So You Want Jobs!!

Anytime I hear anyone in the government talking about how they are going to save me money, I can bet my bill just doubled. Those fucks can't get anything right.
when you have people riding rail instead of using roads you make maintaining the roads cheaper.

There are cosst savings for the government for decades to come with a project like this.

I agree.
US citizen likes the idea of alternative energy know....manufacture solar panels and 3 pane if people are aboe to and willing to spend 30K to have their homes fitted with these items.

There is no demand for expensive products why spend money producing them? It will not generate sales and it will not generate sales tax revenue.

You limit your view of alternatice energy too much. We have already lost out on solar panel production to China.

alternative energy power plants, vehicles, manufacturing processes, etc. We all now buy and will continue to buy those products.

I believe tax programs promoting home energy conservation and efficiency are a great first step though.
We have the potential to reduce our home energy use by at least 1/3. And home energy is about 60% of the energy we use.
Short sighted people would rather buy a new home theatre system than to insulate their home though.
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News from the California High Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA) that its overall project price tag has ballooned from $33.6 billion to $42.6 billion comes as no surprise to those who all along thought a too rosy picture had been conjured up by authority officials who over-promised on ridership numbers and downplayed costs to convince Golden State voters to pass the $10 billion HSR bond package that passed by a slim margin last year.

California rail bosses have also changed their tune on ridership and ticket costs this week, saying that the former has gone down while the later has gone up. As reported by the San Francisco Business Times, CA rail authority officials said they now estimate that ten million fewer riders will ride the train between San Francisco and Los Angeles in the decades after the route is really ready in 2020.

CA bullet train authorities also said that average ticket price estimates will be higher, which has the affect of reducing ridership numbers. The estimated price of a ticket to Los Angeles from San Francisco is now almost $105, compared with earlier estimates that projected the same ticket for $68 to $104, the Bay Area paper reported

High speed rail costs from California, Florida, Minnesota lessons for Strickland, 3-C train backers

How much does it cost for a tank of gas for your car to drive that distance, better yet low fare airlines, how much is a ticket on one of those when I checked you can get one pretty cheap. These rail systems if they do not haul freight which makes money, will end up like Amtrak and will have to survive on the taxpayers mercy.
I look around my neighborood.. I don't see any solar panels.. or windmills. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A roads life is effected by the use it recieves.

You can pretend this is not true but hell you refuse facts all day long from what I see.
Ahh and you don't notice the new high efficency climate control systems or insulation do you?

but then for someone living in a floodplain...
A roads life is effected by the use it recieves.

You can pretend this is not true but hell you refuse facts all day long from what I see.

No duh Einstein. That wasn't my point. I lived in NYC for years.. and EVERY year there was a push to increase fares and tolls, to cover ever increasing costs in both cases. In case you haven't noticed, NYC has one of the most extensive public trasportation networks in the world. Road repair costs continue to skyrocket regardless.

And, the subways are HEAVILY subsidised because the users don't want to pay the full cost of riding. if they did, a token would probably be about $10.

It's a pipe dream.
A roads life is effected by the use it recieves.

You can pretend this is not true but hell you refuse facts all day long from what I see.

No duh Einstein. That wasn't my point. I lived in NYC for years.. and EVERY year there was a push to increase fares and tolls, to cover ever increasing costs in both cases. In case you haven't noticed, NYC has one of the most extensive public trasportation networks in the world. Road repair costs continue to skyrocket regardless.

And, the subways are HEAVILY subsidised because the users don't want to pay the full cost of riding. if they did, a token would probably be about $10.

It's a pipe dream.

One clear reason why bigger is not better.

big cities suck and are subsidized by others.
My electric bill in the dead of summer, which is typically in the nineties, is about $350. And that includes running an in-ground swimming pool too.

Quite manageable.
A roads life is effected by the use it recieves.

You can pretend this is not true but hell you refuse facts all day long from what I see.

No duh Einstein. That wasn't my point. I lived in NYC for years.. and EVERY year there was a push to increase fares and tolls, to cover ever increasing costs in both cases. In case you haven't noticed, NYC has one of the most extensive public trasportation networks in the world. Road repair costs continue to skyrocket regardless.

And, the subways are HEAVILY subsidised because the users don't want to pay the full cost of riding. if they did, a token would probably be about $10.

It's a pipe dream.

One clear reason why bigger is not better.

big cities suck and are subsidized by others.

Be nice!!!! I kinda miss NYC.
So you really think that NYC has road cost going up because they have puplic transit?
We were able to convert non-defense industries to defense in WWII, there's no reason we couldn't convert defense plants into non-defense plants now.
So you really think that NYC has road cost going up because they have puplic transit?

No, not sure why you thought that. My point was that the simple introduction of mass transit does NOT equal reduced road repair costs. And, BTW, I am not anti-mass transit at all. But, mass transit is a loser almost everywhere, that is why it is so heavily subsidised... nobody wants to pay full freight to keep it profitable.

And, BTW, how's Amtrak doing these days?
We were able to convert non-defense industries to defense in WWII, there's no reason we couldn't convert defense plants into non-defense plants now.

Unfortuantely yes there is. Imports...

At the end of WW2 we produced over 50% of the entire worlds manufactured goods.
Shit, I lived on Staten Island... the ferry was $.50 ROUND TRIP and people moaned about paying that!
when you have people riding rail instead of using roads you make maintaining the roads cheaper.

There are cosst savings for the government for decades to come with a project like this.

Wow, somehow people using the road less is going to change the impact of weather ( the main cause of road damage ) on the roads? Who knew :cuckoo:

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