have an interview with an Israeli witness of what occurred in the Kibutz, admitting that many of the Israeli civilian deaths were due to being caught in the crossfire between Hamas and the Israeli army. Many died from friendly fire. I downloaded the interview through Telegram. There's a lot of "hasbara" i.e. Zionist propaganda, exaggerating, what Hamas did. Beheading 44 babies, raping women, killing everybody. There is footage of Hamas killing civilians, I've seen it. Execution style. But to pretend that this was across the board, being done to all of the civilians who weren't taken hostage is bullshit. War propaganda.

You’re an idiot. And you’re denying reality.

We just observed some limited videos of some of the barbarous murders committed by the scumbag pussy jihadist terrorist Hamas bastards. Shooting at passing motorists in the wrong place at the wrong time for the “sin” of being Jew living in Israel.

Do you get paid by Hamas to spread your propaganda? You suck at it.
It is known that Hamas was affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which tried to overthrow the Egyptian, Jordan and Saudi governments, hence the reason those governments don't even want Palestinians allowed in their countries.
Hamas controls Gaza and has, since its inception, preached for the complete destruction of Israel and Israelis and even teaches this philosophy to their children in schools. It's indoctrination and the kids grow into pro-Hamas killers. Like it or not, it's a fact, so as far I'm concerned Israel can blow Hamas out of existence.
If the Palestinians wanted peace, all they have to do is stop Hamas terrorist activities.
The response to that, and I appreciate your response, is the elections are rigged in Palestine. The one in 2006 was rigged. They haven’t had election since then. And Israel is the blame for some of this. They go on these bombing missions in Palestine and they know there is no resistance to it. It’s not like Russias invasion of Ukraine.

at least Ukraine has a Military to try and resist no matter what your politics are. No matter what your politics are this Israel, Palestine thing is one of the most lopsided conflicts in military history. It’s not a war it’s annihilation campaign.

Nobody from Palestine can annihilate Israel, but if it wants to Israel can annihilate Palestine

Also, it is a logical point that most Palestinians want freedom and dignity, and they don’t agree with the Israeli government or Hamas
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Often the same pro Israel people here in America who lie about other peoples views, calling folks antisemitic for criticizing Israeli policy …will also say that “Islam is a violent religion” or “Muslims are a death cult”. Isn’t that interesting. Those people who do that Lose all credibility when they call people anti Semitic…. They’re also some of the most annoying losers on the planet.

And I do believe that in this world might makes right

It’s a fact of life.
Might makes right. Israel has all the might over Hamas. But politicians and people in the media will exaggerate about things and hype things up that Jews are in some existential threat, which is humiliating and embarrassing to the strong people of Israel.

The fact of the matter is that most Israelis and Palestinians want to live together, and would marry each other and love each other. This beauty +love certainly can happen, and I think it will eventually with a one state solution. But in response to this, you have pro Israel racists will simply say “that can’t happen Jews will become a minority” as if somehow the Palestinians, which includes Christians ….are evil. And it’s always the same annoying pro Israel people who call other people anti-semitic , are the same people who denigrate Palestinians.

Keyboard warriors will lash out at the people of Israel and Palestine, who want to live together. But God will prevail over them and love and peace will prevail.
The West Bank and Gaza Strip hold significant importance to Israel, primarily due to their strategic and economic value. Some Jewish people, especially the ruling elites, just want to own those resources. Here are some reasons why:

1. Security: Israel considers the control and influence over the West Bank and Gaza Strip vital for its national security. These territories sit at Israel's borders and have played a crucial role in numerous conflicts, including the Six-Day War in 1967 and the subsequent Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By maintaining a presence in these areas, Israel aims to protect itself from potential threats and maintain a strategic advantage.

2. Water Resources: The West Bank is rich in water resources, including underground aquifers and the Jordan River. These water sources are crucial for both Israel and the Palestinians. Controlling these resources allows Israel to ensure its water security and meet the needs of its population, agricultural sector, and industries.

3. Agriculture: The fertile lands in the West Bank and Gaza Strip make them important for Israel's agriculture. Israel utilizes these areas to cultivate crops and raise livestock. The agricultural sector contributes significantly to Israel's economy, and the ability to access and utilize these lands helps ensure food security.

4. Trade and Labor: The West Bank and Gaza Strip serve as significant sources of labor for Israeli industries. Many Palestinians work in Israel, and their employment contributes to Israel's economy. Additionally, the movement of goods and services between Israel and the Palestinian territories is crucial for trade and economic cooperation.

5. Settlements: Israel has established settlements in the West Bank, which are communities built by Israeli citizens on land that Israel captured in the 1967 war. These settlements contribute to Israel's economic growth by providing housing, infrastructure, and various services. They also serve as a way to expand Israel's presence and control over the West Bank.

The status and occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are controversial and subject to ongoing disputes between Israel, Palestine, and the international community. These reasons highlight the Israeli perspective, and the Palestinian viewpoint may differ significantly.
Our media in the USA needs to stop calling this “Israel at war”. They’re not at war. They were raided and now they are reacting to it.

A war involves organized militaries like what we see in Russia or Ukraine…

Hmmmm. When you have thousands and thousands of rockets and missiles fired at you, most rational people would call that a war by a military. Just saying
The West Bank and Gaza Strip hold significant importance to Israel, primarily due to their strategic and economic value. Some Jewish people, especially the ruling elites, just want to own those resources. Here are some reasons why:

1. Security: Israel considers the control and influence over the West Bank and Gaza Strip vital for its national security. These territories sit at Israel's borders and have played a crucial role in numerous conflicts, including the Six-Day War in 1967 and the subsequent Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By maintaining a presence in these areas, Israel aims to protect itself from potential threats and maintain a strategic advantage.

2. Water Resources: The West Bank is rich in water resources, including underground aquifers and the Jordan River. These water sources are crucial for both Israel and the Palestinians. Controlling these resources allows Israel to ensure its water security and meet the needs of its population, agricultural sector, and industries.

3. Agriculture: The fertile lands in the West Bank and Gaza Strip make them important for Israel's agriculture. Israel utilizes these areas to cultivate crops and raise livestock. The agricultural sector contributes significantly to Israel's economy, and the ability to access and utilize these lands helps ensure food security.

4. Trade and Labor: The West Bank and Gaza Strip serve as significant sources of labor for Israeli industries. Many Palestinians work in Israel, and their employment contributes to Israel's economy. Additionally, the movement of goods and services between Israel and the Palestinian territories is crucial for trade and economic cooperation.

5. Settlements: Israel has established settlements in the West Bank, which are communities built by Israeli citizens on land that Israel captured in the 1967 war. These settlements contribute to Israel's economic growth by providing housing, infrastructure, and various services. They also serve as a way to expand Israel's presence and control over the West Bank.

The status and occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are controversial and subject to ongoing disputes between Israel, Palestine, and the international community. These reasons highlight the Israeli perspective, and the Palestinian viewpoint may differ significantly.

Stop pretending there's a dispute between the international community and Israel about Palestinian territory. There's no complexity here, it's simple. This isn't complicated.

Resolution 242 (1967): After the Six-Day War, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 242 which emphasizes the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war" and calls for the "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict."

Through the Oslo Accords Israel had the opportunity to resolve the conflict by accepting the two-state solution. They (the right-wing Zionist Likud Party Fascists) said "fuck Oslo" and assassinated Isaac Rabin and continued expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank. After this genocidal war in Gaza, Israhell is over. The Zionist apartheid state will never recover from its genocidal Gaza PR disaster. Israhell is done.
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Stop pretending there's a dispute between the international community and Israel about Palestinian territory. There's no complexity here, it's simple. This isn't complicated.
The opinions of the international community are irrelevant with respect to ending the conflict between Israel and the Arabs of Palestine. The international community does not have any legal power in this matter, only opinions. The end of conflict will come with - and only with - a Treaty of Peace between Israel and a government of Palestine.
Through the Oslo Accords Israel had the opportunity to resolve the conflict by accepting the two-state solution.
The Oslo Accords were a step towards negotiating a peace treaty with a two-state solution. A peace treaty is a mutual agreement. The Palestinian government was also obligated to negotiate in good faith towards that agreement.
They (the right-wing Zionist Likud Party Fascists) said "fuck Oslo" and assassinated Isaac Rabin and continued expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank. After this genocidal war in Gaza, Israhell is over. The Zionist apartheid state will never recover from its genocidal Gaza PR disaster.
The remaining comments are nothing more than incendiary language used to demonize Israel, and are not valid arguments.

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