Soldier: Obama not U.S. born, can't send me to Afghanistan

The Army just rescinded Cook's orders. Apparently, since Cook volunteered, his orders could be rescended (by his request or decision of the Army) at any time prior to reporting. This is a much different situation than an involuntarily mobilized soldier.

So now Cook gets to return to his reserve unit and look like the giant fuck up that he is.

His little birth certificate ploy failed, and I am sure his next OER will "reflect" his little PR stunt.

All you have to do is throw a tantrum and you can get out of deployment? That's fucked up.

He is past his obligation and is on "involuntary definate" status. Officers get to that point after 8 years of service when they don't owe anymore time to the Army. That means they can come and go as they please. If Cook hadn't have volunteered to go to Afghanistan simply for the sake of filing a court case, and he got involunatarily mobilized, he could have gotten out of it simply be leaving the military (provided he did it before he deployed).

Apparently, the policy is that soldiers who volunteer for deployment have the latitude to opt out if they do so before they report for duty. This is not the same deal as soldiers who are still within their eight year obligation and owe time to the military and get involuntarily mobilized.

This isn't creating a precedent, I suspect that the Army simply said "Hell, if he doesn't want to go, we can't force him to go by our own regs." and cut him loose.

No doubt Cook is a giant turd though. Officers are supposed to be above this kind of non-sense.
It failed?


I'd love to see your math on that one...

Yes, it failed. Cook's orders got lifted. He no longer has damages to sue. His case is officially null and void.

First, his claim has standing... Second; he isn't being sent to combat to serve under a dubious authority... and third; I seriously doubt that he'll be the last to advance that case.

He volunteered to go to Afghanistan for the distinct purpose of filing this suit. If you doubt that, you can go check out freeper land where he telegraphed his punch.

You are right about one thing though, he's not being sent to combat. He can go back to Florida.

Hey, you want to know what the difference between myself and Cook is?

I didn't try to weasel out of my deployment to Afghanistan.
This shit really blows my mind. I mean I think back to my squadron commanders who were either Majors or Lt Colonels at the time and try to imagine one of them trying to pull something like this and I can't do it. You gotta be really out there I think.

Well they wouldn't for two reasons:

1.) They were professional soldiers.
2.) They had no desire to take a flamethrower to their careers.

Cook didn't have much to lose. He was beyond his 20 year mark, so even if he tubes his meager career, he'll cash out and leave (though not the birther hero he thought he was going to be).

At first, I was a little shocked by the Army's decision. However, after dealing with HRC-STL, I am not really at all surprised in retrospect. Cook was beyond any sort of mandatory obligation to the Army and was on voluntary indefinate status, which means he could leave the military anytime he wanted. In that context, it makes sense that the Army policy would be to allow mobilization volunteers to drop out prior to reporting. Thus, it was just easier for the Army to rescind his orders and find another officer to go in his stead.

Of course the birthers are going to scream that this was "orders from the top" to avoid the issue, but Cook's case was so weak to begin with (I discussed the jurisdictional problems behind it earlier) that it's wishful thinking at best. I imagine the COL Good simply saying "I don't have time to go to Georgia for some frivelous suit. Just cut this guy loose".

Now he gets to return to his reserve unit and with his tin-foil beret on.

Again friends... what you're looking at here is an imbecile who claims to be a US Citizen (not to be confused with an American) and who doesn't give a flaming red rats ass that the BOY King can't produce anything beyond the SLIMMEST of evidence that he was in fact BORN on US Soil... as per the requirement of the US Constitution.

Now when I tell you that THERE ARE NO LEFTIST AMERICANS... that is the sort of thing that I'm talking about.

Tell you what there numbnuts. Why don't you just go ahead and explain to us what an American is.
BUT WHY CAN'T HE PRODUCE A BIRTH CERTIFICATE. If he was really born in the USA it's pretty darn easy to get a duplicate copy. I have and I am older than he is, my husband had to send in a request and he got his in just two weeks, so you have to ask yourself what's the problem here. God forbid we elected someone who is not eligible to be President of the United States, what a freegin mess that would be.

Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 1:45 PM

Supreme Court to Hear Obama birthplace suit

If the our system works as planned and the law prevails, this fraud and liar could be removed from office.

Snopes mentioned this in a short statement, but did not elaborate.

(Now we know why he is so eager to get Sottomayer appointed!)

BOMBSHELL…Supreme Court now has Obama Citizeenship

AP- WASHINGTON D.C. - In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the group Americans for Freedom of Information has Released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from Occidental College Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school.

The transcript was released by Occidental College in

compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program.

To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking.

Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as president.

When reached for comment in London, where he has been in meetings with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama smiled but refused comment on the issue.

Britain 's Daily Mail

do you have link.....i would think you would have a link for such a bombshell....
I'm not certain this is a win. Seems like it makes his lawsuit, 'moot'?
Imagine that booboo siding with the Prez..... lol If it had been the other way around and Bush was President this would be front page news....

Besides booboo didn't even read the story...the Soldier is a "he" not a "she".... come on booboo stop embarrassing yourself...
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I'm really not sure of what to think of this, but this will be an interesting case to follow.:popcorn:

I don't blame the Military for scrapping his orders. Regardless of your stance on this, they don't need him over there with this circus surrounding him..
What is odd to me is that the Military actually revoked the order. This isn't the normal military response I'm use to that's for sure. Things like this the Military is very strict on and only would revoke if they were told to by the Pentagon or the White House.
i am going with xen here....only time will tell...if he is outed or not. the orders may have been changed to out him...but someone else will pick up this challenge..either way his career as a soldier is over
What is odd to me is that the Military actually revoked the order. This isn't the normal military response I'm use to that's for sure. Things like this the Military is very strict on and only would revoke if they were told to by the Pentagon or the White House.

I'm saying here and now, I've always thought this was a 'much ado about nothing.' Same reason that in 2000 I thought it regarding where in the Canal Zone McCain was born. Now considering Obama won, is president, is going to stay president; why doesn't the White House just put it to rest? Certainly is :confused: .

I have to agree, I may be wrong, but seems by doing this it renders his case moot. Why would that happen with no explanation? As you said, seems could only be WH or Pentagon.
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mccain was born to a military is my understanding....all military kids get the auto in...just like native cant punishs families serving overseas by making their kids born there...non citizens.
mccain was born to a military is my understanding....all military kids get the auto in...just like native cant punishs families serving overseas by making their kids born there...non citizens.

Be that as it may, I don't see Obama being removed as President, not with his approval ratings and the fact that this was an issue before he became president. The fact that no other candidates brought it up for discussion and the MSM ignored pretty much renders it a non-issue. Which is why the reaction is disturbing.

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