Solid June Jobs Report: 213K New Jobs, 36K Manufacturing Jobs, April & May Nums Revised Upward


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Although by an odd statistical quirk, the unemployment rate rose by 0.2%, going from 3.8% to 4.0%, the BLS employment report for June is loaded with good news:

* The number of persons employed rose by 213,000: "Total non-farm payroll employment increased by 213,000 in June."

* 36,000 manufacturing jobs were created, the second largest increase in 10 years (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data). It is especially encouraging that "nearly all" of the new manufacturing jobs were in durable goods:

Durable goods manufacturing accounted for nearly all of the increase, including job gains in fabricated metal products (+7,000), computer and electronic products (+5,000), and primary metals (+3,000). Motor vehicles and parts also added jobs over the month (+12,000), after declining by 8,000 in May. Over the past year, manufacturing has added 285,000 jobs.​

* The numbers for April and May were revised upward: "The change in total non-farm payroll employment for April was revised up from +159,000
to +175,000, and the change for May was revised up from +223,000 to +244,000." That's an upward revision of 27,000 jobs for those two months.

* The number of "discouraged workers" has now dropped by 155,000 from June of last year: "Among the marginally attached, there were 359,000 discouraged workers in June, down by 155,000 from a year earlier."

* The labor force participation rate (LFPR) rose by 0.2%.

* Wages rose again: "In June, average hourly earnings for all employees on private non-farm payrolls rose by 5 cents to $26.98. Over the year, average hourly earnings have increased by 72 cents, or 2.7 percent. Average hourly earnings of private-sector production and non-supervisory employees increased by 4 cents to $22.62 in June."
By any measure the Trump economy is outperforming the Obama economy. And they're doing it without the Fed pumping billions of new dollars into the market.
The real ue numbers are 34%! Thanks Donald

Uh. . . . Yeah. . . . You bet. . . . Wow. . . . Heard of such things as retired people, stay-home moms and dads, disabled people, etc.?

Does your mom know you're using her computer?
The real ue numbers are 34%!

Thanks Donald
In reality, 172 million Americans are not working under Trump
Over half the population does not have a job

In reality, that is a comical argument. You must be joking. If you are not, you have no business posting anything on a public board because you clearly need to go back and finish high school.
Lefties are no dummies. The hypocrites pretend to hate corporate America when they think it might get votes for democrats but they enjoy the same perks of a thriving economy as normal Americans. You can bet your ass(ets) though that the radical left was waiting and hoping for a tsunami drop in the DOW after President Trump's tariffs clicked in yesterday but surprise-surprise the DOW jumped 150 points. What does that tell you? Confidence in Trump's economic agenda trumps (pardon the pun) the phony left wing predictions about the effect of the tariffs.
Lefties are no dummies. The hypocrites pretend to hate corporate America when they think it might get votes for democrats but they enjoy the same perks of a thriving economy as normal Americans. You can bet your ass(ets) though that the radical left was waiting and hoping for a tsunami drop in the DOW after President Trump's tariffs clicked in yesterday but surprise-surprise the DOW jumped 150 points. What does that tell you? Confidence in Trump's economic agenda trumps (pardon the pun) the phony left wing predictions about the effect of the tariffs.

Indeed, you get the feeling that liberals are angry that the economy is doing so well and that they simply do not want to hear good economic news as long as Trump is in the White House. Some of these folks are the same ones who complained that conservatives weren't giving Obama a fair chance.
Although by an odd statistical quirk, the unemployment rate rose by 0.2%, going from 3.8% to 4.0%
No odd statistical quirk, the number of unemployed INCREASED by half a million leaving 102 million workers not working but eating.

November 08, 2016
RUSH: But here's the difference today: 94 million Americans are not working but they all are eating, and they're getting unemployment checks for 99 weeks minimum.
The real ue numbers are 34%!

Thanks Donald
In reality, 172 million Americans are not working under Trump
Over half the population does not have a job

In reality, that is a comical argument. You must be joking. If you are not, you have no business posting anything on a public board because you clearly need to go back and finish high school.
You don’t believe that U3 bullshit do you?

Trump declared that “fake news” years ago
We now use REAL unemployment which is 172 million and climbing
Lefties are no dummies. The hypocrites pretend to hate corporate America when they think it might get votes for democrats but they enjoy the same perks of a thriving economy as normal Americans. You can bet your ass(ets) though that the radical left was waiting and hoping for a tsunami drop in the DOW after President Trump's tariffs clicked in yesterday but surprise-surprise the DOW jumped 150 points. What does that tell you? Confidence in Trump's economic agenda trumps (pardon the pun) the phony left wing predictions about the effect of the tariffs.

Indeed, you get the feeling that liberals are angry that the economy is doing so well and that they simply do not want to hear good economic news as long as Trump is in the White House. Some of these folks are the same ones who complained that conservatives weren't giving Obama a fair chance.
Trump changed the way we look at economic reports while Obama was president. They can’t be trusted. Fake news
Although by an odd statistical quirk, the unemployment rate rose by 0.2%, going from 3.8% to 4.0%, the BLS employment report for June is loaded with good news:

* The number of persons employed rose by 213,000: "Total non-farm payroll employment increased by 213,000 in June."

* 36,000 manufacturing jobs were created, the second largest increase in 10 years (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data). It is especially encouraging that "nearly all" of the new manufacturing jobs were in durable goods:

Durable goods manufacturing accounted for nearly all of the increase, including job gains in fabricated metal products (+7,000), computer and electronic products (+5,000), and primary metals (+3,000). Motor vehicles and parts also added jobs over the month (+12,000), after declining by 8,000 in May. Over the past year, manufacturing has added 285,000 jobs.​

* The numbers for April and May were revised upward: "The change in total non-farm payroll employment for April was revised up from +159,000
to +175,000, and the change for May was revised up from +223,000 to +244,000." That's an upward revision of 27,000 jobs for those two months.

* The number of "discouraged workers" has now dropped by 155,000 from June of last year: "Among the marginally attached, there were 359,000 discouraged workers in June, down by 155,000 from a year earlier."

* The labor force participation rate (LFPR) rose by 0.2%.

* Wages rose again: "In June, average hourly earnings for all employees on private non-farm payrolls rose by 5 cents to $26.98. Over the year, average hourly earnings have increased by 72 cents, or 2.7 percent. Average hourly earnings of private-sector production and non-supervisory employees increased by 4 cents to $22.62 in June."
Those shovel ready jobs finally kicking in, I see.
Although by an odd statistical quirk, the unemployment rate rose by 0.2%, going from 3.8% to 4.0%, the BLS employment report for June is loaded with good news:

* The number of persons employed rose by 213,000: "Total non-farm payroll employment increased by 213,000 in June."

* 36,000 manufacturing jobs were created, the second largest increase in 10 years (Bureau of Labor Statistics Data). It is especially encouraging that "nearly all" of the new manufacturing jobs were in durable goods:

Durable goods manufacturing accounted for nearly all of the increase, including job gains in fabricated metal products (+7,000), computer and electronic products (+5,000), and primary metals (+3,000). Motor vehicles and parts also added jobs over the month (+12,000), after declining by 8,000 in May. Over the past year, manufacturing has added 285,000 jobs.​

* The numbers for April and May were revised upward: "The change in total non-farm payroll employment for April was revised up from +159,000
to +175,000, and the change for May was revised up from +223,000 to +244,000." That's an upward revision of 27,000 jobs for those two months.

* The number of "discouraged workers" has now dropped by 155,000 from June of last year: "Among the marginally attached, there were 359,000 discouraged workers in June, down by 155,000 from a year earlier."

* The labor force participation rate (LFPR) rose by 0.2%.

* Wages rose again: "In June, average hourly earnings for all employees on private non-farm payrolls rose by 5 cents to $26.98. Over the year, average hourly earnings have increased by 72 cents, or 2.7 percent. Average hourly earnings of private-sector production and non-supervisory employees increased by 4 cents to $22.62 in June."
Those shovel ready jobs finally kicking in, I see.
The Obama economy is going strong
The real ue numbers are 34%!

Thanks Donald
In reality, 172 million Americans are not working under Trump
Over half the population does not have a job

In reality, that is a comical argument. You must be joking. If you are not, you have no business posting anything on a public board because you clearly need to go back and finish high school.
Funny you wing-nuts didn't think the argument was so comical when it came out of Donnie Dirt Bag's foul mouth!!!

JAN. 11, 2017
TRUMP: And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
The economy is not growing as fast as I would like. Therefore, Trump is the worst President in American history and possibly a Muslim. Has anyone doublechecked his birth certificate?
The real ue numbers are 34%!

Thanks Donald
In reality, 172 million Americans are not working under Trump
Over half the population does not have a job

In reality, that is a comical argument. You must be joking. If you are not, you have no business posting anything on a public board because you clearly need to go back and finish high school.

Just like that moron that said the unemployment rate may be as high as 42 percent. when it was really 5.2%

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