Solar storms could affect US power grid


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Solar storms could affect US power grid
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasts a solar storm blasting Earth any day now, according to The Sun.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: RT received a response from NOAA after the article was published, explicitly contradicting the Sun’s report. “There are no threats (geomagnetic, solar radiation storms, or radio blackouts) underway,” NOAA spokeswoman Maureen O'Leary told RT in e-mail.


Warning "Christmas Solar Storm To Batter Earth" Next Several Days
The new story from The Sun is called "Space Weather Warning: Christmas Solar Storm To Batter Earth As Flare Blasts From Massive Hole In The Sun" within which we learn "a solar flare is heading our way and it's threatening to wreak havoc with modern life on our planet."

Coming only months after Barack Obama issued an executive order requiring the US government prepare for space weather chaos as we reported in this story on ANP back on October 14th, the Sun story warns us the strong geomagnetic storms that have been whipped up will last several days and can prove devastating to human civilization as we know it according to experts.

Quite a few articles are going around on this storm, can we say it's def. going to hit us probably but it doesn't mean the power will be wiped out or could it?
Anything is possible and we have had a major grid down in the past right around 2004 the entire east coast lost power.
If a Country esp. like the US went even a week without power , you would see a side of humans you never saw before. You would even see the eating of other humans.
Solar storms could affect US power grid
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasts a solar storm blasting Earth any day now, according to The Sun.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: RT received a response from NOAA after the article was published, explicitly contradicting the Sun’s report. “There are no threats (geomagnetic, solar radiation storms, or radio blackouts) underway,” NOAA spokeswoman Maureen O'Leary told RT in e-mail.


Warning "Christmas Solar Storm To Batter Earth" Next Several Days
The new story from The Sun is called "Space Weather Warning: Christmas Solar Storm To Batter Earth As Flare Blasts From Massive Hole In The Sun" within which we learn "a solar flare is heading our way and it's threatening to wreak havoc with modern life on our planet."

Coming only months after Barack Obama issued an executive order requiring the US government prepare for space weather chaos as we reported in this story on ANP back on October 14th, the Sun story warns us the strong geomagnetic storms that have been whipped up will last several days and can prove devastating to human civilization as we know it according to experts.

Quite a few articles are going around on this storm, can we say it's def. going to hit us probably but it doesn't mean the power will be wiped out or could it?
Anything is possible and we have had a major grid down in the past right around 2004 the entire east coast lost power.
If a Country esp. like the US went even a week without power , you would see a side of humans you never saw before. You would even see the eating of other humans.

I don't know about your neighbors, but My experience with my neighbors in natural disasters has been an example of people helping and looking out for each other. Most of my neighbors are conservative so maybe that's the difference.
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Solar storms could affect US power grid
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasts a solar storm blasting Earth any day now, according to The Sun.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: RT received a response from NOAA after the article was published, explicitly contradicting the Sun’s report. “There are no threats (geomagnetic, solar radiation storms, or radio blackouts) underway,” NOAA spokeswoman Maureen O'Leary told RT in e-mail.


Warning "Christmas Solar Storm To Batter Earth" Next Several Days
The new story from The Sun is called "Space Weather Warning: Christmas Solar Storm To Batter Earth As Flare Blasts From Massive Hole In The Sun" within which we learn "a solar flare is heading our way and it's threatening to wreak havoc with modern life on our planet."

Coming only months after Barack Obama issued an executive order requiring the US government prepare for space weather chaos as we reported in this story on ANP back on October 14th, the Sun story warns us the strong geomagnetic storms that have been whipped up will last several days and can prove devastating to human civilization as we know it according to experts.

Quite a few articles are going around on this storm, can we say it's def. going to hit us probably but it doesn't mean the power will be wiped out or could it?
Anything is possible and we have had a major grid down in the past right around 2004 the entire east coast lost power.
If a Country esp. like the US went even a week without power , you would see a side of humans you never saw before. You would even see the eating of other humans.

I don't know about your neighbors, but My experience with my neighbors in natural disasters has been an example of people helping and looking out for each other. Most of my neighbors are conservative so maybe that's the difference.

People will only help out for so long, until there is no food. I'm talking about the average person and those who haven't prepped.
People who think prepping for three months, the food runs out
There will be no gas, no water, no heat...............

Those not ready aren't going to have nice neighbors.
Might be why we're havin'...

... unseasonably warm weather.

Granny says dat coronal blast...

... gonna blow us into outer space...

... den we all gonna die.

Arctic heatwave could break records
Sat, 24 Dec 2016 - Temperatures at the North Pole could be up to 20 degrees higher than average this Christmas Eve.
Climate scientists say these unseasonably warm weather patterns in the Arctic region are directly linked to man-made climate change. Temperatures throughout November and December were 5C higher than average. It follows a summer during which Arctic sea ice reached the second-lowest extent ever recorded by satellites. Dr Friederike Otto, a senior researcher at Oxford's Environmental Change Institute told BBC News that in pre-industrial times "a heatwave like this would have been extremely rare - we would expect it to occur about every 1,000 years".

Dr Otto added that scientists are "very confident" that the weather patterns were linked to anthropogenic climate change. "We have used several different climate modelling approaches and observations," she told BBC News. "And in all our methods, we find the same thing; we cannot model a heatwave like this without the anthropogenic signal." Temperatures are forecast to peak on Christmas Eve around the North Pole - at near-freezing. The warm air from the North Atlantic is forecast to flow all the way to the North Pole via Spitsbergen, giving rise to clouds that prevent heat from escaping.


Temperature patterns mapped onto the Arctic region satellite image (c) University of Maine/​

And, as Dr Otto explained to BBC News, the reduction in sea ice is contributing to this "feedback loop". "If the globe is warming, then the sea ice and ice on land [shrinks] then the darker water and land is exposed," she said. "Then the sunlight is absorbed rather than reflected as it would be by the ice."

Forecasting models show that there is about a 2% chance of a heatwave event occurring every year. "But if temperatures continue to increase further as they are now," said Dr Otto, "we would expect a heatwave like this to occur every year and that will be a huge stress on the ecosystem." Dr Thorsten Markus, chief of NASA's Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory, said the heatwave was "very, very unusual". "The eerie thing is that we saw something quite similar (temperatures at the North Pole of about 0C in December) almost exactly a year ago," he told BBC News.

The freeze and thaw conditions are already making it difficult for reindeer to find food - as the moss they feed on is covered by hard ice, rather than soft, penetrable snow. Asked if the conditions on Christmas Eve were likely to affect Santa's all-important journey, Dr Markus said he was confident that his sled would cope with the conditions. He added: "Santa is most likely overdressed though. Maybe in the future we'll see him in a light jacket or plastic mac."

Arctic heatwave could break records - BBC News
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Oh, good! Something else for the lefty kooks to blame on global cooling or global warming or climate change or Bush or Trump or the boogeyman.
The funny part is you can post the information straight from NASA, and they will still say this action didn't happen.
Twist it, spin it as if the article says OMG TOMORROW the WORLD WILL BLOW Up....
nice example above your post lol
possum worried `bout Santa...

The Arctic is 'behaving so bizarrely': Warm North Pole corresponds with cold air over Alaska and Siberia
Sunday 25th December, 2016 - Last month, temperatures in the high Arctic spiked dramatically, some 36 degrees Fahrenheit above normal — a move that corresponded with record low levels of Arctic sea ice during a time of year when this ice is supposed to be expanding during the freezing polar night.
And now this week we’re seeing another huge burst of Arctic warmth. A buoy close to the North Pole just reported temperatures close to the freezing point of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 Celsius), which is 10s of degrees warmer than normal for this time of year. Although it isn’t clear yet, we could now be in for another period when sea ice either pauses its spread across the Arctic ocean, or reverses course entirely. But these bursts of Arctic warmth don’t stand alone — last month, extremely warm North Pole temperatures corresponded with extremely cold temperatures over Siberia. This week, meanwhile, there are large bursts of unseasonally cold air over Alaska and Siberia once again.

It is all looking rather consistent with an outlook that has been dubbed “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents” — a notion that remains scientifically contentious but, if accurate, is deeply consequential for how climate change could unfold in the Northern Hemisphere winter. The core idea here begins with the fact that the Arctic is warming up faster than the mid-latitudes and the equator, and losing its characteristic floating sea ice cover in the process. This also changes the Arctic atmosphere, the theory goes, and these changes interact with large scale atmospheric patterns that affect our weather (phenomena like the jet stream and the polar vortex). The result can be a kind of swapping of the cold air masses of the Arctic with the warm air masses to the south of them. The Arctic then gets hot (relatively), and the mid-latitudes – including sometimes, as during the infamous “polar vortex” event of 2013-2014, the United States — get cold.

For now, these ideas aren’t accepted by all of the relevant scientists — but they definitely have a core group of supporters who are publishing, arguing, and citing recent events to advance their case. Scientists are gathering in Washington, D.C. in February to hash them out further — by which time, we’ll know more about just how much winter weather itself has given momentum to the conversation. “We continue to see this Arctic behaving so bizarrely, I think we’re in for a very interesting winter,” said Francis.

The Arctic is 'behaving so bizarrely': Warm North Pole corresponds with cold air over Alaska and Siberia

See also:

North Pole warms up, Santa might be in trouble!
Saturday 24th December, 2016 - This Christmas, environmentalists and weather forecasters have revealed shocking facts. According to reports, the North Pole is expected to witness a record breaking heatwave, with temperatures forecast to reach 20 degrees higher than average on Christmas Eve.
This is said to be nearly 50 degrees above average at a time when winter is supposed to be at its peak. In fact, the winter temperature at the North Pole is about 40 degree Fahrenheit below zero, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has said. WeatherBell meteorologist, Ryan Maue tweeted, “Not quite freezing mark... Santa's booze will stay chill up at the North Pole. 20s°F is still mild for the top of the world.” This is the second December with such high temperatures across the Arctic due to weather patterns pushing warm air over the region. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has predicted that 2016 may be the hottest year on record. According the the UN, the global temperature in 2016 was 14.88 degrees; 1.2 degrees higher than before the industrial revolution began in the mid-19th century.

Nonetheless, the immediate cause of this warmth has been identified to be a powerhouse storm east of Greenland. Counter-clockwise flow around the storm "is doing a wonderful job of (bringing) warm, moist maritime air over the Arctic sea ice and North Pole," Maue said. According to him, warm weather may last for a few more days before the cold descends, since parts of central Russia are now as much as 62 degrees below zero. Mashable’s Andrew Freedman has noted that a lack of sea ice appears to be playing a role: Record low levels of sea ice in the Arctic are contributing to the record high temperatures. Capital Weather gang meanwhile tweeted, “What's Santa gonna do? North Pole forecast to warm 50 degrees above normal Thursday, near the melting point.”


According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Earth’s temperature above land and sea was about 14.94 degrees Celsius from January to November. This is 0.06 degrees warmer than the same time last year. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the fact that sea ice was melting in November due to record warmth was "nearly unprecedented.” The National Snow and Ice Data Center reported that temperatures in the Arctic in November were about 30 to 35 degrees above normal. Zack Labe said in a tweet, “No. #Arctic sea ice is not recovering. Departures smaller in winter & new extent growth young/thin. Remains lowest on record for date.” According to scientists, man-made global warming is also a factor in the turn of climate in the Arctic.

Jennifer Francis, Rutgers University atmospheric scientist said, “The loss of the sea ice, the increased melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, the thawing of permafrost, the changes in the weather patterns, the rising sea level — it's all consistent with our expectations for the response of the climate system to increases in greenhouse gases. What's not expected is how fast it's been happening.” The Potsdam Institute for Climate Research has predicted that a temperature rise of 2 degrees would result in the Greenland ice sheet to reach a tipping point. Any rise beyond this would condemn the world to a complete ice loss in the northern hemisphere, leading to a disastrous rise in sea levels. The forecast comes at the time when the global warming warning has been vigorously denied by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.!


A fiery coronal mass ejection (CME) took off from the Sun on Jan. 4, 2002. These are the storms that can overpower Earth's protective magnetic field.
On Sept. 2, 1859, an incredible storm of charged particles sent by the sun slammed into Earth's atmosphere, overpowered it, and caused havoc on the ground. Telegraph wires, the high-tech stuff of the time, suddenly shorted out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. Colorful aurora, normally visible only in polar regions, were seen as far south as Cuba and Hawaii.

Earth's magnetic field normally protects the surface of the planet from some storms. In 1859, the planet's defenses were totally overwhelmed. Over the past decade, similar but less powerful storms have likewise busted through, giving scientists insight into what will eventually happen again.

The outlook is not rosy.

The solar storm of 1859 was three times more powerful than one that cut power to an entire Canadian province in 1989. Experts say if it happened today – and it could – the result might be unthinkable.

If a storm that severe occurred today, it could cause up to $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth and fueling chaos among residents and even governments in a scenario that would require four to 10 years for recovery, according to a report earlier this year by the National Academy of Sciences. For comparison, hurricane Katrina inflicted somewhere between $80 billion and $125 billion in damage.

150 Years Ago: The Worst Solar Storm Ever

The Carrington event gave us a demonstration of what a large X class flare is capable of. It only makes sense to have plans and procedures in place to protect as much of the grid and communication as possible. This can happen at any time.

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