So When Will A Special Counsel / Congress Seriously Investigate / Indict Debbie for Espionage?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
A key piece in the 'witch hunt' against the President is the claim by Liberals that the Russians hacked the DNC, exposing their racist / sexist / homophobic/ anti-Semitic e-mails but more importantly exposing how Democrats did what they claimed the Russians tried to do: Manipulate the outcome of the 2016 election. Not only did they claim the Russians did the hacking, they attempted to connect the President to it by declaring he engaged in in knowing about the hacking / supporting it / etc....which they can't prove,

Evidence shows the Russians ran a military PsyOp program (that Barry knew and did nothing about) that manipulated liberals into organizing and marching for them (the Russians). Evidence also shows the Russians PAID liberal groups - The Black Fist, Black Lives Matters, Antifa - groups that ACCEPTED the money, to spread racial division and violence. (The Russians' overall goal was to divide the United States....and no one has done that better...for them/....than the Democrats and their 'Witch Hunt' against Trump that continues today.)

Evidence Also shows the democratic Party, that claims it was the RUSSIANS who were intent on illegally manipulating the outcome of the 2016 election, successfully did more to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever did. (Evidence also shows the Democrats have created more division in the US tan the Russians hoped to do.)
- The Democrats protected a felon candidate from Indictment, kept her in the race when any GOP candidate would have been forced out, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, stole the DNC nomination from Sanders - who was on the way to beating Hillary, and gave the nomination to a candidate who could not win it on her own.

When all of this was 'hacked' and leaked to the public, 2 things happened:
1) The Democrats and Liberal media immediately claimed to be the victims, focused on the 'hack' and release of their personal data, NOT on the reality / information revealed...of their manipulation of the election.


DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (DWS) failed to do even a half-ass background check on a bunch of Pakistani IT workers, who turned out to be terrorist-connected spies who were under investigation for killing their father, holding their mother hostage while they stole their dead father's money, and much more. She gave them ILLEGAL access to Classified HOUSE files - TERABYTES OF CLASSIFIED WERE DOWNLOADED AND STOLEN. After they were discovered they were banned from the House while an Espionage investigation was opened up against them.

Despite being banned and under investigation, DWS immediately RE-hired Awan, one of the Pakistani spies. She not only gave him illegal access to House files again, she also gave him access to all DNC Member e-mail accounts, to include their usernames and passwords. Gee, surprise, surprise.....not long afterwards the DNC E-mail was hacked 'by the Russians' and their deepest, darkest secrets were leaked....

The Democrats accused the Russians...but refused to allow anyone to look at their server to prove it. An investigation was done, though...and slow-walked. What did the investigation reveal?

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

"Aug 9, 2017 - There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee's system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job"

Technical analysis - data download rate, electronic location signature, etc... - showed the 'hack' and theft of all that data was NOT done from the outside, off-site, as the democrats had claimed. The 'HACK' was an internal downloading of the data onto USBs / memory sticks...

WHO could possibly had access, motive, etc...? Yeah, Debbie's terrorist-connected spy who she had given illegal access to the information, along with their usernames and passwords, a spy who had already been banned from the House and was under investigation for 'Espionage'...working for DNC Chairwoman DWS!


Many of the Pakistanis are now back in Pakistan, under the protection of the Pakistan Govt (...because the Pakistan govt usually steps in and protects lowly innocent IT workers ... at least those proven to have committed espionage)

Time goes on and neither Awan nor DWS has been indicted for their PROVEN crimes....

The incident is still being blamed as part of the 'Russian Hacking'....

All of these 'little things', seemingly innocent 'side stories' are all actually part of the one huge Conspiracy / Treason against the President:

- A refusal to open back up the Hillary investigation and FBI cover-up allows the FBI to skate and the Conspiracy's origin to be ignored

- A refusal to investigate the FBIs crimes of Obstruction, illegal abuse of the FISA Courts / Warrant Process, the Perjury committed by Comey / McCabe adds to the cover-up of the bigger story of the Conspiracy

- A refusal to fully investigate and expose the Pakistani spring and the blaming of the Russians to protect yet another Democrat / Democrat party Crime helps protect the Democrats while helping to perpetuate the false Russian collusion Narrative

There are so many moving criminal parts to this one big huge criminal conspiracy / case of treason and so many Democrats involved, which makes this the largest criminal scandal / cover-up in US history.


"Aug 9, 2017 - There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee's system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job"

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack
A key piece in the 'witch hunt' against the President is the claim by Liberals that the Russians hacked the DNC, exposing their racist / sexist / homophobic/ anti-Semitic e-mails but more importantly exposing how Democrats did what they claimed the Russians tried to do: Manipulate the outcome of the 2016 election. Not only did they claim the Russians did the hacking, they attempted to connect the President to it by declaring he engaged in in knowing about the hacking / supporting it / etc....which they can't prove,

Evidence shows the Russians ran a military PsyOp program (that Barry knew and did nothing about) that manipulated liberals into organizing and marching for them (the Russians). Evidence also shows the Russians PAID liberal groups - The Black Fist, Black Lives Matters, Antifa - groups that ACCEPTED the money, to spread racial division and violence. (The Russians' overall goal was to divide the United States....and no one has done that better...for them/....than the Democrats and their 'Witch Hunt' against Trump that continues today.)

Evidence Also shows the democratic Party, that claims it was the RUSSIANS who were intent on illegally manipulating the outcome of the 2016 election, successfully did more to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever did. (Evidence also shows the Democrats have created more division in the US tan the Russians hoped to do.)
- The Democrats protected a felon candidate from Indictment, kept her in the race when any GOP candidate would have been forced out, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, stole the DNC nomination from Sanders - who was on the way to beating Hillary, and gave the nomination to a candidate who could not win it on her own.

When all of this was 'hacked' and leaked to the public, 2 things happened:
1) The Democrats and Liberal media immediately claimed to be the victims, focused on the 'hack' and release of their personal data, NOT on the reality / information revealed...of their manipulation of the election.


DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (DWS) failed to do even a half-ass background check on a bunch of Pakistani IT workers, who turned out to be terrorist-connected spies who were under investigation for killing their father, holding their mother hostage while they stole their dead father's money, and much more. She gave them ILLEGAL access to Classified HOUSE files - TERABYTES OF CLASSIFIED WERE DOWNLOADED AND STOLEN. After they were discovered they were banned from the House while an Espionage investigation was opened up against them.

Despite being banned and under investigation, DWS immediately RE-hired Awan, one of the Pakistani spies. She not only gave him illegal access to House files again, she also gave him access to all DNC Member e-mail accounts, to include their usernames and passwords. Gee, surprise, surprise.....not long afterwards the DNC E-mail was hacked 'by the Russians' and their deepest, darkest secrets were leaked....

The Democrats accused the Russians...but refused to allow anyone to look at their server to prove it. An investigation was done, though...and slow-walked. What did the investigation reveal?

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

"Aug 9, 2017 - There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee's system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job"

Technical analysis - data download rate, electronic location signature, etc... - showed the 'hack' and theft of all that data was NOT done from the outside, off-site, as the democrats had claimed. The 'HACK' was an internal downloading of the data onto USBs / memory sticks...

WHO could possibly had access, motive, etc...? Yeah, Debbie's terrorist-connected spy who she had given illegal access to the information, along with their usernames and passwords, a spy who had already been banned from the House and was under investigation for 'Espionage'...working for DNC Chairwoman DWS!


Many of the Pakistanis are now back in Pakistan, under the protection of the Pakistan Govt (...because the Pakistan govt usually steps in and protects lowly innocent IT workers ... at least those proven to have committed espionage)

Time goes on and neither Awan nor DWS has been indicted for their PROVEN crimes....

The incident is still being blamed as part of the 'Russian Hacking'....

All of these 'little things', seemingly innocent 'side stories' are all actually part of the one huge Conspiracy / Treason against the President:

- A refusal to open back up the Hillary investigation and FBI cover-up allows the FBI to skate and the Conspiracy's origin to be ignored

- A refusal to investigate the FBIs crimes of Obstruction, illegal abuse of the FISA Courts / Warrant Process, the Perjury committed by Comey / McCabe adds to the cover-up of the bigger story of the Conspiracy

- A refusal to fully investigate and expose the Pakistani spring and the blaming of the Russians to protect yet another Democrat / Democrat party Crime helps protect the Democrats while helping to perpetuate the false Russian collusion Narrative

There are so many moving criminal parts to this one big huge criminal conspiracy / case of treason and so many Democrats involved, which makes this the largest criminal scandal / cover-up in US history.


"Aug 9, 2017 - There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee's system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job"

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack
Ruh Roooooh! We're still waiting for that promised Special Counsel on H. Clinton. It's been since July....

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