Some interesting British gun murders just getting noticed....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
It takes a while for gun murders to make the news from Britain to here.......considering they banned and confiscated guns...and their gun crime rate didn't change, yet the anti gunners still point to Britain as a gun control paradise......

Police launch manhunt after 'targeted' gun attack in park
Police launch manhunt after victim of 'targeted' gun attack airlifted to hospital from park
  • 11:51, 31 MAY 2016
  • UPDATED 11:52, 31 MAY 2016
Officers in Reading have taken steps to reassure the public this attack appears to have been targeted and does not represent a threat to the community.

Police have launched a manhunt after a man was shot in a park in a 'targeted attack'.

The 23-year-old victim was found with a gunshot wound at around 8pm on Monday in Reading's Prospect Park.


This one is particularly gruesome.....

"Ruthless" murderers blasted woman in face with sawn-off shotgun

Two "ruthless and calculated" men have been convicted of murdering a woman after a court heard she was shot in the face at point blank range with a sawn-off shotgun.

A jury found Charles Noble, 21, of Ealing, West London, and Billy Johnson, 20, of Corby, Northamptonshire, guilty of the murder of Kerry Reeves.

Following their convictions, Thames Valley Police has released CCTV footage, showing the moments that followed the murder.

The pair, who the court heard were heroin dealers, were found guilty of murder on May 27 after a 15-day trial at Oxford Crown Court.

Noble was found unanimously guilty of one count of murder, as was Johnson, by the jury, and the pair will be sentenced tomorrow, reports Get West London

And this one......

Good Samaritans 'save life' of man shot in his car during daylight ambush

Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

Police found the victim in a nearby street suffering a gunshot wound.

The victim was taken to hospital by the London Ambulance Service where he remains in a serious but stable condition. His injuries are described as non life-threatening.

John Zhang, 42, told the Evening Standard: "I did see blood but not a lot, and after I’d been standing there for about four to five minutes the police came and an ambulance arrived and everything was under control.
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This one is from Dublin, Ireland.....

Pal of gangster shot dead 'armed with a gun and hunting down killers'

A furious pal of a gangster slaughtered in broad daylight outside his home is armed and ‘hunting down” his killers, police fear.

Cops in Dublin are on high alert today over fears of a revenge killing after Gareth Hutch was brutally executed outside his home.

Disturbing CCTV footage shows the 35-year-old walking to his car when he was shot in the head and neck by the two ruthless thugs yesterday morning.

The shooting is understood to be connected with an ongoing feud between two criminal outfits in the city - the Hutch and Kinahan gangs. It has so far claimed seven lives.
This is what I mean about the thugs in Britain not using guns to commit murder...even though they obviously had guns which are banned and confiscated in Britain.....

Here in the states...our thugs would have just killed both of them....that is the difference between their thugs and our thugs...not access to guns....

Masked gunmen break mum's arm before shooting son in ankles

Masked gunmen burst into a family home in the early hours of the morning and broke a mother's arm before shooting her son in the ankles

The 58-year-old woman was injured trying to protect her son, who was dragged out into the street and blasted.

The assailants broke into their home in Yeats Court, Ballymagroarty, Londonderry, at 3.30am on Sunday morning.
Another story from Ireland......

Blasted in the neck as she watches TV with her boyfriend

his is the young woman who was rushed to hospital after being blasted in the neck in a gun attack yesterday morning.

Ciara Sheehan, from Cork, was shot while watching TV at her boyfriend's house in the Hollywood estate on the north side of the city.

The 21-year-old underwent surgery following the incident, which happened at around 1.15am on Sunday morning.

She is said to be in a serious condition at Cork University Hospital.

The young woman was hit in the neck after a bullet, believed to be from a shotgun, passed through the window of the property.

Hmmmmmm.....this road rage incident ended up in a Britain...where they confiscated guns and banned is that possible...?

Murder suspect filmed gloating on police body-cam shortly after teen's death

Vinny, 18, was on the back of a scrambler motorbike driven by his friend, Francis Humphries, when the pair were rammed by an Audi A3 car and fired at with ashotgun in Banks Road, Garston.

Kendrick and co-defendant Ryan Bate, 24, are on trial at Liverpool Crown Court after denying Vinny’s murder and the attempted wounding of Mr Humphries.
This is a story about the conviction in a gun crime that happened on Oct. is a current event because 1) we are just hearing about it now...and 2) it is the end of the process and they were found guilty...

Connor Smith, 19, was gunned down over a £50 bag of cannabis

Mr Smith was gunned down at point-blank range in Hawkesley on October 8 last year after Leon Frye and Philip Baillie clashed with the 19-year-old victim and his friends in an alleyway

Another Drug related shooting.....

Police fear Mr Hillman’s assassination may have had its roots in a drugs feud, while the ECHO revealed yesterday he had been slashed in the face earlier on the day of his shooting.

Detectives investigating the murder have launched a crackdown across north Liverpool following the daylight attack.

Young dad shot dead in street was set to become father for the third time
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Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

WTF dude? Yesterday there were THOUSANDS of DGUs in THIS country. Those are the ones you need to post. Not WTF happens in Great Britian. Who the fuck cares? Do you live in GB? Or do you think you are making some great point? WTF?

I hear GB has 6 million DGUs a year. That sounds about right to you. Right? LMAO
Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

WTF dude? Yesterday there were THOUSANDS of DGUs in THIS country. Those are the ones you need to post. Not WTF happens in Great Britian. Who the fuck cares? Do you live in GB? Or do you think you are making some great point? WTF?

I hear GB has 6 million DGUs a year. That sounds about right to you. Right? LMAO
He`ll believe anything. He`s as gullible as they come.
Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

WTF dude? Yesterday there were THOUSANDS of DGUs in THIS country. Those are the ones you need to post. Not WTF happens in Great Britian. Who the fuck cares? Do you live in GB? Or do you think you are making some great point? WTF?

I hear GB has 6 million DGUs a year. That sounds about right to you. Right? LMAO
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.

Might be a valid point IF we were having "more gun control"
But we are not. Anybody that wants a gun gets a gun. Be it legal, straw purchaser, private transaction, or off the black market. But if you want a gun there is a means to get a gun.

Does that sound like we are controlling guns to you?
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.

Secondly, if you want to promote the joy of gun ownership posting successful defensive gun uses in this country would be the way to go.

According to 2nd A dude, there were over 4000 dgus YESTERDAY.

Do YOU believe that?
Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

WTF dude? Yesterday there were THOUSANDS of DGUs in THIS country. Those are the ones you need to post. Not WTF happens in Great Britian. Who the fuck cares? Do you live in GB? Or do you think you are making some great point? WTF?

I hear GB has 6 million DGUs a year. That sounds about right to you. Right? LMAO
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.
"More gun control"? We have none as it is. Anyone who wants a gun can get one with a little effort if they`re willing to spend a few hours opening unlocked car doors. Are you saying that England is just as dangerous as the U.S.?
Are you saying that England is just as dangerous as the U.S.?

Depends on which crime statistic you compare, but if we look at 'total crimes per capita', then England is in fact more dangerous than the US. England ranks #4 in total crime per 1000 citizens, whereas the US ranks #22. This means England has a total crime per capita rate 3 times that of the US.

Of course, the US has a higher murder rate than the England, which is skewed by very high rates coming from just a few big-city counties (neighborhoods, actually). If you look at states without those groups of US citizens hell bent on murder, you find murder rates in line with, or even lower than, effectively disarmed places like England. That despite all the firearms in the US! For example, compare the murder rates in a state like Minnesota (lots of guns) to a place like Norway (very few civilian owned firearms). Over time, Norway actually has a HIGHER murder rate.

So, if you're defining "dangerous" as the murder rate, it would depend were in America you're standing before you could know if England is just as dangerous as the US.

Fascinating stuff!
Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

WTF dude? Yesterday there were THOUSANDS of DGUs in THIS country. Those are the ones you need to post. Not WTF happens in Great Britian. Who the fuck cares? Do you live in GB? Or do you think you are making some great point? WTF?

I hear GB has 6 million DGUs a year. That sounds about right to you. Right? LMAO

Dude......this is what you anti gunners don't get...anti gunners use Great Britain to call for gun control in this country.

Great Britain banned guns and confiscated guns..........and their gun crime rate did not change...they simply disarmed the people who were not using guns for crime and murder...........

In fact..their violent crime rate increased....and last year violent crime increased 27%.....and their gun crime increased 4%......and they banned and confiscated guns.....

The problem has never been normal people owning and carrying guns.....the problem around the world is criminals using guns....

You have to focus on the criminals, not the guns...that is what Japan has done and they have finally gotten a handle on their Yakuza gun far....
Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

WTF dude? Yesterday there were THOUSANDS of DGUs in THIS country. Those are the ones you need to post. Not WTF happens in Great Britian. Who the fuck cares? Do you live in GB? Or do you think you are making some great point? WTF?

I hear GB has 6 million DGUs a year. That sounds about right to you. Right? LMAO
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.
"More gun control"? We have none as it is. Anyone who wants a gun can get one with a little effort if they`re willing to spend a few hours opening unlocked car doors. Are you saying that England is just as dangerous as the U.S.?

It is more violent than the U.S.......the only thing their thugs don't do is murder people.....
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.

Might be a valid point IF we were having "more gun control"
But we are not. Anybody that wants a gun gets a gun. Be it legal, straw purchaser, private transaction, or off the black market. But if you want a gun there is a means to get a gun.

Does that sound like we are controlling guns to you?

We have 357,000,000 guns in private hands.....we had onlyu 8,124 gun murders in 2014....of those 90% of the shooters had felony convictions before the shooting...which means they could not legally own or carry the gun they used.....

70-80% of gun murder victims also had felony convictions before they were murdered....

normal people are not using guns for crime.....our thugs are...we don't have a gun crime problem even with that.....look at the numbers.....8,124 out of 357,000, you see the difference?
Are you saying that England is just as dangerous as the U.S.?

Depends on which crime statistic you compare, but if we look at 'total crimes per capita', then England is in fact more dangerous than the US. England ranks #4 in total crime per 1000 citizens, whereas the US ranks #22. This means England has a total crime per capita rate 3 times that of the US.

Of course, the US has a higher murder rate than the England, which is skewed by very high rates coming from just a few big-city counties (neighborhoods, actually). If you look at states without those groups of US citizens hell bent on murder, you find murder rates in line with, or even lower than, effectively disarmed places like England. That despite all the firearms in the US! For example, compare the murder rates in a state like Minnesota (lots of guns) to a place like Norway (very few civilian owned firearms). Over time, Norway actually has a HIGHER murder rate.

So, if you're defining "dangerous" as the murder rate, it would depend were in America you're standing before you could know if England is just as dangerous as the US.

Fascinating stuff!

Thank put that so much better than I have been able to......
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.

Secondly, if you want to promote the joy of gun ownership posting successful defensive gun uses in this country would be the way to go.

According to 2nd A dude, there were over 4000 dgus YESTERDAY.

Do YOU believe that?

No....not according to me....according to bill clinton and his Department of Justice...and also supported by research conducted by obama's CDC in 2013...where they looked at all the gun research that had so far been conducted in this country....I will post it for you again....since you didn't get it the first several times I have posted it.....

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
Three Good Samaritans rushed to help a man who was shot in the chest and arm as he sat in his car.

Last night unidentified attackers opened fire on a 28-year-old man as he sat in his car in Greenwich, South East London.

WTF dude? Yesterday there were THOUSANDS of DGUs in THIS country. Those are the ones you need to post. Not WTF happens in Great Britian. Who the fuck cares? Do you live in GB? Or do you think you are making some great point? WTF?

I hear GB has 6 million DGUs a year. That sounds about right to you. Right? LMAO
You are missing or ignoring the OP's point more gun control isn't going to fix the problem in the US it didn't work in England.
"More gun control"? We have none as it is. Anyone who wants a gun can get one with a little effort if they`re willing to spend a few hours opening unlocked car doors. Are you saying that England is just as dangerous as the U.S.?

We have gun control in this can't use guns to commit crimes, if you are a felon you can't even possess a gun, if you are dangerously mentally ill you can't have a gun.....and you can't sell a gun to a felon...

Of course, criminals ignore all of those you want to punish normal gun owners...instead of locking up the criminals when we catch them.....which makes no sense...

In Japan, now....if you get caught with an illegal gun...30 years in jail...that is how they handled Yakuza gun crime...and they also fine the Yakuza bosses millions of dollars if their thugs use guns for crime...that is how Japan did it...they focused on the criminals......
Dude......this is what you anti gunners don't get...anti gunners use Great Britain to call for gun control in this country.

There is no "gun control" in this country ya stupid shit.

If you are half way smart you can have a gun. Period. You think all those guys killing people in chi town believe there is gun control?

WTF dude. If virtually anyone who wants can get their hands on a gun, why dont you point out to me where the "gun control" is exactly?

You whacked out about this shit guy.
Btw its great you are a big fan of Clinton. I am not. And the gun study you love was conducted using faulty methods. It has been shown to you time and again.

All I can say is if you can find even 200 DGUs a day, you would have done it by now to shut your critics up. But y o u haven't cause you can't. You believe there will be avg. 4000 DGUs TODAY.
And tomorrow and everyday. You fucking nuts.

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