China and Muscovy gang up against Trump/

Will red clown swallow this time again what is coming from Moscow?

  • Yes, Trump always takes in with pleasure everything whats coming from the Kremlin thugs

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No, Trump is one of the greatest USA leaders, he stands always against grandpa Botox with his 1% o

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
China and Muscovy gang up against Trump . but Putler holds Trump short , and i bet Trump will blame the Hans but say 0 words toward his friend grandpa Botox . my question,

Will red clown swallow this time again what is coming from Moscow?

a) Yes, Trump always takes in with pleasure everything whats coming from the Kremlin thugs
b) No, Trump is one of the greatest USA leaders, he stands always against grandpa Botox with his 1% of the world GDP ("Nigeria with snow")

"China and Russia hit back at Trump tariffs"

Only an idiot like you can believe Trump can take anybody's orders. Unlike all other presidential candidates, who apparently were Soros puppets,
Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 | Breitbart

The billionaire has already spent or pledged $13 million to help Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this year.
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Trump has proved: he's his only man. Man is a key word. Besides, he has done absolutely NOTHING in Russia's favor but has done a lot in a favor of his country.

There is a good saying: Dogs are barking, but caravan is moving ahead. Keep barking, Trump haters.
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Only an idiot like you can believe Trump can take anybody's orders. Unlike all other presidential candidates, who apparently were Soros puppets,
Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 | Breitbart

Trump has proved: he's his only man. Man is a key word. Besides, he has done absolutely NOTHING in Russia's favor but has done a lot in a favor of his country.

There is a good saying: Dogs are barking, but caravan is moving ahead. Keep barking, Trump haters.
you are a Putlerist , Muscovite, and fan of the red clown , so you have 0 credibility
China and Muscovy gang up against Trump . but Putler holds Trump short , and i bet Trump will blame the Hans but say 0 words toward his friend grandpa Botox . my question,

Will red clown swallow this time again what is coming from Moscow?

a) Yes, Trump always takes in with pleasure everything whats coming from the Kremlin thugs
b) No, Trump is one of the greatest USA leaders, he stands always against grandpa Botox with his 1% of the world GDP ("Nigeria with snow")

"China and Russia hit back at Trump tariffs"


You are beyond a retarded idiot.

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