Solar Spectral Shift And Earths Atmospherics


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Solar Spectral Shift and Earths Atmospherics.

Going to do a little theroy and see where it leads. The Alarmists will deny simple physics while kicking and screaming about their beloved CO2, but hey I like to poke holes in CAGW theroy.

So lets look at the solar down-welling spectrum.


So we see that the sun has a very broad range with which to transmit its energy onto the earth. The Solar spectrum is generally 0.2um to 2.57um. You will also note the intensity of certain bandwidths which indicates the amount of heat generated by that bandwidth.

What would happen to the earth if just 3% of the heat intensity being delivered in the 0.2um -0.6um suddenly shifted to an area around 1.2um? This question is a rather complex one as it now involves earths atmosphere and how it responds to the varying bands or wavelengths.

I've posted this before however, it is necessary to do it again. Below is the major gases in earths atmosphere and how they pass energy in differing bands.


Please note that I have included the Black Body wave lengths in this graph. However, the graph shows how each area or wave length is affected by its passage through earths atmosphere. It is important to understand that if we pass a wave at 0.38um there is little in our atmosphere that stops the energy above the earths surface except for clouds or dust which would stop it from hitting earths surface. The same can not be said for 1.2um where a spike in the CO2 and water vapor would stop this above the surface of the earth in the upper troposphere. Leaving this heat to be easily returned to space and never making it to the surface.
IF the sun were to become hyper and the speed of the reaction increase the power being pushed above 0.2um would be blocked by several differing gases.

IF the sun were to become hypo and areas of the reaction slow causing the radiated wave length to lengthen. this then places the power in another band and subject to that band impediments.

IN both instances the shift would place energy into another area of earths energy bucket near the top where it never reaches the surface and is lost rapidly to space.
IN late August of 1998 two major solar arrays in the Nevada desert were perplexed by a three to five percent drop in their collected energy. The usual suspects were checked, dirt, rain, clouds, smoke, etc. None of these were identified as the cause.

NASA's ACE space craft had registered a rather odd shift in the solar spectrum which was ignored. It was a shift in energy output drop from 0.2um-0.5um and a corresponding increase around 1.0-1.2um. So subtle that no one even cared, except engineers of solar panels. The band pass of PV panels, which it converts to energy, is primarily in the 0.3 to 0.6 um wave length.

The Cause was a SPECTRAL SHIFT originating on the sun. The energy was simply not making it to earths surface.

How will this type of change affect earths energy balance and its climate engine?
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Golly Gee.. Are you suggesting that we do some basic Climate Science to understand the fundamental dynamics of the Earth's GreenHouse and potentially save the planet from being roasted or frozen like a TV dinner?

That'll never happen. It's all about Carbon man. Get a fuckin grip...
And furthermore --- haven't you heard? The science is settled. Nothing more to learn or explore..

THIS --- is just the floaty part of the iceberg of what we HAVEN'T learned about the Earth's climate despite the $$$$ BILLs that have been wasted on a fairy tale of woes..
Nope.. Can't be the Sun.. Without the actual data, brilliant minds have already ruled on that.. Quit wasting your time and my tax money.. You're just a shill for Big Solar. :lmao: :lmao:
First we must ascertain how much energy is being kept from the earths surface and how is it affecting the upper atmosphere.


When you consider that just 237-458W/M^2 makes it to the surface of the earth of the 1354.2 W/M^2 that hits the outer atmosphere you can see just how important a 2-5% change becomes.
Golly Gee.. Are you suggesting that we do some basic Climate Science to understand the fundamental dynamics of the Earth's GreenHouse and potentially save the planet from being roasted or frozen like a TV dinner?

That'll never happen. It's all about Carbon man. Get a fuckin grip...
And furthermore --- haven't you heard? The science is settled. Nothing more to learn or explore..

THIS --- is just the floaty part of the iceberg of what we HAVEN'T learned about the Earth's climate despite the $$$$ BILLs that have been wasted on a fairy tale of woes..


"Offsides -- Ignoring the OP's avatar message. Fifteen yards."
Nope.. Can't be the Sun.. Without the actual data, brilliant minds have already ruled on that.. Quit wasting your time and my tax money.. You're just a shill for Big Solar. :lmao: :lmao:

I am almost scared to ask what else happened in 1998.... We began to cool globally as we had just peaked out the current solar cycle. The sun decided it needed a Siesta.. And shut down.. like someone flicked a switch and the sunspots STOPPED!
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Golly Gee.. Are you suggesting that we do some basic Climate Science to understand the fundamental dynamics of the Earth's GreenHouse and potentially save the planet from being roasted or frozen like a TV dinner?

That'll never happen. It's all about Carbon man. Get a fuckin grip...
And furthermore --- haven't you heard? The science is settled. Nothing more to learn or explore..

THIS --- is just the floaty part of the iceberg of what we HAVEN'T learned about the Earth's climate despite the $$$$ BILLs that have been wasted on a fairy tale of woes..


"Offsides -- Ignoring the OP's avatar message. Fifteen yards."

You believe the hubris of this BillyBob guy?? Actually wanting to understand and study the dependencies of the GreenHouse on the stability of Sun's Spectral output??

Why he should be silenced and blackballed and ridiculed immediately.
People might start to get the idea that this Global fairy tale is just the Sesame Street version of how the Climate REALLY works..
Nope.. Can't be the Sun.. Without the actual data, brilliant minds have already ruled on that.. Quit wasting your time and my tax money.. You're just a shill for Big Solar. :lmao: :lmao:

I am almost scared to ask what else happened in 1998.... We began to cool globally as we had just peaked out the current solar cycle. The sun decided it needed a Siesta..

So seriously now -- do we attribute this to repeating the initial sequence for the Maunder Min --- a signal to buy Glacier insurance -- or just some sketchy random shit going on in the furnace room?
Golly Gee.. Are you suggesting that we do some basic Climate Science to understand the fundamental dynamics of the Earth's GreenHouse and potentially save the planet from being roasted or frozen like a TV dinner?

That'll never happen. It's all about Carbon man. Get a fuckin grip...
And furthermore --- haven't you heard? The science is settled. Nothing more to learn or explore..

THIS --- is just the floaty part of the iceberg of what we HAVEN'T learned about the Earth's climate despite the $$$$ BILLs that have been wasted on a fairy tale of woes..


"Offsides -- Ignoring the OP's avatar message. Fifteen yards."

You believe the hubris of this BillyBob guy?? Actually wanting to understand and study the dependencies of the GreenHouse on the stability of Sun's Spectral output??

Why he should be silenced and blackballed and ridiculed immediately.
People might start to get the idea that this Global fairy tale is just the Sesame Street version of how the Climate REALLY works..

Nope.. Can't be the Sun.. Without the actual data, brilliant minds have already ruled on that.. Quit wasting your time and my tax money.. You're just a shill for Big Solar. :lmao: :lmao:

I am almost scared to ask what else happened in 1998.... We began to cool globally as we had just peaked out the current solar cycle. The sun decided it needed a Siesta..

So seriously now -- do we attribute this to repeating the initial sequence for the Maunder Min --- a signal to buy Glacier insurance -- or just some sketchy random shit going on in the furnace room?

The Ice recovery at the poles is the key. Antarctica is still 1.7 million KL sq above the 1981-2000 mean and above +2 standard deviations. A Maunder event is very likely and a Dalton is not out of the question. For that matter a shift into a glacial cycle is also possible. IF both poles continue thier rapid ice increase your going to need a whole lot of long-johns. Just looking at the paleo climate record and solar activity this currently mirrors the fall into the Maunder event.
A spectral shift is magnified in the polar regions as the tilt of the earth exaggerates the heat in put loss. Add to that the thinner atmosphere due to weak magnetic fields and you get rapid heat loss on top of low heat input. The thermal imbalance drives cooling to the mid latitudes.. And here we are today.
Golly Gee.. Are you suggesting that we do some basic Climate Science to understand the fundamental dynamics of the Earth's GreenHouse and potentially save the planet from being roasted or frozen like a TV dinner?

That'll never happen. It's all about Carbon man. Get a fuckin grip...
And furthermore --- haven't you heard? The science is settled. Nothing more to learn or explore..

THIS --- is just the floaty part of the iceberg of what we HAVEN'T learned about the Earth's climate despite the $$$$ BILLs that have been wasted on a fairy tale of woes..


"Offsides -- Ignoring the OP's avatar message. Fifteen yards."

You believe the hubris of this BillyBob guy?? Actually wanting to understand and study the dependencies of the GreenHouse on the stability of Sun's Spectral output??

Why he should be silenced and blackballed and ridiculed immediately.
People might start to get the idea that this Global fairy tale is just the Sesame Street version of how the Climate REALLY works..

Nope.. Can't be the Sun.. Without the actual data, brilliant minds have already ruled on that.. Quit wasting your time and my tax money.. You're just a shill for Big Solar. :lmao: :lmao:

I am almost scared to ask what else happened in 1998.... We began to cool globally as we had just peaked out the current solar cycle. The sun decided it needed a Siesta..

So seriously now -- do we attribute this to repeating the initial sequence for the Maunder Min --- a signal to buy Glacier insurance -- or just some sketchy random shit going on in the furnace room?

The Ice recovery at the poles is the key. Antarctica is still 1.7 million KL sq above the 1981-2000 mean and above +2 standard deviations. A Maunder event is very likely and a Dalton is not out of the question. For that matter a shift into a glacial cycle is also possible. IF both poles continue thier rapid ice increase your going to need a whole lot of long-johns. Just looking at the paleo climate record and solar activity this currently mirrors the fall into the Maunder event.

Then it's a damn good deal that we figured out how to warm the climate by 8 or 10degC just by burning shit.. We should be OK as long as we don't run out of lemons..

Did any of the solar panel companies actual ACKNOWLEDGE this observed shift in papers or studies? Not that the 2 or 3% matters to the general market. But it DOES matter to their calibration and quality control measurements I bet. Unless they rely on a lab synthesized source for the most part.

Folks need to understand that the Global Warming forcing function everyone is panicked about is a just a couple Watts/m2. HERE -- we're talking about several times that change in direct surface heating LOSS.
Then it's a damn good deal that we figured out how to warm the climate by 8 or 10degC just by burning shit.. We should be OK as long as we don't run out of lemons..

Did any of the solar panel companies actual ACKNOWLEDGE this observed shift in papers or studies? Not that the 2 or 3% matters to the general market. But it DOES matter to their calibration and quality control measurements I bet. Unless they rely on a lab synthesized source for the most part.

Folks need to understand that the Global Warming forcing function everyone is panicked about is a just a couple Watts/m2. HERE -- we're talking about several times that change in direct surface heating LOSS.

And that is the issue here. CO2 is not the end all and water vapor didn't respond like they wanted. However, those same gases in the down welling realm do not rely on each other but do cause much of the heat to be expended at high altitude and released to space.

You can find excerpts of the problem in some of the old tech blogs still. I will try and find you a link.
Hey guys, great circle jerk based on ignorant twaddle. You reinforce each other's insanity in the most hilarious ways. Too bad you're all such clueless retards.
Hey guys, great circle jerk based on ignorant twaddle. You reinforce each other's insanity in the most hilarious ways. Too bad you're all such clueless retards.

Poor little alarmist cant find his way out of his shity diaper.. Cant even see how real science is done let alone the hypothesis and what OBSERVATIONS of the real world show.

I guess you been playing with failed models so long you couldn't grasp reality. Don't you get tired of being lied to by your alarmist friends, all their toys are broken..
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Naaaah Billy!!! What are the chances the sun could have anything to do with the earths's climate?:biggrin::biggrin::2up: Clearly a hail mary pass by the "clueless retards".

Is kinds funny post up a thread like this and the AGW Truthers come off the rails with the hysterical anger!!:up_yours::anj_stfu::ahole-1::up_yours::anj_stfu::ahole-1:

Not sure about you Billy, but Id much prefer to be a "clueless retard" than hoplessly duped!!:biggrin:
Naaaah Billy!!! What are the chances the sun could have anything to do with the earths's climate?:biggrin::biggrin::2up: Clearly a hail mary pass by the "clueless retards".

Is kinds funny post up a thread like this and the AGW Truthers come off the rails with the hysterical anger!!:up_yours::anj_stfu::ahole-1::up_yours::anj_stfu::ahole-1:

I find that the closer I come to dead center of the target the more unhinged they become.. The more holes I rip through their CO2 security blanket the more violent they are to defend their failed hypothesis.

Its Just observable reassurance that I am on the right path...:biggrin:
Naaaah Billy!!! What are the chances the sun could have anything to do with the earths's climate?:biggrin::biggrin::2up: Clearly a hail mary pass by the "clueless retards".

Is kinds funny post up a thread like this and the AGW Truthers come off the rails with the hysterical anger!!:up_yours::anj_stfu::ahole-1::up_yours::anj_stfu::ahole-1:

I find that the closer I come to dead center of the target the more unhinged they become.. The more holes I rip through their CO2 security blanket the more violent they are to defend their failed hypothesis.

Its Just observable reassurance that I am on the right path...:biggrin:

The only reason I stick on this stoopid-ass forum!! I get a pronounced hoot out of the perpetual anger in these people. These cheesdicks are like the ISIS of science.............a perfect analogy, no??!!:up:

Take Rolling Thunder for example................every single damn post this meathead does, he's spitting and stripping his teeth as he types! A perpetual state of rage that follows epic levels of misery!! Yellow jackets on crack have more poise.:dunno:

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